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Why Are American's So Arrogant


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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621633' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:59 PM']It's not the nation's government that makes it more godly, but the people. So, we need to start standing up more to make sure we stand for righteousness. I have all the freedom and liberties I need, because I no longer listen to the world. The world can go kiss my buttocks. I say don't think it is a big deal to love Homosexuals, who are our enemies, by saying, you are living wrong. If they want to get me fired for saying that, let them. I don't think it is a big deal to be friends with an atheist, while saying, it's a shame you don't believe in God because you're not going to like what happens after you die.

Rights and freedoms is up to us. I push the envelope all the time because I don't care what the law says, and neither should any other child of God.

The point is, I am tired of hearing how America is more godly than my country, because it isn't. You have a spiritual pride. And yes, Canada has the same laws as you do. It's not that bad. I haven't heard many preachers being arrested or fined for not marrying a gay couple. And at the same time, there are plenty of RC politicians in our country, and many of our prime-ministers are Catholic. Did you know that. Trudeau, Turner, Mulrooney, Chretiean, I think Martian, but not the latest. Wow, how much more religious freedom we enjoy, that politicians can be Catholic and still serve in government and have high positions.

And preachers have a right to say if they want to marry a gay couple or not in Canada. The law says Gays can be married, and that Preachers have the right to say, not at my church. Most Gays just go to the justice of the peace to get it done.

How's that for being getting informed, and not just hearing something and jumping to conclusions.[/quote]

So basically what you're doing is coming in here, bashing Americans/America over something that no one here has said? Nice. :rolleyes:

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This is a bit rude. If you have a problem with what somebody said, perhaps you should send them a private message instead of making such an insulting thread.

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[quote]The world can go kiss my buttocks.[/quote]

Is this verse in y'all's national anthem? (Right after "O Canada, we stand on guard for thee?") :topsy:

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[quote name='dominicansoul' post='1621596' date='Aug 8 2008, 01:41 PM']I'm remembering now a Canadian priest who came to visit the Nashville Dominicans. And he almost nearly bit our Superior's head off when she mistakenly asked him if he was from New York!

From all these experiences, I can make the generalization that most Canadians have bitter issues against the U.S.A. And frankly, I wasn't very impressed with them because of this...[/quote]

You think that might have something to do with youz all invading us and trying to take us over a couple of times?
Or dumping all those loyalists on our laps a while back?


I don't care about all this anymore. When I was young and foolish, I did, but not anymore.
A Canadien here, an American there, but one under God.

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621633' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:59 AM']It's not the nation's government that makes it more godly, but the people. So, we need to start standing up more to make sure we stand for righteousness. I have all the freedom and liberties I need, because I no longer listen to the world. The world can go kiss my buttocks. I say don't think it is a big deal to love Homosexuals, who are our enemies, by saying, you are living wrong. If they want to get me fired for saying that, let them. I don't think it is a big deal to be friends with an atheist, while saying, it's a shame you don't believe in God because you're not going to like what happens after you die.[/quote]

I can't say I disagree with this, but really you're the one that brought up the world in the first place by comparing the two countries. No one else ever did.

[quote]The point is, I am tired of hearing how America is more godly than my country, because it isn't.[/quote]
No one ever said it was. Just because something gets repeated over and over again in your country doesn't make it true.

[quote]You have a spiritual pride. And yes, Canada has the same laws as you do. It's not that bad. I haven't heard many preachers being arrested or fined for not marrying a gay couple. And at the same time, there are plenty of RC politicians in our country, and many of our prime-ministers are Catholic. Did you know that. Trudeau, Turner, Mulrooney, Chretiean, I think Martian, but not the latest. Wow, how much more religious freedom we enjoy, that politicians can be Catholic and still serve in government and have high positions.[/quote]
We have plenty of devote Catholics, and other Christians in our government as well.

[quote]And preachers have a right to say if they want to marry a gay couple or not in Canada. The law says Gays can be married, and that Preachers have the right to say, not at my church. Most Gays just go to the justice of the peace to get it done.[/quote]

Of course ministers in the USA have the right to not marry gay couples, they do however have to renounce their power to perform marriages sanctioned by the State as I'm sure they do in Canada since they can't condemn homosexual actions. You didn't hear about ministers being arrested, you heard about members of the Justice and the Peace community being arrested for refusing to perform gay marriages in the few states where they are strangely sanctioned.

How's that for getting informed, and not just hearing something and jumping to conclusions. (I corrected your grammar in this post, by the way)

Edited by Justin86
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Seriously you are making your country look bad by your attitude. Canadians do seem to walk around with a chip on their shoulder as if they are second class citizens of the world. Its uncalled for and unneccessary.
Are Americans arrogant? Probably. But we are also damned grateful to live in a country where we can have freedom of speech, assembly, press etc, and we celebrate it. Canadians should too.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1621642' date='Aug 8 2008, 04:02 PM']Yes you have legal documents, remember I was an exchange student there, and actually met Trudeau and had lunch with Brian Mulroney. But your right to free speech was abrogated by article 13 and the Human Rights Commissions.[/quote]

Thank you for your apology. I will now apologize for my statement. I just hate Canada Bashing you American's do, because I hate evil. When I read that America has more of a chance to be rightous than Canada, I get angry, because that is prejudiced.

