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Why Are There So Few Non-catholics Here?


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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632054' date='Aug 19 2008, 07:00 PM']My ears were burning. Yes, my husband believes in God. God sometimes talks to him, and I mean REALLY talks to him. I've seen priests come out of the confessional bathed in sweat after he's been in there.

Gosh, I never knew that all he had to do was think himself better. I guess he should just go off his meds. RIGHT. I want him running naked down the street talking to werewolves. Even with the meds, when he gets over tired he thinks the TV is talking to him or the phone has been bugged by CSIS. I just shuffle him off to bed.

Someone who tries to tell people who have depression that they should go off their meds, has gone beyond just being a troll, they are now dangerous. I actually threatened our Archbishop with legal action because of a Lenten series in the Western Catholic Reporter spouting the same foolishness. The editor was asleep at the switch at the time because he was running for political office. The series got pulled the next week. If someone stops taking their meds because of such stupid, unwise advice, and hurts themselves or someone else as a result, the person giving such horrifically bad advice can be held personally liable, and if not on in a civil court, then in a much higher court.

I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.[/quote]

That's no joke. I have a history of mental illness in my family. When my Schitzophrenic great aunt died in the house fire she started (apparently to kill herself) thinking happy thoughts really didin't help much.

Meds save lives, mental illness is no joke.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632113' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:37 PM']What? You've never heard of someone married to a werewolf? Mixed marriages can be difficult. He may have a shedding problem, but he never complains about my housekeeping. Not every wife can say that.[/quote]

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632054' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:00 PM']My ears were burning. Yes, my husband believes in God. God sometimes talks to him, and I mean REALLY talks to him. I've seen priests come out of the confessional bathed in sweat after he's been in there.

Gosh, I never knew that all he had to do was think himself better. I guess he should just go off his meds. RIGHT. I want him running naked down the street talking to werewolves. Even with the meds, when he gets over tired he thinks the TV is talking to him or the phone has been bugged by CSIS. I just shuffle him off to bed.

Someone who tries to tell people who have depression that they should go off their meds, has gone beyond just being a troll, they are now dangerous. I actually threatened our Archbishop with legal action because of a Lenten series in the Western Catholic Reporter spouting the same foolishness. The editor was asleep at the switch at the time because he was running for political office. The series got pulled the next week. If someone stops taking their meds because of such stupid, unwise advice, and hurts themselves or someone else as a result, the person giving such horrifically bad advice can be held personally liable, and if not on in a civil court, then in a much higher court.

I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.[/quote]

What will you guys offer for me to leave?

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[quote name='Hassan' post='1632255' date='Aug 19 2008, 10:32 PM']That's no joke. I have a history of mental illness in my family. When my Schitzophrenic great aunt died in the house fire she started (apparently to kill herself) thinking happy thoughts really didin't help much.

Meds save lives, mental illness is no joke.[/quote]

I don't think that she was making it a joke. She was giving a picture for MYT to see when someone with Schizophrenia is off meds.

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[quote name='picchick' post='1632281' date='Aug 19 2008, 09:54 PM']I don't think that she was making it a joke. She was giving a picture for MYT to see when someone with Schizophrenia is off meds.[/quote]

You're right, I wasn't joking. My husband, his mother, his great grandmother, and several of his cousins have/had schizophrenia. One of his cousins committed suicide because of it. My husband has never consciously missed his medicine because he knows how important it is. He's the Canadian poster child for taking your medicine. When he first became ill in 1992 and was psychotic, he thought he was a werewolf, and often uses that as an opening joke when giving speeches about schizophrenia, mental illness and fighting stigma. He just came back from Montreal this morning after giving a speech yesterday at the annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association.

Over the years I represented over 50 clients who had schizophrenia or another serious mental illness. I didn't go looking for a man who had a mental illness, I just wasn't afraid when he told me he had schizophrenia. When he finally told me, I just said, that's interesting, so what. He thought I didn't understand what the word meant. I'm just able to separate a person from the disease. I find it to be just an interesting part of his personality. In my mind, it is like diabetes. It is a disease of blood chemistry that will require a lifetime of medication, monitoring, and occasionally hospitalization. My being willing to look past his illness allowed me to fall in love with one of the best men I have ever met in my life.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631969' date='Aug 19 2008, 06:00 PM']I've suffered depression before missy, so don't go judging me for my opinions![/quote]

If you did not need medication, then this means you either had hormonal depression (many teenagers goes through this) or situational depression (which lasts for a couple of months and is tied to the situation, not your biology).

[quote]You anger me.[/quote]


[quote]And I said, [b]unless[/b] they are brain damaged. I didn't say they were. . . I said, unless a physical injury to they're head occured that causes this, then they should just accept what is happening to them as a normal experience and accept it and allow time to deal with it. But people want a quick fix immediately, which shouldn't be done unless due to extreme circumstances.

Your reasoning is why many people become addicted to over the counter drugs![/quote]

I'm not even going to bother with this part.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632333' date='Aug 19 2008, 11:28 PM']You're right, I wasn't joking. My husband, his mother, his great grandmother, and several of his cousins have/had schizophrenia. One of his cousins committed suicide because of it. My husband has never consciously missed his medicine because he knows how important it is. He's the Canadian poster child for taking your medicine. When he first became ill in 1992 and was psychotic, he thought he was a werewolf, and often uses that as an opening joke when giving speeches about schizophrenia, mental illness and fighting stigma. He just came back from Montreal this morning after giving a speech yesterday at the annual meeting of the Canadian Medical Association.

