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Born Again Christians

Nihil Obstat

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Nihil Obstat

So... there are born again Christians in the media sometimes. They're very stereotyped of course, but there's something I've started to notice.

They really really focus on Jesus.
They pray to Jesus ("In Jesus' name...").
I get the impression that when they say "Praise the Lord!" they mean Jesus.

This isn't bad of course, it's a good thing...

...but I don't hear them mention God as often, much less the Holy Spirit.

Am I correct, or is this just the way they've been stereotyped? I just don't notice them mention God often. At least not nearly as often as Jesus.
If I'm right, then why is this the case?

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[quote]They pray to Jesus ("In Jesus' name...").[/quote]

This just reminds me of that insane woman on [i]Wife Swap[/i].

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE [directed at the camera people], IN JESUS' NAME I PRAY. But if you love Jesus, you can stay."

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Nihil Obstat

I was thinking of Dog the Bounty Hunter (who I love in spite of everything! :)) )
Whenever they go out on the hunt, they say a prayer first. They always end with "In Jesus' name, Amen (amen has a long A, of course)" Then the one guy that they almost never show does the sign of the cross. That part cracks me up. I think they secretly shun him.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631391' date='Aug 19 2008, 12:36 AM'][url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCh2FXzD6R4&feature=related"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCh2FXzD6R4...feature=related[/url][/quote]
That woman is insane. :(

...but she proved my point "All you dark-sided people, get out of my house! If you believe *in Jesus* you can stay."

That's what I mean.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1631395' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:47 AM']That woman is insane. :(

...but she proved my point "All you dark-sided people, get out of my house! If you believe *in Jesus* you can stay."

That's what I mean.[/quote]

Yup, which is why I brought it up. And I think it's [i]Trading Spouses[/i] not [i]Wife Swap[/i]. My mistake.

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631398' date='Aug 19 2008, 12:51 AM']Yup, which is why I brought it up. And I think it's [i]Trading Spouses[/i] not [i]Wife Swap[/i]. My mistake.[/quote]
It was, but not a big deal. I don't watch either. I hardly ever watch tv. :P
Aaanyway, I guess I'll wait for tomorrow to get some responses about this.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1631400' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:53 AM']It was, but not a big deal. I don't watch either. I hardly ever watch tv. :P
Aaanyway, I guess I'll wait for tomorrow to get some responses about this.[/quote]

My response doesn't fit the requirements? I provided some darn good humor. :P

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Farsight one

I've noticed this for quite some time. It's Jesus this and Jesus that. They pray to specifically Jesus. They worship specifically Jesus. Sometimes, when someone prays to the Father, they'll get looks on their faces to suggest that they feel awkward. And there's just never a mention of the Holy Spirit at all. Yeah, they're all the same person, but concentrating on one aspect of that person seems to be improper. I suspect that in the next decade or so, there will be a huge movement in Christianity that begins to reject the trinity (Jesus was entirely God, and not also his son. The holy spirit is not God but just a spirit. Etc.)

Maybe that's why they think we worship the pope. They give only a third of the praise to God that they can, see us giving similar levels of praise to the pope, and simply assume that we're worshiping the pope instead of realizing that their "worship" is not exactly authentic in the first place.

Though to be completely honest, I think the Holy Spirit doesn't get paid attention to enough even in the Catholic church.

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[quote]Yeah, they're all the same person,[/quote]

ahhhAHhhhh red flag red flag. no, that's pretty much the one thing they are NOT. they are three persons, one God... it is very important to speak precisely about such things! :smokey: :cyclops:

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I pray in Jesus name to the Father. I love talking to the Father, and asking him stuff in the name of his son. It's cool.

You guys are really bigoted. Nobody should start a thread like this, because you come off like some old stodgy people who can't see things from another person's perspective!

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631384' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:32 AM']This just reminds me of that insane woman on [i]Wife Swap[/i].[/quote]



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Madame Vengier

Actually, the ones I have been around talk a lot about the Holy Spirit. And "Father God". And they talk about "the Blood of Jesus". I don't think it's fair to say they only say "Jesus". But then again, you can only draw conclusions based on your own experiences, so.

I admire the deep faith of evangelicals and born-agains (whatever they call themselves) and their total lack of embarassment to say the name of Jesus publicly and proudly. But in general I find them too overwrought and overly-emotional. And I'm not that convinced that throwing the most holy Name of Jesus around all the time is necessarily all that reverent. Well, I'm not saying it's IRreverent, just that it seems to lose its force and power when it gets tossed around. It makes the ones saying it sound...well, overwrought and overly emotional.

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Farsight one

[quote name='Aloysius' post='1631405' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:20 AM']ahhhAHhhhh red flag red flag. no, that's pretty much the one thing they are NOT. they are three persons, one God... it is very important to speak precisely about such things! :smokey: :cyclops:[/quote]True. But you know what I meant right?

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