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Why Are There So Few Non-catholics Here?


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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631414' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:49 AM']Psychiatry is not the answer.

The reason the world is falling apart is nobody trusts God anymore. We've got this done it alone attitude now, and that leads people to having problems, way to many problems, because they don't know how to be still and let God be God. So they medicate themselves, or seek other people to help them through they're troubles.

Now, I'm not saying someone who has brain damage that makes all those disorders occur shouldn't take medication, but most people just don't know themselves enough to understand what is going on in their body.

Every single one of these conditions, unless physical brain damage has been caused, is because of one or more of our intelligences are out of whack, be it we imagine all our fears happening (mental), we feel dead inside (emotional), or we go from extreme activity to no activity (instinctual). We just need to remind ourselves, we need to get back to what gains us strength, and focus on God, because he is the source of all of our strength.

So, if it seems I am uneducated, I am definitely not. I may be somewhat insensitive, but it's because I can't understand why people can't understand why they get that way, and what they need to do to get healthy again![/quote]

You are very uneducated when it comes to this topic, as you have just shown. Especially since you assume that you can tell people about God and instantly cure them of their illnesses - which implies that they are simply making it up.

And no, people with psychological illness do not have "brain damage" they have chemical imbalances.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631416' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:51 AM']Yes, I have felt despair, and depression. I didn't take drugs to make it go away either, because I knew that it was just something that would pass. . .[/quote]

But what about if it DOESN'T pass? What if it goes on and on for years?

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Selah' post='1631307' date='Aug 18 2008, 11:06 PM']We used to have Budge, but she's on a vacation right now :P Shame, she was a lot of fun[/quote]

Are you kidding? THE Budge?? There used to be a Budge who was around on Catholic boards YEARS ago, like in the newsgroups. I mean, I'm talkin' like mid-to-late 90s. She was very, very protestant....very born-again. Is this is the same Budge?? You just don't forget a name like that.

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Probably the same....

For the record, I don't believe budge is on vacation, but left of her own volition.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631406' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:21 AM']No, just a guy with an opinion. I think people are too wussy in these days. They think every problem gets solved with some drug. No wonder why Pot and other drugs are becoming so popular, nobody wants to face reality anymore. Too afraid too. Wussy, if you ask me!

Such people can stay in their holes, drugging their lives away, while I take control of my reality, and become what I want to be, while letting God make up for what I can't do.[/quote]

Did you miss something called the 70's????? I think that people today are LESS likely to do pot and other things than in the past.

Sure we have more offerings of certian medicines, but for people who are truly depressed, bi-polar or even ADD/ADHD medicnce is a welcome gift that allows them to lead lives like those around them. Before in society those people would of ended up on the streets because they were depressed, likely killed in a bi-polar mania state or most likely jobless because ADD/ADHD prevents focus. Its not just a sign of our times....certian medicines allow people who would of fallen through the cracks to live normal lives. Would you deny someone with torrettes medicine becuase they "can't hack reality?"

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631418' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:54 AM']And no, people with psychological illness do not have "brain damage" they have chemical imbalances.[/quote]

Actually correction. Brain damage CAN and DOES cause serious mental illnesses. Many solders returning from Iraq and Afgan. have TBI "Tramatuic Brain Injury" so while its not the sole cause, it is a cause.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1631450' date='Aug 19 2008, 06:22 AM']Probably the same....

For the record, I don't believe budge is on vacation, but left of her own volition.[/quote]

That is WILD (that it's probably the same Budge). What a small world.

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lol :P I think she has her own forum too.

Her and Sunny would really get along :P (Sunny was a fundie on the Spero forums. She was kind of like Budge, only...nuts.)

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[quote name='Selah' post='1631495' date='Aug 19 2008, 08:31 AM']lol :P I think she has her own forum too.

Her and Sunny would really get along :P (Sunny was a fundie on the Spero forums. She was kind of like Budge, only...nuts.)[/quote]
:blink: Budge wasn't nuts??

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' post='1631455' date='Aug 19 2008, 07:28 AM']Actually correction. Brain damage CAN and DOES cause serious mental illnesses. Many solders returning from Iraq and Afgan. have TBI "Tramatuic Brain Injury" so while its not the sole cause, it is a cause.[/quote]

I was talking about the people who were born with the chemical imbalances, not those who developed it after a traumatic event.

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1631412' date='Aug 19 2008, 03:39 AM']yeah we definitely want non-Catholics on the boards... but in the past few years with the exception of mulls and Bro Adam (who ended up converting to Catholicism) the only two types I've seen come are the ones that are waaaay off the mainstream and just like to troll around with crazy ideas, or the ones who are so nice that they're just hear to hang out and only ask questions about things sometimes but really don't have any interest in debate and really just fly under the radar as if they're just normal other phatmassers... so yeah, we just can't attract any reasonable non-Catholics that want to debate :cyclops:[/quote]

I tried debating you all...and then like the second time I did I ended up creating a massive Scripture filled post that disproved myself. Funny how that happens...

