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Pre-postulancy Week And My Trip To Ca


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I'm late coming to this thread - perhaps too late to be of any help to you.

There is a congregation of Dominican sisters in Mosul, Iraq - the picture that was mentioned was probably not a Chaldean Rite sister. The Dominican convent has been damaged in the past, they've been without electricity off and on - they're in a tough situation, but they're still there. I can't find a web page for them, but you may be able to get some information about them from Sr. Anne Lythgoe, OP at editor@domlife.org - assuming that you have any interest in joining a Dominican congregation back in Iraq.

On the larger question of which group to join - Chaldean, active, Dominican, etc.... Many people on this forum advise discerners to be open to the Spirit, wait for some sort of a sign from God, and so forth. While there is nothing wrong with that - God can certainly communicate with us in a variety of unexpected ways - I also think God expects us to do our homework. In the case of discernment, that means a lot of self-analysis - Who am I? What am I happy doing? What talents do I have? Where can I best contribute them for my own good and the good of the whole church? (BTW, that little phrase - "for our good and the good of the whole church" - is my personal definition of liturgy, and it should apply to everything we do: prayer, education, work, volunteer activities, clothing, whatever.)

If you have the talent & inclination to serve other people, it's an indication that an active order suits you. If you are more introspective, prefer quiet prayer & contemplation, it is an indication that a comtemplative order suits you. If you have both elements within you, you want a balanced contemplative/active order. Finding the group that suits you is challenging because there are so many out there; that's actually one of the joys of Catholicism - there are so many ways to be holy in the Catholic Church! But it does mean that you need to research charisms, schedules, prayer/work balance, types of ministry, cultural influences (such as the Rite, the language of prayer, the habit, and so forth) to find a good fit.

I just don't believe God tries to force round pegs into square holes or vise versa - He made us the way we are, He made us that way for a reason, He wants us to develop who we are (as made by Him), and he wants us to spend ourselves in serving Him (directly or by serving His people), and He wants us to be happy while we're doing it. Finding that good fit will allow you to be happy while you serve God by using the talents He gave you.

I do agree that starting a prenovitiate is not a permanent commitment - it's a way of exploring the fit between you and a particular congregation. If you're going in on August 28th and all the arrangements have been made, then go in peace to love and serve the Lord, but keep in mind that you're still exploring, still discerning, still choosing, still deciding.

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Thank you for your prayers! You're in mine as well!


I think you've given me the best piece of advice I've received yet about this whole situation. Thank you so much for still writing your comment even though you thought you may have been too late :) Please keep me in your prayers. You're in mine as well.

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Mandy, do you know these girls?


Two consecrated virgins in the Chaldean Rite, new members of Workers of the Vineyard

...there's also a thread on the Chaldean rite and religious on forums.catholic.com/Eastern Catholicism/ "Please Pray for these New Members of Workers of the Vineyard of Our Lord"

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They are actually Sisters and not consecrated virgins.

I am very good friends with both of these Sisters. I stayed with them for a few days when I was in California. One of them is one of my closest friends and we went to college together. They're a really great group. I think I mentioned them in an earlier post or maybe an earlier thread..

They are awesome. I did discern somewhat if God may be calling me there, but as much as I love them I know that's not where He wants me to be. But if anyone is willing to switch to the Chaldean Rite, I HIGHLY recommend checking them out!

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