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Why Are American's So Arrogant


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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Winchester' post='1622952' date='Aug 9 2008, 05:59 PM']The whole Katrina thing blows my mind. The failures in Katrina belonged solidly to the local and state governments in Louisiana.[/quote]

ITA 100%.

I remember when that bridge collapsed last year and several people died (not in Louisiana). People were ACTUALLY blaming Bush. Claiming that all our money is tied up in Iraq so we don't have enough to fix our own bridges. Someone said that to me and in return I suggested that the bridge might have been built by illegal aliens who decided to do a lousy job since they were paid lousy wages. This Bush-hater got really mad at me over that one. I was just trying to make a point.

It's crazy.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='MissScripture' post='1622946' date='Aug 9 2008, 05:49 PM']We're told that the rest of the world hates America, too, actually. I honestly think the biggest reason for this is that too many Americans make a big deal out of it, and whine about how terrible America is. Quite frankly, if everyone hates America, why do we have problems with illegal immigrants?[/quote]

The illegal immigrants hate us, too. That was proven a few years ago when they had the audacity to march (by the hundreds) in OUR streets, demanding "rights" that they have no legal entitlement to, and waving Mexican flags and carrying signs with slogans like "Gringos, we are here to stay" and "We built your country".

Until the day I die I'll never understand why this country tolerated that.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1622870' date='Aug 9 2008, 04:50 PM']I hope that's correct. I really can't say. Maybe someone else here has a good idea?
Basically what we're 'taught' is that everyone hates America, but loves Canada because we're oh so much better than them.
I would definitely like to believe that these attitudes aren't as widespread as they appear.[/quote]

This is touchy b/c you are Canadian but I can tell you from traveling to (and at one point, living in) a handful of foreign countries in Europe and Asia, foreigners are NOT thinking about Canada. I'm sorry. They are listening to American music, watching American TV shows and Hollywood movies, they know all the American celebrities and politicians and models, and American fashions. Actually, Europe is tied with America in terms of fashion. But Canada? Nope, sorry.

I have no doubt that Canada is a great country with great people. I know it is. Many Americans travel there for holiday. I have heard that Toronto is one of the coolest cities in the world. And there's Quebec. And Ontario. And Niagra. But the fact that Canada isn't registering in the brain waves of the global community, there's no one to blame for that but CANADA.

I do love Atom Egoyan, though. Seen a number of his movies.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1623025' date='Aug 9 2008, 07:50 PM']Pssssssst. I replied to your PM. Did you get it?

Homeschool Mommy, I replied yours, too.

*tiptoes out backwards*[/quote]
Yup, I got it! Thank you!

[quote name='BG45' post='1623032' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:01 PM']Indeed. I know quite a few people who [b]hate being Americans[/b], and tend to travel overseas even as Canadians. Or rather wear maple leaf shirts and such.

The talk show hosts do make us all look bad, and arrogant to the extreme. Like Ann "Invade them all and convert them to Christianity or kill them" Coulter or Rush "The liberals would like you to think" Limbaugh.
Nihil, 90% of Canadians I've talked to probably have no problems with Americans. The 10% or so who do...wow they're so very vocal about their beliefs. I once sat through a five hour lecture by one on how my nation is evil and every war crime we've ever committed. (So not being very Christ-like then, I responded with every criminal action ever taken by the Canadian government I could think of.)

Selah, go Flyers <.< Sorry couldn't resist...Missy and I once had this big thing on who was better, the Penguins or the Flyers because we respectively live closer to Philly or Pittsburgh. Go Penguins![/quote]
Going to school in ND, I've gotten to hear from a few people involved in health care related majors who are from Canada, and that's really where I hear the most of "our country is better than yours," and this may be a biased view, me being Amercian, but the Canadians who are vehemently against our set up for health care tend to be against everything "American," and do the Amercia is evil rant, while those against the Canadian style limit their dislike to healthcare. Then again, I suppose that could be from the realization that they are outnumbered, and so they're just being louder and more arrogant about it to cover up their insecurities, seeing as how they're surrounded by Americans...

[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1623034' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:06 PM']A Canadian got mad at me once because I didn't realize Canada is part of the British whatever. She was like, "We have the Queen on our currency. Didn't you notice?" All PO'd and whatnot. I was like, "I've never seen your currency". She was so offended that I didn't know something that was actually very basic Canada 101 type info. But I didn't KNOW. That is what makes them bitter at us. That we are so disinterested in them. It's like another poster said earlier, it's being ignored altogether (rather than being disliked for a reason) that makes them really angry. Oh, I just remembered something else a Canadian got mad at me for. I asked if they had proms in Canada. She was all MAD and said, "Yeah, we do. And guess what else? We have running water and electricity, too." Ahhhhhhh, I remember this so well now! Her unnecessary sarcasm and anger at an innocent question really shocked me. So mad that Americans know nothing about them.[/quote]
Well, tell that lady that I've heard of people in ND being asked if they have cars, or if they still use covered wagons. And I had a kid in a class with me whose cousin (from Las Vegas) who didn't know what North Dakota even WAS!

[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1623038' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:15 PM']The illegal immigrants hate us, too. That was proven a few years ago when they had the audacity to march (by the hundreds) in OUR streets, demanding "rights" that they have no legal entitlement to, and waving Mexican flags and carrying signs with slogans like "Gringos, we are here to stay" and "We built your country".

Until the day I die I'll never understand why this country tolerated that.[/quote]
I do remember that. My grandparents were upset, because they are immigrants. And we tolerated that, because that is what our country is based on (freedoms) and they're apparently too blind to understand that. My question to them is, if America is so terrible, WHY ARE YOU HERE?

