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Happy Feast Of St. Dominic!


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Believe it or not, I don't have a black or a white skirt :(

So that's going to be a black and white t-shirt and either a pink or orange skirt...

I'm so looking forward to the Office of Readings! I haven't peaked yet.

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Deus te Amat

Well, I have either: a white OR black dress shirt, or a white t-shirt with a cross and the word "purity" in black, and a black skirt with white designs or a white skirt with black designs. I dont know which I'm going to wear yet. :think:

Office of readings!! :woot: Very excited.

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let's PARTAY!!!!! :clap: :yahoo:

Dta, you and I think alike!!! B&W is my color for this day too. But nothing beats what I used to wear:


me in 2005...

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Lovely pic. I've always wondered, are the habits cumbersome to wear, with the rosary beads so long, and the scapular?

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They feel very comfortable. And they make you more beautiful than you have ever been in your whole life! Also, the first time you wear it, something really happens to your mannerisms. You become transformed into a very graceful lady...even if you've been a tomboy all your life... :lol:

The Rosary was always breaking, because it was gigantic, and it got caught on everything. I know I just said it made me graceful, but I think I had a lot of trouble keeping things in place...like my cape would go sideways all the time. And, once, my belt broke and all the things I had attached to my belt made a huge crashing noise in the De Profundis hall (to the delight of the rest of the sisters who had a great laugh over that...when the belt is off the habit, it flows freely, and there is more material in the Dominican habit than anything. You can fit 5 sisters in one when it isn't sewn to form....it wasn't cumbersome, though...it was very very comfortable...)

The Scapular was special, and we couldn't sit on it, so we had to always move it out of the way before sitting down. I loved the practice of kissing our scapulars after we genuflected.

Edited by dominicansoul
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Okay, in the hopes that I won't fall asleep at mass (9AM mass starts in 8.5 hours) I'm going to bed now :)

Oh, and don't forget to pray for the [i]massive[/i] amounts of couples getting married today in an effort by the woman to help her future husband remember the date :)

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[quote name='VeniteAdoremus' post='1620653' date='Aug 7 2008, 06:30 PM']Oh, and don't forget to pray for the [i]massive[/i] amounts of couples getting married today in an effort by the woman to help her future husband remember the date :)[/quote]
That is so true!!! I love it.

As for me... I need to find a very early mass and hopefully stay awake!!!

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I'll be taking a friend to Divine Mercy hour at the Little Sisters of the Poor in Enfield CT. at 8pm to 9pm
Of course I will have to wear my black skirt and white blouse in honor of St.Dominic.

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Today was the last day of my novena to St. Dominic. I've developed a close friendship with him, I think, in these past nine days. Who knows, maybe one day I'll be Sr. Domenica :)

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Saint Therese

I switched shifts with a co-worker so I will be able go to Mass before work. I'm really looking forward to being able to celebrate the Feast by going to Mass. Plus, I plan to make it a special day of prayer to St. Dominic about my vocation situation. Yay! :clap:

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Oh, I wish I could go to Mass tomorrow. I have to work :( But I am sure I can do something in his honor! What kind of things do Dominicans do? :D

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Though I don't have a picture of myself in a habit [someday, though, God-willing!; and DominicanSoul, the picture is awesome!], I'll post a picture of "my" sisters with some of their brothers in Christ! :love:


O Lumen

O lumen Ecclesiae
Doctor veritatis,
Rosa patientiae,
Ebur casitatis,
Aquam sapientiae
propinasti gratis,
Praedicator gratiae,
nos junge beatis.

Light of the Church
Teacher of truth,
Rose of patience,
Ivory of chastity,
You freely offered
The waters of wisdom,
Preacher of grace,
Unite us with the blessed.



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