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Priest Condemns Miniskirts


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[quote name='XIX' post='1633139' date='Aug 20 2008, 06:23 PM']I think it's crucial to emphasize a certain point:

Giving advice for avoiding a crime is not the same thing as saying a person deserves to have a certain crime happen to her if she doesn't fully defend herself against said crime.[/quote]
good point.

[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1633141' date='Aug 20 2008, 06:25 PM']Yeah, and many women/girls are socialized to dress immodestly because there's this fake idea of beauty out there that says more skin = more beautiful. :wacko:[/quote]
:ohno: it's very sad.

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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1633134' date='Aug 20 2008, 07:19 PM']Sadly, a lot of men/boys are socialized not to be respectable, though. When men/boys are taught to think of women as objects. And while a man's entertaining fantasies is his problem, it could turn into a larger problem, should these fantasies be acted out. It's not that men can't control themselves, it's just that to a point, in our society, they're told they don't have to, and some seem to have problems stopping at that point.

Yes, they rape for power, but they'll also go for ease. It's a lot easier to rape someone who is wearing a miniskirt that it will be to rape a woman wearing jeans. Obviously, since it's possible to get raped while wearing jeans, as well, it's not going to eliminate the problem if no one wore miniskirts, it just may make them more of a target if they are. And I do not mean that they are asking for it or anything like that, just making the point that the way someone is dressed could affect their becoming a target.[/quote]

Most rapists rape people who they know. There is a social connection between the people involved in one way or another. Rapists are not people who just make snap judgments saying, that girl has a mini-skirt, short shorts, or tight jeans, I'm going to rape her. Sorry, they are much more calculated than that. All Rapists are serial, because no rapists only rape once.

They get to know the people they are about to rape, plan it subtly, and will execute at a time and place of they're deciding. They are filthy beasts, and they should get much more stricter punishments. I think life in prison should be appropriate, because most studies show that a rapist will continue to rape all through they're lives. So lets remove them from society to protect women everywhere.

Why do the prisons fill up with people who smoke a joint, and yet rapists serve a few years get released only to be there again soon. It doesn't make much sense to me!

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1633145' date='Aug 20 2008, 08:28 PM']Most rapists rape people who they know. There is a social connection between the people involved in one way or another. Rapists are not people who just make snap judgments saying, that girl has a mini-skirt, short shorts, or tight jeans, I'm going to rape her. Sorry, they are much more calculated than that. All Rapists are serial, because no rapists only rape once.

They get to know the people they are about to rape, plan it subtly, and will execute at a time and place of they're deciding. They are filthy beasts, and they should get much more stricter punishments. I think life in prison should be appropriate, because most studies show that a rapist will continue to rape all through they're lives. So lets remove them from society to protect women everywhere.

Why do the prisons fill up with people who smoke a joint, and yet rapists serve a few years get released only to be there again soon. It doesn't make much sense to me![/quote]
That still doesn't mean all rapists know their victims. Not all are calculated.

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