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Why Are There So Few Non-catholics Here?


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[quote name='picchick' post='1631891' date='Aug 19 2008, 04:40 PM']Dude, you need to spend one day with people in a psych ward. Seriously. People have mental disorders that prevent them from living life. It is not their fault. It isn't that they view life the wrong way. It is because they have explainable problems called CHEMICAL IMBALANCES. Yes, they exist. I am guessing that you haven't taken any courses on the body like biology...anatomy...physiology. Because in those courses would you learn about things called dopamine...and seratonin....and reuptake. Obviously you haven't.

There are people who are depressed because they cannot control what is going on with them. It isn't that everything is happening bad to them in their life and that they do not have God as their focus. Many people have God as their focus but they are just depressed. DEPRESSION IS AN DISORDER! Sometimes doing certain non-pharmacological, or non-medication (things that do not require medication) can help like meditation, journaling and whatnot. However, there are serious forms of depression that require medication. And because of that medication people are able to life life. Bipolar is a disorder that REQUIRES medication. Schizophrenia REQUIRES medication. If you think not then again, spend ONE day in a psychiatric unit...it will really change the way you see mental disorders.

Furthermore, it is people like you, who make judgemental statements and claim OPINION!! that hurt people with mental disorders today. People with mental disorders and disabilities are totally misunderstood by so many people. They are told: "Snap out of it" "Just sit still" "Why can't you focus?" "What is wrong with you?" "Why can't you just be normal?" They are rejected in jobs, in homes, shelters. They are denied pain medication, help, and the time of day. Instead of comments like the ones you make, they need understanding, help and support.

Sure, some may abuse the system. But guess what???? People do that with EVERYTHING. People abuse the government. People abuse the health care system besides the psychiatric part. So does that automatically mean that we stop using those? No, psychiatrists and psychologists are there to help people with mental disorders.

Insead of insulting people and making statements that you obviously know nothing about, maybe you should just thank God that you are healthy. Maybe you need to take some courses on mental illnesses to make informed opinions instead of ignorant opinions just to get a rise outta people. Until then you have now made youself look like an idiot in front of people who know more than you.

Thank you, Meg. You said what I wanted to in a much clearer way. :)

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631418' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:54 AM']You are very uneducated when it comes to this topic, as you have just shown. Especially since you assume that you can tell people about God and instantly cure them of their illnesses - which implies that they are simply making it up.

And no, people with psychological illness do not have "brain damage" they have chemical imbalances.[/quote]

I've suffered depression before missy, so don't go judging me for my opinions!

Or didn't you read that in your haste to judge me. Judge not. . .

And since, I have had depression and not taken drugs for it, I can say you don't need them for depression.

You anger me.

And I said, [b]unless[/b] they are brain damaged. I didn't say they were. . . I said, unless a physical injury to they're head occured that causes this, then they should just accept what is happening to them as a normal experience and accept it and allow time to deal with it. But people want a quick fix immediately, which shouldn't be done unless due to extreme circumstances.

Your reasoning is why many people become addicted to over the counter drugs!

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[quote name='picchick' post='1631891' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:40 PM']Dude, you need to spend one day with people in a psych ward. Seriously. People have mental disorders that prevent them from living life. It is not their fault. It isn't that they view life the wrong way. It is because they have explainable problems called CHEMICAL IMBALANCES. Yes, they exist. I am guessing that you haven't taken any courses on the body like biology...anatomy...physiology. Because in those courses would you learn about things called dopamine...and seratonin....and reuptake. Obviously you haven't.

There are people who are depressed because they cannot control what is going on with them. It isn't that everything is happening bad to them in their life and that they do not have God as their focus. Many people have God as their focus but they are just depressed. DEPRESSION IS AN DISORDER! Sometimes doing certain non-pharmacological, or non-medication (things that do not require medication) can help like meditation, journaling and whatnot. However, there are serious forms of depression that require medication. And because of that medication people are able to life life. Bipolar is a disorder that REQUIRES medication. Schizophrenia REQUIRES medication. If you think not then again, spend ONE day in a psychiatric unit...it will really change the way you see mental disorders.

Furthermore, it is people like you, who make judgemental statements and claim OPINION!! that hurt people with mental disorders today. People with mental disorders and disabilities are totally misunderstood by so many people. They are told: "Snap out of it" "Just sit still" "Why can't you focus?" "What is wrong with you?" "Why can't you just be normal?" They are rejected in jobs, in homes, shelters. They are denied pain medication, help, and the time of day. Instead of comments like the ones you make, they need understanding, help and support.

Sure, some may abuse the system. But guess what???? People do that with EVERYTHING. People abuse the government. People abuse the health care system besides the psychiatric part. So does that automatically mean that we stop using those? No, psychiatrists and psychologists are there to help people with mental disorders.

Insead of insulting people and making statements that you obviously know nothing about, maybe you should just thank God that you are healthy. Maybe you need to take some courses on mental illnesses to make informed opinions instead of ignorant opinions just to get a rise outta people. Until then you have now made youself look like an idiot in front of people who know more than you.


Here's the thing nobody seems to understand.

[size=7]I have had depression and not taken any drugs for it[/size]

And then I started to get out of it in a few months of just acceptance and allowing my body to heal itself naturally!

Marvelous thing the body is. It can do miracles if we allow it!

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[quote name='MissScripture' post='1631499' date='Aug 19 2008, 10:39 AM']:blink: Budge wasn't nuts??[/quote]

Well, yes, but Sunny was...very nuts...

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[quote name='Selah' post='1631980' date='Aug 19 2008, 05:11 PM']Well, yes, but Sunny was...very nuts...[/quote]
That's actually kind of impressive...

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631969' date='Aug 19 2008, 07:00 PM']I've suffered depression before missy, so don't go judging me for my opinions!