Over the years I represented over 50 clients who had schizophrenia or another serious mental illness. I didn't go looking for a man who had a mental illness, I just wasn't afraid when he told me he had schizophrenia. When he finally told me, I just said, that's interesting, so what. He thought I didn't understand what the word meant. I'm just able to separate a person from the disease. I find it to be just an interesting part of his personality. In my mind, it is like diabetes. It is a disease of blood chemistry that will require a lifetime of medication, monitoring, and occasionally hospitalization. My being willing to look past his illness allowed me to fall in love with one of the best men I have ever met in my life.[/quote]

There need to be more people like you in the world. How much better would life be for people fighting stigma's if they had that same attitude? Tons better.

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Okay, I'll admit defeat.

Not all medication is good. I took Ritalin for 8 years as a child, which caused severe depression, where I almost committed suicide twice during my teen years, and caused a whole bunch of short-term memory damage, where my tested as the bottom 10 per cent of what people can be tested at, though I didn't know it a the time, all because I was misdiagnosed as having ADHD. I didn't realize how much that drug damaged me, until I read medical reports about what its side effects were a year ago. I still take Tylenol only in extreme cases, because I wary of what drugs can do to a person, including brain damage!

But hey, if there is ample proof that people can benefit from something I wouldn't bother taking, sobeit.

I've also had moments of manic-depression too. during times of extreme stress, where one moment I would be staring at the ceiling not wanting to get out of bed because it wasn't worth living my life at the moment, and then screaming a modems for not working, and then acting like a maniac, only to go to God and say, you said you can restore the spirit of a mind. I am not healthy God, please, please, please, restore me back to health, and then I started to cry for the first time in weeks, forgiving all those people who had put me under stress for the past 6 months!

But what does any of this have to do why so few Non-Catholics being here?

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632054' date='Aug 19 2008, 07:00 PM']My ears were burning. Yes, my husband believes in God. God sometimes talks to him, and I mean REALLY talks to him. I've seen priests come out of the confessional bathed in sweat after he's been in there.

Gosh, I never knew that all he had to do was think himself better. I guess he should just go off his meds. RIGHT. I want him running naked down the street talking to werewolves. Even with the meds, when he gets over tired he thinks the TV is talking to him or the phone has been bugged by CSIS. I just shuffle him off to bed.

Someone who tries to tell people who have depression that they should go off their meds, has gone beyond just being a troll, they are now dangerous. I actually threatened our Archbishop with legal action because of a Lenten series in the Western Catholic Reporter spouting the same foolishness. The editor was asleep at the switch at the time because he was running for political office. The series got pulled the next week. If someone stops taking their meds because of such stupid, unwise advice, and hurts themselves or someone else as a result, the person giving such horrifically bad advice can be held personally liable, and if not on in a civil court, then in a much higher court.

I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.[/quote]
I think you're my favourite person on Phatmass.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631969' date='Aug 19 2008, 05:00 PM']And since, I have had depression and not taken drugs for it, I can say you don't need them for depression.[/quote]

Wow you must be joking. So your personal experience applies to EVERYONE?

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1632393' date='Aug 20 2008, 12:42 AM']But what does any of this have to do why so few Non-Catholics being here?[/quote]
There is really nothing we can do about it....really...just as you said you cannot bring people to God, we cannot like force non-Catholics to come here. People come here by choice. That is pretty much your answer. There have been times where non-Catholics will come and become Catholic :D So I really don't know if you are going to get the answer you want. No they are not banned or kicked out. There are many non-Cathoics here who are not kicked out. If you break a rule, well then you get warned and such. People, Catholics and non-Catholics have been warned. Non-Catholics are not discriminated against here. But they choose not to come. :idontknow:

[quote name='Kitty' post='1632454' date='Aug 20 2008, 02:31 AM']Wow you must be joking. So your personal experience applies to EVERYONE?[/quote]
Read his latest post ;) Its all good now.

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Nothing we can do? Bloggers could put phatmass labels on their blogs, we could get phatmass ads on Catholic/Christian web sites, and especially on secular web sites that interest Catholics, Christians, and religious people in general. Some of that costs money, but it all depends on how much Dust wants phatmass to grow. Right now, as far as I can tell, this site is just kinda here without much of any promotion or marketing.

Does anyone recall how they found phatmass? I really don't remember. :)

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1632955' date='Aug 20 2008, 05:21 PM']Does anyone recall how they found phatmass? I really don't remember. :)[/quote]

I'm a brand new member (just joined today) so I [i]think[/i] I can remember. ;) I found PM through a [url="http://intothedeep.wordpress.com"]Catholic blog[/url]. Some of the Catholic forums are pretty well hidden. I've often wished there was a [b]St. Blog's[/b] just for Catholic forums.

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[quote name='MamaHen' post='1633009' date='Aug 20 2008, 06:07 PM']I'm a brand new member (just joined today) so I [i]think[/i] I can remember. ;) I found PM through a [url="http://intothedeep.wordpress.com"]Catholic blog[/url]. Some of the Catholic forums are pretty well hidden. I've often wished there was a [b]St. Blog's[/b] just for Catholic forums.[/quote]
why don't you make one? :whistle:

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1632393' date='Aug 20 2008, 12:42 AM']But what does any of this have to do why so few Non-Catholics being here?[/quote]
Because non-Catholics don't usually go looking for a Catholic website. :mellow:

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