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First Stages Of Discernment...

Vincent Vega

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Vincent Vega

Hello everyone,
Just recently, as I've been thinking about the future, I've kind of felt the possibility of being called to the priesthood. What are the first steps I should take in discerning whether or not this is where God wants me?
Thanks pham'y.

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Hi Mitch... Blessings to you as you begin your discernment. I'd recommend a few things:

- PRAY-- ask others to pray for you, frequent the sacraments.
- LISTEN-- Listen to our Lord in scripture and prayer, [b]seek a spiritual director[/b] (there have been a number of threads on the vocation station about this topic, if you just do a quick search).
- VISIT-- go talk to your vocations director from your diocese and see about a Come and See or visit religious communities near you.

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Hello Mitch, and welcome to the ride :)

I second everything Shortnun says.

What was useful to me:
- Try to find out how the "possible call" [i]feels[/i]. When does it pop into your head? Is it during Mass, when you see a priest in action? During Adoration? When you're playing with little kids who scream your head off? If you find out, try to place yourself into those situations more often to see if it persists.

- Sniff around a bit. This is a fun time, because you get to goof around for a while and look at whatever you fancy! (Later there might come a point where our good Lord simply grabs you by the hair and drags you to wherever He pleases. Not that that's a [i]bad[/i] thing... but it's nice to browse your options a little at this point so you know where you might like to be dragged should the occasion come up.)

- Don't lose focus on your current main occupation. (I should listen to this one myself!) The process takes time, and during that time you're still called to be whatever you are now - an employee, a student, a brother, a friend, a son, I don't know about your personal situation. Be the best at what you are right now until you're in the application process at the least. (This doesn't mean you shouldn't develop your spiritual life and maybe let go of some distracting activities.)

- Contact your nearest house of Dominicans ;)

Edit: grammar.

Edited by VeniteAdoremus
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Vincent Vega

Thank you both for your input.
I have been praying, specifically for God to reveal his will [i]for[/i] me [i]to[/i] me. That is why I'm taking this seriously, and am almost a little scared, that this might be what He wants. It's kind of hard for me sometimes to delineate what I feel His will is for me and what I [i]want[/i] his will for me to be. I'm still a new Catholic, so sometimes I wonder if it's not just overzealousness.
I've been thinking about making an appointment to talk with my priest about these feelings. There are several sisters I'm pretty close with, and I'm pretty familiar with my parish priest. Who would be best suited to by my spiritual director?
Thanks again, both of you! (Prayers would be greatly appreciated!)

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Being aware that you might be overzealous is usually a pretty good safeguard against the excesses of it. So I would say you're doing very well so far.

Your parish priest should be your first stop, but you don't have to take him as your spiritual director. If it feels good and he's willing, by all means go ahead, but it can also be a good idea to look for someone just a bit beyond your most familiar circle (that way they'll also be easier to avoid during the times that you want to ;) ). I would just talk to anyone you're comfortable enough with and see if they have any ideas or know someone with experience in spiritual direction.

And you have my prayers :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1625597' date='Aug 12 2008, 08:52 PM']If it feels good and he's willing, by all means go ahead, but it can also be a good idea to look for someone just a bit beyond your most familiar circle (that way they'll also be easier to avoid during the times that you want to ;) ).
And you have my prayers :)[/quote]

Haha. I should'a taken that into consideration when I got one! I see mine on a day-to-day basis and Sacristan for him when he celebrates Mass, lol. Not very easy to hide from him!

But, yeah, I second what others have said here, Mitch. Spend time in prayer, explore different routes... but most importantly, don't obsess with it. As someone above mentioned, live the vocation you're in now-- student, son, etc. Work on becoming as completely open to God's will for you as you can. Listen. As one of the readings from daily Mass a few days ago talked about... God is not in the Thunder, or the Fire, or the Storm... but in the still, small, whispering voice. You will know in God's time. Which, I know, can be frustrating sometimes.

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Saint Therese

I really recommend spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,and frequently attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion and going to confession.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1625723' date='Aug 12 2008, 09:02 PM']I really recommend spending time with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament,and frequently attending Mass, receiving Holy Communion and going to confession.[/quote]
I go to mass as often as I can, which usually ends up only being on Sundays due to my schedule, and I end up going to confession every week as well, since the flesh is weak, and...well...also because I'm just dumb sometimes. :P
My parish only has adoration on First Fridays and special occasions (like during lent)...maybe I can look in to where they have it other places around here.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

I would agree with what everyone has said here so far. And in reference to your schedule and Mass times, I would also look at different parishes by you and when they have Mass. I know for me, I could only make Daily Mass on Fridays at my parish because of work, but I searched and it turned out that the parish in the town next to me had Daily Mass an hour earlier on Tues/Thurs and a night Mass on Wed, so I could make Mass then as well. Just look around and you may be surprised at what you find: God does not disappoint!

I'll be praying for you in your discernment: please pray for me in mine, as well!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ


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Get to know some priests. I don't mean just observe them in action, I don't mean just chat with them - get to KNOW some priests, including secular and ordered. Find out from them when they were called, how they were called, how they recognized it, how they discerned, the challenges they faced in the seminary, what they like about being a priest, what they love about it, what drives them nuts, their areas of expertise (finances? parish maintenance? preaching? theology?), what they didn't expect.

One of my former pastors said, in a moment of rather rare openness, that his diocesan seminary training (immediately pre-Vatican) was almost monastic - silence, absolutely no women on the premises, study, lots of prayer. He was shocked to find out that his ministry consisted of constant talking and meetings, mostly with women (according to him, men with problems don't come to priests), and precious little time to read and/or pray. God love him, he stuck with the priesthood in spite of the shocks, and he's a worthy servant of the Lord lo these many years later, but it really wasn't what he was expecting.

I don't think most priests will be open & honest with you until you get to know them fairly well. I don't mean any insult to anyone, I just think that they have to keep up such a public image that if a parishioner were to approach them and ask some general questions about vocation to the priesthood, most would give rehearsed answers and refer you to the diocesan vocation director. And if you asked some of the questions I listed above before you knew them pretty well, they might think you were prying or something.

Serve on some committees, volunteer when Father asks for folks to paint the parish hall or any of that kind of thing, take him to the ball game with a couple of your (or his) buddies, go to the parish fund-raisers. In building & maintaining a relationship, listen attentively - if anything catches your ear, you might follow up with a question or two.

I maintain that "You never know what you're getting into, until you're into it." That applies to the Boy Scouts, the army, going away to college, taking a job, or becoming a priest (see pastor paragraph above) - just about anything. And while we can read up, research, think about, or watch documentaries to gain information, I think the best information is from personal sources. If you want to be an architect, get to know a bunch of architects; if you want to be an engineer, start hanging out with engineers; if you think you might want to be a priest, get to know some priests.

Putting on my best Bubba-fied accent: "Ah'm 'one learn a prare & say it fer you!" (Translation for the reading impaired: I am going to learn a prayer and say it for you!)

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Saint Therese

[quote]I go to mass as often as I can, which usually ends up only being on Sundays due to my schedule, and I end up going to confession every week as well, since the flesh is weak, and...well...also because I'm just dumb sometimes. :P
My parish only has adoration on First Fridays and special occasions (like during lent)...maybe I can look in to where they have it other places around here.[/quote]

Don't feel limited by your parish only having adoration on a certain day.You can visit the tabernacle in spirit and adore Him there.
Also, I would like to add that saying the Rosary daily is very important.

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