But hearing it was from a Canadian, I have to apologize. I thought it was another blind, arrogant, and proud American, and I hate blindness, arrogance, and pride. I do the same with Canadians too, because we think we are better than Americans too.

You don't have to quote any articles about how Canada is making sure it goes down a slippery slope either, I hate it myself. I have joined a group of people who oppose Morgentaller's Order of Canada, because the filth is being rewarded for making it legally acceptable for doctors to be little more than Serial Killers, destroying babies in the womb!

I hate evil, and I don't mince words on what I perceive as evil from either side of the boarder.

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621633' date='Aug 8 2008, 02:59 PM']I say don't think it is a big deal to love Homosexuals, who are our enemies, by saying, you are living wrong. If they want to get me fired for saying that, let them.[/quote]

I don't believe the Church teaches that Homosexuals are our enemies. Sin is our enemy not the people who commit them.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1621655' date='Aug 8 2008, 02:09 PM']Seriously you are making your country look bad by your attitude. Canadians do seem to walk around with a chip on their shoulder as if they are second class citizens of the world. Its uncalled for and unneccessary.
Are Americans arrogant? Probably. But we are also damned grateful to live in a country where we can have freedom of speech, assembly, press etc, and we celebrate it. Canadians should too.[/quote]

I agree to some extent. Canadiens should learn to be proud (no sinful proud) for themselves rather than call others to imitate a next-to debilitating shyness that serves nearly no constructive purpose. Patriotic Canadiens are often shunned down in public context to some extent - not nearly as much as Catholic faithfuls mind you (the two by the way are often the same crowd).

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1621654' date='Aug 8 2008, 04:08 PM']Of course ministers in the USA have the right to not marry gay couples, they do however have to renounce their power to perform marriages sanctioned by the State as I'm sure they do in Canada since they can't condemn homosexual actions. You didn't hear about ministers being arrested, you heard about members of the Justice and the Peace community being arrested for refusing to perform gay marriages in the few states where they are strangely sanctioned.[/quote]

One easy solution to that, don't have your church register with the government. I'd rather have non-registered churches, as the government has no control over them what so ever.

But try to get that to happen.

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621638' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:00 AM']Again, Justin, I was commenting on someone else's comment. I make no such claim.[/quote]
No you weren't. You were commenting to panic's joke. Here is the full context of what you said.

[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621558' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:24 AM']I'm tired of hearing people who claim to be Christian be self-righteous like the above person was. Even though it was a joke, it's a rather disturbed joke, because that is what he must really thinks in his heart. At least my country has a chance to be righteous, but not that other country.[/quote]
How is this not you saying America has no chance at redemption, but Canada does, as if you are to judge the Mercy of God?

Pride cometh before the fall...

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621667' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:14 AM']One easy solution to that, don't have your church register with the government. I'd rather have non-registered churches, as the government has no control over them what so ever.

But try to get that to happen.[/quote]

Ummmmm, we already do that. I said we don't we don't arrest ministers down here, and you were mistaken, didn't I.

You keep telling me to read your posts before I reply to them as if I don't read them. I think you yet again need to take your own advice.

Edited by Justin86
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[quote name='StColette' post='1621665' date='Aug 8 2008, 04:13 PM']I don't believe the Church teaches that Homosexuals are our enemies. Sin is our enemy not the people who commit them.[/quote]

I consider anybody who doesn't live a godly life an enemy. After all Jesus calls us to Love our enemies. We have to have enemies, if we are to love them.

Are you saying the church is higher in authority than Jesus, and its words are higher than his words. After all, Jesus said we are either for him, or against him. With all the scriptures in the bible condemning homosexuality, it shouldn't be rocket science that homosexuals are enemies of God and therefore enemies of his children.

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621674' date='Aug 8 2008, 02:18 PM']I consider anybody who doesn't live a godly life an enemy. After all Jesus calls us to Love our enemies. We have to have enemies, if we are to love them.


I cannot agree with this.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1621669' date='Aug 8 2008, 04:16 PM']No you weren't. You were commenting to panic's joke. Here is the full context of what you said.
How is this not you saying America has no chance at redemption, but Canada does, as if you are to judge the Mercy of God?[/quote]

I didn't say that at all.

He joked that Canada has no chance to be redeemed by God, but there was a chance in the States. So, I think there is a chance for both still, and I am waiting for God to pour out his spirit on all flesh, and righteousness to fill the land again.

God will redeem both nations.

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