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God Works In Very Strange, Efficient Ways

Fr. Antony Maria OSB

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

I was just watching the EWTN special presentation of Life On The Rock live at WYD, and when Fr. Mark was interviewing a priest and a nun about vocations and the vocation forum Down Under, it seemed as though everything they said was directed at me and at my discernment of the Benedictines and the Marians of the Immaculate Conception. It is really weird because everywhere I look, our Blessed Mother is being mentioned in one way or another in regards to vocations, missionary work is mentioned, as well as being a witness to the entire world. Every turn I make is like little things that God is throwing my way saying, "Follow this way and do not be afraid!" Something I found even more ironic was when I asked a priest at Steubie this past weekend for advice on a certain situation, he told me to read The Story of a Soul by St. Therese of Lisieux, and at first I was thinking that I had already read this book twice before, once just earlier this year, so why do I have to read it again? But I bought it, and a few days ago began reading it, and right when I began reading it it was as though I had been extremely cold and just walked into the bright, hot sunlight and was immediately warmed. I went to Mass last night and this morning at a near by parish, and at each Mass (offered by different priests) simplicity was mentioned in different ways, and then to cap it all off on LOTR one of the Brothers mentioned reading The Story of a Soul, and it is just blowing my mind how constant it seems as though God is being in my life right now in regards to my discernment.

Now, a few weeks ago I got an e-mail from Fr. Don Calloway, vocation director of the MIC's, mentioning different vocation retreats that they're having at the Marian House at Steubenville later this year. At first I replied that I wouldn't be able to come because of distance and school, but now I'm thinking that I should seriously give it a try and see where the Lord takes me. Like I showed above (and maybe I'm the only one who can see the similarities or whatnot in discernment of the Marians? Please let me know), it really seems as though God is just thrusting in my face different forms of missionary work, taking the Gospel out to the world, instead of becoming a Benedictine monk, and I'm thinking that I would gain a lot by attending one of these retreats, if it is possible for me to do so (and with the Lord, all things are possible). I really don't know. This past week my discernment has been thrown completely upside down in regards to what I thought God was calling me to, and now more than ever I need a spiritual director, which I am currently lacking. So please keep me in your prayers, as well. Regarding my discernment I am excited, scared, joyous and nervous at the same time, and quite frankly don't know exactly where to go or who to turn to. Right now I'm going to e-mail a monk I know to ask if we could talk very soon about all of this, and see where it goes from there. It doesn't help, though, that I am going out of state tomorrow for the weekend, so it's going to be interesting trying to set something up to say the least. So thank you very much for your prayers, and I'll keep you updated as things go along. If you have any advice (given already or not: I know I just made a similar thread last week or the week before, so my apologies for that), please share it: I definately need all the help I can get, lol!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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Maria Faustina

How beautiful!!! Good for you!! The only advice I have for you is to find a Bible passage or verse that really speaks to you and you can relate to while in discernment- I find that is helping me tremendously! You got my prayers :)

In Christ,
Maria Faustina

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If you can get to Steubie for a retreat with Fr CallowayL DO IT!

I went on a retreat there, and I can tell you which ever way you go it is a wonderful experience that will support your discernment.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Thank you all very much for your prayers! I know that they are working as my discernment is still going around in crazy ways, lol! Thank you again!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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If you feel this way about the retreat: go. Don't worry about the distance. That's my two cents (worth more, they're Eurocents :P)

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Just a quick update here. I am hopefully going to talk to Fr. Don tomorrow. He called today, but because I can't figure out my new cell phone just yet it was on silent when he called me so I missed his call <_<, but he said that he would call back tomorrow, so all is good (and I figured out how to make my cell phone ring, lol). And I am seriously considering trying to go to one of the vocation retreats at Steubie: just have to figure out which one and get the plane tickets and talk to my parents about it. Please pray that they'll be open to it, especially my dad. He's having some issues with me moving so far away for college, and as it seems like I'm not coming home for Thanksgiving Break I don't know that he would be too open to me flying to Steubenville for a weekend vocation retreat. Thank you again!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

Alright, I spoke to Fr. Don briefly today, and he's going to send me some books that deal with Marian spirituality for me to read to understand that better, so things seem to be moving along pretty smoothly! Thanks again for everything!

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alittle off topic . . .
Today I filling the horse's pasture water tank and I sat down by the fence and put my head back on one of the slats and was thinking "Jesus" just then a drop of water hit the center of my forehead and dripped down my face.
What timing!

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I really agree with the title of this thread.

You should do a post about the Marian books when you read them, I would love to know if you find some good ones.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB


And sure, I could do that! It won't be for at least a couple of weeks, though, since I won't get the books until sometime next week, and I'm finishing up [i]Story of a Soul[/i] right now, and then depending on how long the books are...but I could definately post about them when I'm done!

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