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1623038' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:15 PM']The illegal immigrants hate us, too. That was proven a few years ago when they had the audacity to march (by the hundreds) in OUR streets, demanding "rights" that they have no legal entitlement to, and waving Mexican flags and carrying signs with slogans like "Gringos, we are here to stay" and "We built your country".

Until the day I die I'll never understand why this country tolerated that.[/quote]

I remember that... those at the marches also flew the flag of the Untied States, upside down.

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[quote name='"MS"']Going to school in ND, I've gotten to hear from a few people involved in health care related majors who are from Canada, and that's really where I hear the most of "our country is better than yours," and this may be a biased view, me being Amercian, but the Canadians who are vehemently against our set up for health care tend to be against everything "American," and do the Amercia is evil rant, while those against the Canadian style limit their dislike to healthcare. Then again, I suppose that could be from the realization that they are outnumbered, and so they're just being louder and more arrogant about it to cover up their insecurities, seeing as how they're surrounded by Americans...[/quote]

Interesting, I've never heard from anyone on the health care side of things, but I could see the point of theirs with their system, and our own there.

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[quote name='"MS"']Going to school in ND, I've gotten to hear from a few people involved in health care related majors who are from Canada, and that's really where I hear the most of "our country is better than yours," and this may be a biased view, me being Amercian, but the Canadians who are vehemently against our set up for health care tend to be against everything "American," and do the Amercia is evil rant, while those against the Canadian style limit their dislike to healthcare. Then again, I suppose that could be from the realization that they are outnumbered, and so they're just being louder and more arrogant about it to cover up their insecurities, seeing as how they're surrounded by Americans...[/quote]

Interesting, I've never heard from anyone on the health care side of things, but I could see the point of theirs with their system, and our own there.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1622819' date='Aug 9 2008, 05:53 PM']I don't doubt that.
Although I was barely self aware in the 90s, so I can only speak from experience, which is life in a Canadian high school.
It's bad. It's really bad.
No one actually has reasons anymore.

"You're stupid like George Bush!"
"Why is George Bush stupid?"
"Uh... DUH!"
"Seriously, why is George Bush stupid?"
"Please stop. My ears are bleeding."[/quote]
When I was an exchange student there in the 70's it was "you elected Jimmy Carter so you are stupid". I didn't particularly like Mr Carter and I still don't but it was hip to be offensive to Americans back then as well. The sad part was we had no preconceptions of Canadains at that point, and even that was held against us.

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[quote name='lilac_angel' post='1622993' date='Aug 9 2008, 09:05 PM']True, we Pittsburghers make fun of our own accent.[/quote]
We don't have an accent, its all those other people out there that talk funny...
yinz know who ya are!

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[quote name='lilac_angel' post='1623035' date='Aug 9 2008, 10:07 PM']YEAH we do!! Cooool I didn't know you were one of "us" too.

I love gumbands.

GO PENZ.[/quote]
WE are family, and the 'burgh rules the world. Go Stillers!!

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1623047' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:34 PM']I remember that... those at the marches also flew the flag of the Untied States, upside down.[/quote]

They were here in my city. It was revolting. Marching in from of the White House with signs saying "This house was built by immigrants". The Mexican flags and the signs calling us "gringos" were the most appalling.

A student was suspended from a local school for going to class wearing a T-shirt with the American flag on it. She refused to go home and change it.

Just incredible.

Edited by Madame Vengier
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Madame Vengier

[quote name='MissScripture' post='1623044' date='Aug 9 2008, 08:27 PM']And we tolerated that, because that is what our country is based on (freedoms) and they're apparently too blind to understand that. My question to them is, if America is so terrible, WHY ARE YOU HERE?[/quote]

Actually, those freedoms are protected by our Constitution, and our Constitution is for our citizens. Those who are breaking the border and immigration laws of our sovereign nation have no entitlement to our constitional rights to freedom. They should have been rounded up and deported on the spot.

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I never had an accent until I came to Canada, and all of a sudden, I have a noticeable one. I knew very little about Canada when I met my husband. I thought Alberta was north of NY or something. He said north of Montana, and I freaked.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1623034' date='Aug 9 2008, 09:06 PM']A Canadian got mad at me once because I didn't realize Canada is part of the British whatever. She was like, "We have the Queen on our currency. Didn't you notice?" All PO'd and whatnot. I was like, "I've never seen your currency". She was so offended that I didn't know something that was actually very basic Canada 101 type info. But I didn't KNOW. That is what makes them bitter at us. That we are so disinterested in them. It's like another poster said earlier, it's being ignored altogether (rather than being disliked for a reason) that makes them really angry. Oh, I just remembered something else a Canadian got mad at me for. I asked if they had proms in Canada. She was all MAD and said, "Yeah, we do. And guess what else? We have running water and electricity, too." Ahhhhhhh, I remember this so well now! Her unnecessary sarcasm and anger at an innocent question really shocked me. So mad that Americans know nothing about them.[/quote]

Part of that may stem from a CBC show a few years ago that interviewed Americans about Canada. It showed Americans believing that parts of Canada lack electricity and running water.

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Vincent Vega

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1623076' date='Aug 9 2008, 09:12 PM']I never had an accent until I came to Canada, and all of a sudden, I have a noticeable one. I knew very little about Canada when I met my husband. I thought Alberta was north of NY or something. He said north of Montana, and I freaked.[/quote]
I don't know if you have ever seen the show Corner Gas, but somehow I picture nearly every Canadien town to be like Dog River. :)

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