Or didn't you read that in your haste to judge me. Judge not. . .

And since, I have had depression and not taken drugs for it, I can say you don't need them for depression.

You anger me.

And I said, [b]unless[/b] they are brain damaged. I didn't say they were. . . I said, unless a physical injury to they're head occured that causes this, then they should just accept what is happening to them as a normal experience and accept it and allow time to deal with it. But people want a quick fix immediately, which shouldn't be done unless due to extreme circumstances.

Your reasoning is why many people become addicted to over the counter drugs![/quote]
Psych meds are NOT over-the-counter drugs!
There is a difference between depression and Depression. The first is a normal and annoying reaction to something in your life, the second is a life-changing and sometimes life-ending event. I have had both and came beaver dam close to dying from the second. For the record I am not brain-damaged :) Your attitude is simplistic and uneducated, and therefore unreliable on this subject.

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Aww, man. Depression su[font="Arial"]c[/font]ks. So does anxiety.

Edited by rachael
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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631976' date='Aug 19 2008, 06:09 PM']Here's the thing nobody seems to understand.

[size=7]I have had depression and not taken any drugs for it[/size]

And then I started to get out of it in a few months of just acceptance and allowing my body to heal itself naturally!

Marvelous thing the body is. It can do miracles if we allow it![/quote]

And you [b]OBVIOUSLY[/b] did not read mine fully. Some people's bodies DO NOT I repeat for you not to miss it....[b]DO NOT[/b] heal itself naturally. You might suggest or ask, what did people do when there was no medication? They were locked up, they were killed, they were outcasts. Luckily people are no longer locked up, or killed for their mental disorders. They are still outcasts. Mainly because many people have the same idea and opinion of yours that they are just not allowing their bodies to do what it needs to do. These people, if they do not stay on their medications, can actually do harm to themselves or others.

Let's take for example one of my patients in the psych ward or went off her medication. She wandered in the snow in a manic state and as a result had severe frost bite on her feet. How about the mother near me who years ago killed her three children. She was suffering from postpartum depression. If women who are going through postpartum depression without help it could lead to serious consequences like this mother did.

Do not be stubborn on this issue. Please. If for anyone try to understand for those people out there who are looked down upon because they have a mental disorder. It is really really painful. I know. I have seen it.


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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1631852' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:47 PM']Oh, I can't wait until Catherine gets to your severely ignorant heine about this one. (Her husband is an upstanding Knight of Columbus, and a man who has been recognized for having overcome his difficulty with Schizophrenia. But hey, he's just a wussy with a silly made-up problem who doesn't trust in God. Yeah, that's it.)[/quote]

My ears were burning. Yes, my husband believes in God. God sometimes talks to him, and I mean REALLY talks to him. I've seen priests come out of the confessional bathed in sweat after he's been in there.

Gosh, I never knew that all he had to do was think himself better. I guess he should just go off his meds. RIGHT. I want him running naked down the street talking to werewolves. Even with the meds, when he gets over tired he thinks the TV is talking to him or the phone has been bugged by CSIS. I just shuffle him off to bed.

Someone who tries to tell people who have depression that they should go off their meds, has gone beyond just being a troll, they are now dangerous. I actually threatened our Archbishop with legal action because of a Lenten series in the Western Catholic Reporter spouting the same foolishness. The editor was asleep at the switch at the time because he was running for political office. The series got pulled the next week. If someone stops taking their meds because of such stupid, unwise advice, and hurts themselves or someone else as a result, the person giving such horrifically bad advice can be held personally liable, and if not on in a civil court, then in a much higher court.

I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632054' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:00 PM']My ears were burning. Yes, my husband believes in God. God sometimes talks to him, and I mean REALLY talks to him. I've seen priests come out of the confessional bathed in sweat after he's been in there.

Gosh, I never knew that all he had to do was think himself better. I guess he should just go off his meds. RIGHT. I want him running naked down the street talking to werewolves. Even with the meds, when he gets over tired he thinks the TV is talking to him or the phone has been bugged by CSIS. I just shuffle him off to bed.

Someone who tries to tell people who have depression that they should go off their meds, has gone beyond just being a troll, they are now dangerous. I actually threatened our Archbishop with legal action because of a Lenten series in the Western Catholic Reporter spouting the same foolishness. The editor was asleep at the switch at the time because he was running for political office. The series got pulled the next week. If someone stops taking their meds because of such stupid, unwise advice, and hurts themselves or someone else as a result, the person giving such horrifically bad advice can be held personally liable, and if not on in a civil court, then in a much higher court.

I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.[/quote]
And this is why you amuse me. :love:

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[quote name='rachael' post='1632075' date='Aug 19 2008, 07:11 PM']And this is why you amuse me. :love:[/quote]

What? You've never heard of someone married to a werewolf? Mixed marriages can be difficult. He may have a shedding problem, but he never complains about my housekeeping. Not every wife can say that.

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Farsight one

MakeYouThink - Buddy, I [i]work[/i] at a psych hospital. As a matter of fact, I am posting from the hospital right now. Nothing you said has any merit or application to any of my patients. There is NO way you're going to win this one. You are simply flat out wrong. Like "2+2=5" kind of wrong.

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1632054' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:00 PM']I think our new troll should crawl back under the rock they came from before I get feisty.[/quote]

I am with you...I tend to get very fired up about things like this where medical advice is wrong. :boxer:

MakeYouThink: learn about what you are saying. Your case is not the same as others. Many others NEED to take meds.


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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1631798' date='Aug 19 2008, 04:02 PM']rotfl.

You got a third debate lined up? I miss the Scripture discussions...[/quote]

I could try cmom. ;) It's just that I can better defend Catholicism now than anything Protestant.

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