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Christ's Divinity


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As I get older and meet more diverse people I am assumed to be the Catholic “Voice” for all discussions religious. Works for me because I do not preach I just tell people what we believe and if I do not know it I get back to them. Usually it works great and I am proud to say that I have sparked the interest enough for more than 2 people to come back Home. Its fun to see people soak it all up.

Here is a question and I have searched the phorum 3 pages deep to avoid regurge.

Muslims and Jews like to question the divinity of Christ quoting:

[b]Mathew 24:36[/b] “But of that day and hour no one knoweth: no, not the angels of heaven, but the Father alone”


[b]Mark 10:41[/b]. “But to sit on my right hand or on my left is not mine to give to you, but to them for whom it is prepared”

I do not have an answer to why Christ does not have an answer or why he does not reveal the answer. Of course people like to quote the Bible to prove someone wrong but will disbelieve in the rest of the text. A little help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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remember when Jesus said to Philip.... when philip asked Jesus to show God plainly,,, "have i been with you so long that you still don't know? you have seen him."

in broad terms, sure "divine", he's one with the spirit, and God. The question isnt about divinity generally to my understanding, but about him being God.

to me,,, people don't really fully understand the implications of the reality of the paradox of the trinity. it's not suppose to be understood. Jesus is God, but he's not... or at least, he's the father, but he's not. They're the same, but they aren't.

If you take that assumption that it doesn't make sense,,, hten you can approach the question of whether Jesus is God that way. If you can't pigeon hole the trinity, then you can't pigeonhole Jesus' status either.

i used to feel bad, cause i'd hesitate to say Jesus is God... but then I realized that I hesitated ot say he's not God, too. again, that's the nature of the trinity, and so that's the nature of the question of Jesus' Godhood.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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