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Born Again Christians

Nihil Obstat

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[quote name='Selah' post='1633901' date='Aug 21 2008, 07:25 PM']hey, that lady brought it on herself. As Mo'Nique would say, when you act a fool on tv, they have the power to cut it, edit it, etc....so be careful how you portray yourself. it might come back to bite ya in the butt.[/quote]

And you know, in the episodes previous to her explosion, the woman was fairly normal and nice! Sure, she thumbed up her nose a lot because the family she stayed with was sort of New Age, and she refused to sit next to a "psychic" during a radio show because she believed it to be "dark-sided". (While I don't support practices like astrology and stuff, the woman could've been way more charitable...she totally offended the "psychic" guy and by acting up, she just gives Christians a bad name.)

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[quote name='Selah' post='1633901' date='Aug 21 2008, 07:25 PM']hey, that lady brought it on herself. As Mo'Nique would say, when you act a fool on tv, they have the power to cut it, edit it, etc....so be careful how you portray yourself. it might come back to bite ya in the butt.[/quote]


Though, I wouldn't put it past a Satanist who pretends to be a Christian to act like she apparently did. Remember, they are at war with our side, so making us look like a bunch of nut jobs helps they're goals!

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1633585' date='Aug 21 2008, 11:42 AM']Why did you say the above three sentenses?

So, instead of putting up the first three sentences, ask if the majority of they believe in the father, son and holy spirit, because it can be interpreted as a judgment.

You through process is not too clear here. Albeit, you did say a whole bunch of ifs, but this is primarily a Catholic Message Board, so you can expect a whole lot of negative comments after this. Some protestants might think you are setting up people to be nasty comments like this

or this one made by you

One of the terms of service on this message board is not to offend people, and how many people just did that by playing into their negative attitudes towards non-catholics?

All caused because you had to put up this stupid post? What did you hope to accomplish by putting this post up? Give your head a shake![/quote]
My friend... this is ridiculous.
Before those "three sentences" you had such a problem with, I CLEARY said that Born-Again Christians are stereotyped in the media. That would be why I made this thread. I want to know if there's any truth behind it. Give your own head a shake please.
I posted this thread NOT to cause "Protestant bashing". I wanted to know if this is a legitimate occurence, and if it is, I want to know why.
Is that too much to ask?
Please stop putting words in my mouth. It bugs me to no end when people try that croutons.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1634779' date='Aug 22 2008, 02:45 PM']My friend... this is ridiculous.
Before those "three sentences" you had such a problem with, I CLEARY said that Born-Again Christians are stereotyped in the media. That would be why I made this thread. I want to know if there's any truth behind it. Give your own head a shake please.
I posted this thread NOT to cause "Protestant bashing". I wanted to know if this is a legitimate occurence, and if it is, I want to know why.
Is that too much to ask?
Please stop putting words in my mouth. It bugs me to no end when people try that croutons.[/quote]

Okay, I will apologize for saying that you may be setting things up for some protestant bashing, which happens a lot on this board.

It would be been better to say, is there a bias against born again christians in the Media, because whenever I seem to see one on TV are made out to look like they are a bunch of nut jobs. Do you think this is right?

And then people would say, hey, yeah that happens a lot. I don't really like because they're pretty much attacking anybody who believes in Christ.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1634823' date='Aug 22 2008, 02:54 PM']Okay, I will apologize for saying that you may be setting things up for some protestant bashing, which happens a lot on this board.

It would be been better to say, is there a bias against born again christians in the Media, because whenever I seem to see one on TV are made out to look like they are a bunch of nut jobs. Do you think this is right?

And then people would say, hey, yeah that happens a lot. I don't really like because they're pretty much attacking anybody who believes in Christ.[/quote]

Would it have been better to say that? In my opinion, no. That's not what my question is. The question isn't really about what biases there are against Protestants, it was about whether or not my observations are representative, and if so why? Similar, but different emphasis, which is why I phrased it the way I did.
To clarify...

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1631379' date='Aug 19 2008, 12:27 AM']So... there are born again Christians in the media sometimes. [b]They're very stereotyped of course, but there's something I've started to notice.[/b]

They really really focus on Jesus.
They pray to Jesus ("In Jesus' name...").
I get the impression that when they say "Praise the Lord!" they mean Jesus.

[b]This isn't bad of course, it's a good thing...[/b]

...but I don't hear them mention God as often, much less the Holy Spirit.

[b]Am I correct, or is this just the way they've been stereotyped?[/b] I just don't notice them mention God often. At least not nearly as often as Jesus.
[b]If I'm right[/b], then why is this the case?[/quote]

I added the bold just now, which I believe I'm entitled to do with my own post. You'll notice that I never go into subjects like this without establishing that I may be completely wrong.

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1634823' date='Aug 22 2008, 02:54 PM']Okay, I will apologize for saying that you may be setting things up for some protestant bashing, which happens a lot on this board.[/quote]

Thanks, that's all I really need to hear. :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Dealing regularly with "born-again Chritians" the thing that strikes me most is that the regard Our Lord as one of them; He is at the same level, so to speak.
They don't regard Him as the Almighty,Omnipotent God, for whom we should have a holy fear.

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[quote name='Majella' post='1651998' date='Sep 10 2008, 12:28 AM']Dealing regularly with "born-again Chritians" the thing that strikes me most is that the regard Our Lord as one of them; He is at the same level, so to speak.
They don't regard Him as the Almighty,Omnipotent God, for whom we should have a holy fear.[/quote]
Its the "Jesus is my best buddy deal" forgetting he is God the Son, present at Creation and waiting for the completion of Revelation.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1652015' date='Sep 9 2008, 10:39 PM']Its the "Jesus is my best buddy deal" forgetting he is God the Son, present at Creation and waiting for the completion of Revelation.[/quote]
Would it be all right to say He was both? :)
I'll bet he had some laughs with the disciples, right?

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[quote]Would it be all right to say He was both?
I'll bet he had some laughs with the disciples, right?[/quote]

I'm sure he did. i think what annoys me is the "Jesus is my homeboy" attitude. Ugh. "Word up, big G!" What the heck???? lol.

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[quote name='Selah' post='1652827' date='Sep 10 2008, 10:52 PM']I'm sure he did. i think what annoys me is the "Jesus is my homeboy" attitude. Ugh. "Word up, big G!" What the heck???? lol.[/quote]
I understand both sides, but I agree with you definitely. It's a fine line, not emphasizing His humanity over His divinity, and vice versa. We fall into both problems often.
What would you think would be a proper balance, if not the 'Jesus as a homeboy' type thing? I was trying to come up with something myself, but nothing came. :)

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[quote]What would you think would be a proper balance, if not the 'Jesus as a homeboy' type thing? I was trying to come up with something myself, but nothing came[/quote]

a loved and respected friend, I suppose. *shrugs*

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[quote name='Selah' post='1652835' date='Sep 10 2008, 11:00 PM']a loved and respected friend, I suppose. *shrugs*[/quote]
Oops. That's pretty obvious. :) Sorry, it's late. :D Well... it's not late; I was up late last night.

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