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[quote name='BG45' post='1631618' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:35 PM']I tried debating you all...and then like the second time I did I ended up creating a massive Scripture filled post that disproved myself. Funny how that happens...[/quote]

You got a third debate lined up? I miss the Scripture discussions...

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631414' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:49 AM']Psychiatry is not the answer.

The reason the world is falling apart is nobody trusts God anymore. We've got this done it alone attitude now, and that leads people to having problems, way to many problems, because they don't know how to be still and let God be God. So they medicate themselves, or seek other people to help them through they're troubles.

Now, I'm not saying someone who has brain damage that makes all those disorders occur shouldn't take medication, but most people just don't know themselves enough to understand what is going on in their body.

Every single one of these conditions, unless physical brain damage has been caused, is because of one or more of our intelligences are out of whack, be it we imagine all our fears happening (mental), we feel dead inside (emotional), or we go from extreme activity to no activity (instinctual). We just need to remind ourselves, we need to get back to what gains us strength, and focus on God, because he is the source of all of our strength.

So, if it seems I am uneducated, I am definitely not. I may be somewhat insensitive, but it's because I can't understand why people can't understand why they get that way, and what they need to do to get healthy again![/quote]
Oh, I can't wait until Catherine gets to your severely ignorant heine about this one. (Her husband is an upstanding Knight of Columbus, and a man who has been recognized for having overcome his difficulty with Schizophrenia. But hey, he's just a wussy with a silly made-up problem who doesn't trust in God. Yeah, that's it.)

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[quote name='Aloysius' post='1631412' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:39 AM']yeah we definitely want non-Catholics on the boards... but in the past few years with the exception of mulls and Bro Adam (who ended up converting to Catholicism) the only two types I've seen come are the ones that are waaaay off the mainstream and just like to troll around with crazy ideas, or the [b]ones who are so nice that they're just hear to hang out and only ask questions about things sometimes but really don't have any interest in debate and really just fly under the radar as if they're just normal other phatmassers[/b]... so yeah, we just can't attract any reasonable non-Catholics that want to debate :cyclops:[/quote]

emphasis mine

I won't claim to be "so nice" (hopefully I come across nice), but I generally fit this description. Here to learn, not argue.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631367' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:11 AM']You're right. I need to start on Medication, because I don't like poisoning my body. LOL!

Medication are for people who don't understand life and its challenges. If you're depressed, remind yourself, there was a time you weren't, so this time, though it's painful right now, will pass too and you will be happy again. People lack understanding, and so medicate themselves so easily. I just don't understand how they can be so foolish![/quote]

Dude, you need to spend one day with people in a psych ward. Seriously. People have mental disorders that prevent them from living life. It is not their fault. It isn't that they view life the wrong way. It is because they have explainable problems called CHEMICAL IMBALANCES. Yes, they exist. I am guessing that you haven't taken any courses on the body like biology...anatomy...physiology. Because in those courses would you learn about things called dopamine...and seratonin....and reuptake. Obviously you haven't.

There are people who are depressed because they cannot control what is going on with them. It isn't that everything is happening bad to them in their life and that they do not have God as their focus. Many people have God as their focus but they are just depressed. DEPRESSION IS AN DISORDER! Sometimes doing certain non-pharmacological, or non-medication (things that do not require medication) can help like meditation, journaling and whatnot. However, there are serious forms of depression that require medication. And because of that medication people are able to life life. Bipolar is a disorder that REQUIRES medication. Schizophrenia REQUIRES medication. If you think not then again, spend ONE day in a psychiatric unit...it will really change the way you see mental disorders.

Furthermore, it is people like you, who make judgemental statements and claim OPINION!! that hurt people with mental disorders today. People with mental disorders and disabilities are totally misunderstood by so many people. They are told: "Snap out of it" "Just sit still" "Why can't you focus?" "What is wrong with you?" "Why can't you just be normal?" They are rejected in jobs, in homes, shelters. They are denied pain medication, help, and the time of day. Instead of comments like the ones you make, they need understanding, help and support.

Sure, some may abuse the system. But guess what???? People do that with EVERYTHING. People abuse the government. People abuse the health care system besides the psychiatric part. So does that automatically mean that we stop using those? No, psychiatrists and psychologists are there to help people with mental disorders.

Insead of insulting people and making statements that you obviously know nothing about, maybe you should just thank God that you are healthy. Maybe you need to take some courses on mental illnesses to make informed opinions instead of ignorant opinions just to get a rise outta people. Until then you have now made youself look like an idiot in front of people who know more than you.


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