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Life Can Be Tough


What's the Toughest thing you deal with as a teen?  

55 members have voted

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Hi guys, BlueRose here. I'm 17 and obviously qualify for the under 20 category! I did this poll 'cause I think sometimes in life each of us feels so isolated in our own problems - but what we don't realize is that there are so many others out there who are going through the same thing!!

Besides being a fun place for us "young'uns" to hang out, I hope this particular board can also be a great place for each of us to find support. Because, let's face it, it's not always easy being a young adult in today's world!

Love Always,


(Your Sister in Christ!)

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wow blue rose! you and me chose the same one!!!

what a ca-winka-dink!

yes, i have to say that is the HARDEST thing that i've had to go through that still stresses me when i am determined for it not to ....

things go crazy at times and its at these times that you have absolutly no control over what happens and you have to put all your trust in God.

high school especially is VERY hard because many of the ppl ( who are your friends) you have to face everyday, in and out. and that can be hard. your a senior right bluerose? well, let me tell you, don't let anyone bother you because in less than a year, high school will be in the past and you will not have to worry about the little things. and they don't seem like "little things" (believe me i know!) but when you leave high school, you realize that you can leave all that behind...

ahhhhh! this place rockZ!

God BLess!


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Yeah we did, didn't we? See I knew that people out there have a lot of similar "issues" to deal with! (Mwahaha, my plan is working already!!)

Yeah I'm a Senior this year, though I wish I was already graduated. The really REALLY ironic thing is that the friend of mine who betrayed me is in college. She'll be a Sophomore in the fall. Just goes to show the maturity level there, right? She's even recently resorted to badmouthing me to my crush's mother, because they know eachother, and she's trying to spoil a fufure relationship for he and I. Thank heavens his mother and he both see right through it.

I don't hang out with her much anymore anyway. Who in their right minds could emotionally handle the lies, backhanded compliments, sneakiness, chastising, and knowledge that she's going to turn around and talk badly about you as soon as you're gone? Not I. Besides, if she keeps this up I don't want to be anywhere near her 'cause from the sound of it, a bolt of lightning with her name on it just might come down out of the sky one of these days!! lol.....

What about you (since we're on the subject)? What kind of betrayal have you had to face?

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now ya know where i'm coming from right?

its not that far away from your situation.....

good girls (catholics) UNITE!!!!!


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Oh jeez, BlueRose, shall I tell about my most recent betrayal?? Hmm, this "best friend" of mine, let's call her....Blondie, who had been by my side through a really hard relationship and breakup that was extremely hard on my mental and emotional state... Because of him, I had gone into a complete downward spiral and got very depressed. Well, about 10 months after we broke up, I still talked to him, and I was still friends with him. After mass one Sunday, Blondie comes up to me and tells me "I have a boyfriend now...and you're gonna hate me..." and I asked who and she tells me that it was that ex of mine that she was dating now. I was shocked. So after that, she tried to tell me that I had no right to be upset at her. Riiiggghhhtt....I tried to find a saint for betrayal...that search didn't produce any results, so does anyone know of one? But anyways, Blondie and I are civil now, but things will never, ever be the same...Betrayal is definately not the funnest thing in the world! :)

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Poor GTC... Yeah, I've been there, too. I'm sure you know already! :)

Here's a little exerpt from one of my emails to littleflower... It might help you out:

"But something that occurred to me through all of this: After asking myself, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" I answered my own question. Because it brings us closer to Jesus because it makes us carry our own cross. It's sorta like the poll I started. It's one thing to have things in common, but to have suffering in common seems to really bring people closer together and give them an understanding of the human spirit, you know? I guess it's like that with Jesus. One night in church a thought floated into my head: One of his very best friends betrayed him, and ultimately led him to his death."

Jesus is wonderful. He's been there. Perhaps there isn't a saint for betrayal, but maybe you don't need one anyway - I mean, you've got Jesus right in your corner and he's been through it, too. :)



Edited by BlueRose
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Aww, that's so true BlueRose, I never though about it like that...No betrayal saint...just Jesus!! Thanks for pointing that out!!

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i thik this poll is really cool cuz it can also show us what we need to work on or thats stopping us from getting closer to God....

and thats what this place is for. to help everyone out, in whatever way, advice, or whatever....

and plus, since we're all close in age, we can probably understand better too...

awww....i love this place..don't ya?

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Well BlueRose, you hit it on the spot. You know which one I chose...the college apps...b/c lets face it...you have to be REALLY rich, or living on the streets to pay for college. Rich so you can pay for it yourself, or living on the streets so the gov't will pay for ya! I mean I try & I try & I try.....(exactly 3 times) but I'm not smart enough. & I'm not poor enough either. it's like AHH what the heck!

I love this place as well +JMJ! it's amesome. I love helping people out.

BTW GTC that blondie, is exactly that, a blondie...you know how I feel on that situation, & we need to keep that one outta here!

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I love it too! But yes...GodsGrace, you're totally right.

Things are hard when you're young...I'm just glad I have you guys to vent to and get advice from!

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Sexual urges.

Used to suffer that too still do at times. Now the hardest thing is seeing my friends into stupid stuff that society has placed to smell of elderberries their minds out and sell it on ebay.

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Yeah, that's hard Musturde....

I think no matter how much you try to control it, every teen, and even older than that, have those urges that you try really hard to control....it's hard, but with supportive friends and amesome influences on your life, like a youth minister, it's easier to deal with!

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you hit it on the spot girlie....I mean com'on...well the U.B. isn't helping much but hey! what can I say!??

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