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Why Are There So Few Non-catholics Here?


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are there more at other catholic boards?
it could be that there's such a strong homogeny of catholics that non's simply feel left out.
or, they are often scared away, too. as is often commented on. in my opinion though, they're usually pretty whacky, the ones that are often here and aren't just passing through, and they they get their *$T^ in a knot and leave with their tail between their legs when they can't hack the debates.
maybe the debating here is too prime for most people. i know most sites do not meet phatmass' potential in that regard. if you research stuff on google about catholocism etc, you often find phatmass up to the top etc.

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Go to firehouse forums and see how many non firefighters there are.

Antagonizing as a hobby is not as widely spread as you might think. And we tend to win. Where one of us is weak, others are strong, so most subjects have someone who can give the opposition a sound thrashing.

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My first guess would be that this is a Catholic forum. I don't belong to any Jewish or Methodist forums. I'd probably find them boring. I also belong to a Canadian Immigration forum because I'm a new Immigrant to Canada. See the pattern here? Most of the non-Catholics I've met on Phatmass are truly interested in learning more about the church. People who join forums just to cause trouble for others engaged in serious, mature discussions, probably need to look into having their medication adjusted.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631303' date='Aug 18 2008, 09:01 PM']I notice there are very few non-catholics on this board. Why is that?[/quote]

Maybe because this is a Catholic forum....

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[quote name='CatherineM' post='1631315' date='Aug 18 2008, 11:25 PM']My first guess would be that this is a Catholic forum. I don't belong to any Jewish or Methodist forums. I'd probably find them boring. I also belong to a Canadian Immigration forum because I'm a new Immigrant to Canada. See the pattern here? Most of the non-Catholics I've met on Phatmass are truly interested in learning more about the church. People who join forums just to cause trouble for others engaged in serious, mature discussions, probably need to look into having their medication adjusted.[/quote]

You're right. I need to start on Medication, because I don't like poisoning my body. LOL!

Medication are for people who don't understand life and its challenges. If you're depressed, remind yourself, there was a time you weren't, so this time, though it's painful right now, will pass too and you will be happy again. People lack understanding, and so medicate themselves so easily. I just don't understand how they can be so foolish!

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631367' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:11 AM']You're right. I need to start on Medication, because I don't like poisoning my body. LOL![/quote]

Are you implying that you are only here to start trouble?

[quote]Medication are for people who don't understand life and its challenges. If you're depressed, remind yourself, there was a time you weren't, so this time, though it's painful right now, will pass too and you will be happy again. People lack understanding, and so medicate themselves so easily. I just don't understand how they can be so foolish![/quote]

Who are you, Tom Cruise?

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Nihil Obstat

I think maybe, if you are a non Catholic, and you happen to see Phatmass, you might leave when you see that little thing on the home page that says "Hardcore Catholic".
Also, I've noticed, (to shamelessly smell of elderberries up to all the more experienced members here) that a lot of PMers REALLY know their stuff.
These guys (and gals!) I've been talking to are incredibly, mind bogglingly smart. I personally don't know any non Catholics that could hold their own for a minute debating with at least 65% of the active members here, quite possibly more.
In conclusion, people of Phatmass, I love you. You make me happy by being so astoundingly intelligent. If this changes I might cry. (In private though. As everyone knows, guys never cry. Especially me. I never cry even more than most guys. ;) )

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631378' date='Aug 19 2008, 01:26 AM']Are you implying that you are only here to start trouble?

Who are you, Tom Cruise?[/quote]

No, just a guy with an opinion. I think people are too wussy in these days. They think every problem gets solved with some drug. No wonder why Pot and other drugs are becoming so popular, nobody wants to face reality anymore. Too afraid too. Wussy, if you ask me!

Such people can stay in their holes, drugging their lives away, while I take control of my reality, and become what I want to be, while letting God make up for what I can't do.

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631406' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:21 AM']No, just a guy with an opinion. I think people are too wussy in these days. They think every problem gets solved with some drug. No wonder why Pot and other drugs are becoming so popular, nobody wants to face reality anymore. Too afraid too. Wussy, if you ask me!

Such people can stay in their holes, drugging their lives away, while I take control of my reality, and become what I want to be, while letting God make up for what I can't do.[/quote]

Some people who have real problems (such as, with their brain chemistry) self-medicate with illegal drugs without even realizing that their problems can be treated via psychiatry.

However, yes, many people do get lost in recreational drugs because it's "easier" than their situation(s). These are very serious matters and I would appreciate it if you would not name-call.

I also hope that you're not referring to the people who take medication for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. If you are calling these people "wussy" then you are extremely uneducated and insensitive.

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yeah we definitely want non-Catholics on the boards... but in the past few years with the exception of mulls and Bro Adam (who ended up converting to Catholicism) the only two types I've seen come are the ones that are waaaay off the mainstream and just like to troll around with crazy ideas, or the ones who are so nice that they're just hear to hang out and only ask questions about things sometimes but really don't have any interest in debate and really just fly under the radar as if they're just normal other phatmassers... so yeah, we just can't attract any reasonable non-Catholics that want to debate :cyclops:

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[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1631408' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:29 AM']Some people who have real problems (such as, with their brain chemistry) self-medicate with illegal drugs without even realizing that their problems can be treated via psychiatry.

However, yes, many people do get lost in recreational drugs because it's "easier" than their situation(s). These are very serious matters and I would appreciate it if you would not name-call.

I also hope that you're not referring to the people who take medication for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, etc. If you are calling these people "wussy" then you are extremely uneducated and insensitive.[/quote]

Psychiatry is not the answer.

The reason the world is falling apart is nobody trusts God anymore. We've got this done it alone attitude now, and that leads people to having problems, way to many problems, because they don't know how to be still and let God be God. So they medicate themselves, or seek other people to help them through they're troubles.

Now, I'm not saying someone who has brain damage that makes all those disorders occur shouldn't take medication, but most people just don't know themselves enough to understand what is going on in their body.

Every single one of these conditions, unless physical brain damage has been caused, is because of one or more of our intelligences are out of whack, be it we imagine all our fears happening (mental), we feel dead inside (emotional), or we go from extreme activity to no activity (instinctual). We just need to remind ourselves, we need to get back to what gains us strength, and focus on God, because he is the source of all of our strength.

So, if it seems I am uneducated, I am definitely not. I may be somewhat insensitive, but it's because I can't understand why people can't understand why they get that way, and what they need to do to get healthy again!

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[quote name='MakeYouThink' post='1631406' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:21 AM']No, just a guy with an opinion. I think people are too wussy in these days. They think every problem gets solved with some drug. No wonder why Pot and other drugs are becoming so popular, nobody wants to face reality anymore. Too afraid too. Wussy, if you ask me![/quote]

Listen, sometimes reality is too painful to face for some people. I agree that recreational drugs are not a good idea, but people who suffer from depression or other mental illnesses sometimes cannot face reality on their own.

I have depression. In comes in waves. One big reason for my depression IS God, and my feeling that he doesn't care about me. What do you do then? I can't "just focus on God" because I don't think he cares.

Edited by Kitty
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[quote name='Kitty' post='1631415' date='Aug 19 2008, 02:49 AM']Listen, sometimes reality is too painful to face for some people. I agree that recreational drugs are not a good idea, but people who suffer from depression or other mental illnesses sometimes cannot face reality on their own.

Are you just perfect or something? Haven't you ever felt despair before?[/quote]

Yes, I have felt despair, and depression. I didn't take drugs to make it go away either, because I knew that it was just something that would pass. . .

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