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Why Are American's So Arrogant


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[quote name='pan!c139' post='1621511' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:13 PM']how very unpatriotic[/quote]
I'm not American, and although I'm Canadian, but God comes first. He's my government and my protection and everything I need.

I'm tired of hearing people who claim to be Christian be self-righteous like the above person was. Even though it was a joke, it's a rather disturbed joke, because that is what he must really thinks in his heart. At least my country has a chance to be righteous, but not that other country.

I'm tired of hearing that from Americans. I have news for you. It is biblical not to owe any money, but how many people in America have bills in collections? 60, 70, 80 per cent? How many? If it was so Godly, why doesn't people obey that rule in the bible. Or are they always going to be the servants to the lenders who borrowed that money to them. Why do people not live up to it?

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621558' date='Aug 8 2008, 02:24 PM']I'm not American, and although I'm Canadian, but God comes first. He's my government and my protection and everything I need.

I'm tired of hearing people who claim to be Christian be self-righteous like the above person was. Even though it was a joke, it's a rather disturbed joke, because that is what he must really thinks in his heart. At least my country has a chance to be righteous, but not that other country.

I'm tired of hearing that from Americans. I have news for you. It is biblical not to owe any money, but how many people in America have bills in collections? 60, 70, 80 per cent? How many? If it was so Godly, why doesn't people obey that rule in the bible. Or are they always going to be the servants to the lenders who borrowed that money to them. Why do people not live up to it?[/quote]

But the person you quoted wasn't even American, that person is Canadian.

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Vincent Vega

What's that you say, there's a speck in my eye? Well thank you for pointing that out, brother!

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1621554' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:24 PM']rotfl. talk about self righteous..
Your country doesn't even have basic human rights.[/quote]


The first sentence out of our [b][url="http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/"]Charter of Rights and Freedoms[/url][/b] is that we recognize the rule of law and the supremacy of God. Since the linked document is an official goverment document, you show how arrogant, misinformed, blind and proud you are. Thanks for proving my point.

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621558' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:24 PM']I'm not American, and although I'm Canadian, but God comes first. He's my government and my protection and everything I need.

I'm tired of hearing people who claim to be Christian be self-righteous like the above person was. Even though it was a joke, it's a rather disturbed joke, because that is what he must really thinks in his heart. At least my country has a chance to be righteous, but not that other country.

I'm tired of hearing that from Americans. I have news for you. It is biblical not to owe any money, but how many people in America have bills in collections? 60, 70, 80 per cent? How many? If it was so Godly, why doesn't people obey that rule in the bible. Or are they always going to be the servants to the lenders who borrowed that money to them. Why do people not live up to it?[/quote]
I don't know a single person who has bills at a collection agency, other than one who is paying off a catestrophic illness. I do know poeple who pay on mortgages every month so they can own a house. Do you have issues with that or do you think we should go back to live in caves?

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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621558' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:24 AM']At least my country has a chance to be righteous, but not that other country.[/quote]
Wow, in the same breath that you condemn panic's misconception of you for being self-righteous you reveal yourself as being just that in this thread.

Condemned any homosexual actions lately, oh wait you live in Canada. nevermind.

[quote]I'm tired of hearing that from Americans. I have news for you. It is biblical not to owe any money, but how many people in America have bills in collections? 60, 70, 80 per cent? How many? If it was so Godly, why doesn't people obey that rule in the bible. Or are they always going to be the servants to the lenders who borrowed that money to them. Why do people not live up to it?[/quote]
Considering Canadians live very similar lifestyles to Americans I imagine they're in debt up to their eyeballs too. You can't get a car or buy a house without going into debt for pete's sake get over yourself.

