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"liturgy" With "womenpriests"


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[quote name='StColette' post='1619199' date='Aug 6 2008, 12:59 PM']Where's the crucifix?[/quote]

This "liturgy" was held at a conference center, I think.

Their benefactors? Our good friends at Call to Action, who brought to you the giant-headed Mass costumes and liturgical dancing. :mellow:

I wish I were kidding.

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[quote name='MissyP89' post='1619280' date='Aug 6 2008, 01:30 PM']This "liturgy" was held at a conference center, I think.

Their benefactors? Our good friends at Call to Action, who brought to you the giant-headed Mass costumes and liturgical dancing. :mellow:

I wish I were kidding.[/quote]
Good grief! those things were scary.

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Maria Faustina

I just looked at their website.....man I'd love to have a go at them with the Catechism and Scripture.... :boxer: how can they be Catholic??? If they act against a doctrine of the Church, and against the Pope....I just don't get it....

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[quote]but the visual drove home that point much much more clearly. (not that it wasn't clear already),[/quote]

I agree!!! There was something just terribly wrong.

And to whoever mentioned the big-headed costumes...*shudders* I saw a clip of that "Mass" before, too.

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What about the one with all those seem-to-be retired senior citizens giving peace with some African-sounding chant.

And the dude holding the thurible with like two fingers. Couldn't anyone at least show him how to do it right?

*shudders* Too much thinking about liturgical abuses gets me nauseous.

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Another thing I noticed was out of the room full of people over 40, i saw ONE young girl. We should pray esspecially for her; although the video was blurry a little bit so we didn't see faces, she looked in her 20's. Pray for her for believing in this junk!

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On their official website (which is listed at the end of the video), I find it interesting how they first state:

[i]FALSE: These ordinations as women priests are not recognized or valid.
TRUE: The group "RC Womenpriests" receives its authority from Roman Catholic bishops who stand in full Apostolic Succession. These bishops bestowed sacramentally valid ordinations on the women listed above. All the documents pertaining to these ordinations have been attested and notarized. All minutes of the ordinations, including data about persons, Apostolic Succession, and rituals, together with films and photos are deposited with a Notary Public.[/i]

Yet, they turn around and on the same home page of the website state:


Response Regarding Excommunication Decree

Roman Catholic Womenpriests reject the penalty of excommunication issued by the Vatican Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith on May 29, 2008 stating that the “women priests and the bishops who ordain them would be excommunicated latae sententiae.” Roman Catholic Womenpriests are loyal members of the church who stand in the prophetic tradition of holy obedience to the Spirit’s call to change an unjust law that discriminates against women. Our movement is receiving enthusiastic responses on the local, national and international level. We will continue to serve our beloved church in a renewed priestly ministry that welcomes all to celebrate the sacraments in inclusive, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered communities wherever we are called.[/i]

I see a contradiction here. Of course, that's assuming the question "recognized or valid" refers to in the eyes of Rome. If not, then I'm curious which authority they serve, renegade bishops? How can you be "loyal members of the church" if you do not obey what Rome says?

Edited by Paladin D
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Not one "communicant" bowed nor made any gesture of reverence while in line. And you wonder why.

I wish they didn't try so dang hard to take out every He and Him. Sigh. And then they actually said 'she' at the end! Ahh! I've always wondered, though--how are they possibly going to get through the Our Father...?

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[quote name='Maria_Faustina' post='1621142' date='Aug 8 2008, 08:12 AM']Not one "communicant" bowed nor made any gesture of reverence while in line. And you wonder why.[/quote]
Well, that's just about the only thing they got right: they don't see any reason to be reverent towards the "Bread of Peace" because it's the people sharing it who count. And, of course, since "invalid" doesn't even cover the first two minutes of this liturgy, that's completely proper!

But I understand what you're saying - the sad thing is that they would have exactly the same attitude during a real Mass.

[quote name='Maria_Faustina' post='1621142' date='Aug 8 2008, 08:12 AM']I wish they didn't try so dang hard to take out every He and Him. Sigh. And then they actually said 'she' at the end! Ahh! I've always wondered, though--how are they possibly going to get through the Our Father...?[/quote]

I once heard "God, Father, Mother, Giver of Life".

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I heard an Indian priest at my parish preface the Our Father by saying that God is our Father AND our Mother. I was like :huh:

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[quote name='Maria_Faustina' post='1621142' date='Aug 8 2008, 01:12 AM']Not one "communicant" bowed nor made any gesture of reverence while in line. And you wonder why.

I wish they didn't try so dang hard to take out every He and Him. Sigh. And then they actually said 'she' at the end! Ahh! I've always wondered, though--how are they possibly going to get through the Our Father...?[/quote]
They tried sending Jesus a very angry e-mail about how this prayer He invented discriminated against women.

Unfortunately for them the Pope is His secretary.

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