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A Shower


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I just got back from the shower that my friends threw for me. It was so much fun. There was a a lot of good food. So we chatted and ate. My friend Joan asked me ahead of time to make a list of things that I am allowed th bring with to the convent. She thten created a list of items and people had to write yes or no next to the item. She listed about 20-25 things. That was a lot of fun. Also she had everyone write down 3 religious name suggestions for me and then had everyone write down some fake ones to be funny. Eveyrone went around and read them off, it was a riot! ! ! They had some good suggestions humm. . . Then we broke for some dessert and then eveyrone went around to say honoring things about me and tell funny stories. Like the time my friend Joan and I were studying in the library and she brought up vocations to religious life and I was not open at all to the idea and she was giving me philosophical arguments why I should be open and I was attempting to construst arguments why I should's ( She majored in Philosophy and I minored in it) It's fun to see how far I have come. Then they prayed over me. I opened gifts. I got lots of money that I can use to buy the remaining things I need and I got some handekerchiefs and socks. Then I put a box in the middle of the room that I had filled with stuff to give away and they all went through it. It was a lot of fun. They decorated the room with blue and white streamers and made photo copies of sisters and hung them arounf the room from streamers. It was very creative. I was very honored and it was such a joy to have such a beautiful group of women to come together and hang out, eat, pray, and have fun.


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That is so neat. I'm glad that your friends are supporting you, and recognize that this is as big a change in life as getting married, and equally worthy of celebrating.

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That does sound wonderful. I'm glad you were able to be embraced and supported by them. What a gift from God.

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[quote name='MandyKhatoon' post='1610185' date='Jul 27 2008, 07:58 PM']That is so nice!! I'm a little curious to hear some of the funny names they thought up of... :think:[/quote]

I'll post some of them later.

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[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1610413' date='Jul 28 2008, 01:39 AM']From your handle, I suspect you're heading to a Dominican community - may I ask which?[/quote]

I'll be entering the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word on August 22nd

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The idea of a shower is a really fun idea before entering a community. If I enter I want one myself. It's funny because I attended my cousin's wedding shower last month and I imagined a possible wedding shower with Our Lord and our loved ones. It would be some big shower!

At one point my cousin and her fiance went around and asked each of us a question and we could ask them one as well. At one point She asked my great aunt what her favorite thing about her husband was. She made a face and everyone laughed thinkning, "This'll be good!" My great uncle is such a character. Then my cousin asked if saying what her least favorite thing about him would be, if that was an easier question for her to answer. She chose the first option saying that he is very thoughtful.

I got to thinking, "What if Christ was asked to answer one or both of those questions about me or what if I was asked about Him?" I think that it would be funny to hear His least favorite thing about me. Now I don't mean sin wise but quirks and personality wise, though maybe they might tie in together somehow. I have an insurmountable amount of flaws and who knows me better than Him? I'd just want to hear it for a laugh. It's nice joking around with Him.

It'd also be sweet to hear what His favorite thing about me is. Then I'd probably think, "Really? I have that trait and it's Your favorite thing about me. Aww."

Darn, what could I possibly say about Him? My favorite thing about Our Lord? How could you narrow it down to just one thing? And my least favorite thing...?

Eww I know, how long long of a wait it is to be with Him completely in Heaven.

At another point my cousin's sister talked to her fiance about a particular flaw of her's. You see, he is a very neat and tidy person and my cousin's well...not. She told him that she once had a bowl of cereal that she left in her room for a period of time. Her fiance said that he knew what he was getting into, which made me laugh for another reason.

Our Lord definitely knows what He's getting into by marrying me.

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1610883' date='Jul 28 2008, 04:29 PM']I'll be entering the Sister Servants of the Eternal Word on August 22nd[/quote]

Oh, God bless you! They look like a beautiful congregation!

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NOt that I am really thinking about names because I don't know how things are going to play out and I don't want to get ahead of myself. Okay so with that said here are some names my friends suggested which were their real suggestions.

Mary Thomas Marie Thomas Mary Athanasius Marie Dominic Mary Elizabeth
Mary Michael Athanasius Marie Mary Pio Augustine Marie
Maria Virgo Spei Therese Marie

So those are some most, it was fun seeing the variety of spellings of Athanasius

Some of the humorous ones:

Mary Mary of Mary Mary White of the Holy Sox ( I happen to be a huge Chicago White Sox fan)
Maria Da of the Mighty Bears ( I am also a HUGE fan of the Chicago Bears)
Maura Patrick of the Land of the Irish
Marie Dominic of coffee
Rita Marie of Perpetual Philosophical Conversations
Faustina MArie of the Occasional Facebook Visit
Terese Marie of the Crazy Antics
Dorcus Marie of the Wrath of God
Thomas Mary of the Philosophizing Campers

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[quote name='veritas99' post='1611470' date='Jul 29 2008, 10:54 AM']Faustina MArie of the Occasional Facebook Visit[/quote]


I think this one's a real winner!

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