Edited by Justin86
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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621565' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:28 PM']Hmmm,

The first sentence out of our [b][url="http://laws.justice.gc.ca/en/charter/"]Charter of Rights and Freedoms[/url][/b] is that we recognize the rule of law and the supremacy of God. Since the linked document is an official goverment document, you show how arrogant, misinformed, blind and proud you are. Thanks for proving my point.[/quote]
You are also the country who fines people money for quoting the Bible, so much for your free speech. Every country has documents it can quote from.

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[quote]The Bible says pride cometh before a fall. With the economic recession you are facing right now, which also is spreading here in Canada, I think you should reconsider all of your Attitudes. Your country is not the country you think it is. It is corrupt and evil.

You think that because Republicans say they are against Abortion and homosexual rights your nation is any more Godly than anybody else's. Well guess what, Conservatives in my nation say they're also against homosexual rights and abortion. And in both nations, nothing ever gets done about these. If you haven't already realized, it's a stupid carrot and the Donkey trick. They dangle that carrot in front of you so they can stay in power.

You are blind, arrogant, and proud. And any other American who thinks the same is blind, arrogant, and proud. Stop being self-righteous, and start trusting in God and God alone. Your government isn't going to make your nation a godly nation, God is through you![/quote]

WOW. Now, I don't know if you are Canadian. But by what you have just posted here, I can assume you are. I've met a total of seven Canadians in my whole life (in an American convent.) 6 out of the 7 said to me, almost verbatim, the exact same thing you wrote....! (And no, I didn't provoke them in any way.) I find this incredibly fantastic! At what age do you all learn to hate your neighbor to the South? Is this like in a Canadian nursery rhyme book?

These same Canadians used to love it when Canadian holidays came up, because that gave them more opportunities to bash America and Americans. I also enjoyed their frank discussion on how we were to blame for the Canadian casualties of WWII (we entered the WAR way too late for their tastes) and for all the other problems that beset Canada that we are remotely involved in.

:topsy: So, it seems there's a lot of arrogance in almost every country in this world. America doesn't seem to be the leader in that area...

Edited by dominicansoul
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I believe the entire argument is not worth going into, especially since the main issue seems to be with what Nihil said. And Nihil is a Canadian not an American.

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[quote name='USAirwaysIHS' post='1621563' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:27 PM']What's that you say, there's a speck in my eye? Well thank you for pointing that out, brother![/quote]

And there's a beam in my eye too.

But, to say that America is more godly than Canada, you have to give your head a shake. Neither are more or less godly than the other. You guys only create that illusion in your head to justify your corruption right now, and it's coming down around you now.

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Canada is actually a beautiful place, I spent every summer there for years and was an exchange student there. Like America however, it would be better off with less politicians and more statesmen.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1621570' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:30 PM']You are also the country who fines people money for quoting the Bible, so much for your free speech. Every country has documents it can quote from.[/quote]

Are you going to appologize for what you said in ignorance or not?

And what about a couple in America who were physically assaulted by policemen for having a Ron Paul, Only Hope for America Sign.
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kU8ZbMYgyc"]Ron Paul video one[/url]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Oq7DNwn0HM&NR=1"]Ron Paul video two[/url]
[url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FveakH8b7BE&feature=related"]Ron Paul Video three[/url]
[url="http://www.mountainx.com/news/2007/flagged_down_activists_arrested_in_row_oer_protest_flag_allege_abuse_by_bu"]Flagged Down: Activists arrested in row over protest flag, allege abuse by Buncombe deputy[/url]

So, your country respects freedom of speech just as much as Canada does. Wow!

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1621576' date='Aug 8 2008, 03:33 PM']Canada is actually a beautiful place, I spent every summer there for years and was an exchange student there. Like America however, it would be better off with less politicians and more statesmen.[/quote]

That I actually agree with. Less Politicians would help both our nations.

Edited by KOIfriend
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[quote name='KOIfriend' post='1621580' date='Aug 9 2008, 03:34 AM']Are you going to appologize for what you said in ignorance or not?[/quote]

Since when is that an ignorant statement? You must just be ignorant of your country's own laws.

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