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Prayer Pals

the lords sheep

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the lords sheep

So, once upon a time here on VS, we had "prayer-pals" or prayer partners. Since that time, many of the members (though not all) have moved on from VS to bigger and better places: many have entered their respective convents, monasteries, seminaries, hermitages, and some have already been ordained or have gotten married. Anyway, I was remembering this the other day, and praying about the fact that VS should not only be a place where we can find information on our respective vocations and hear vocations news from around the world, but we should be a center of prayer, carrying one another to the heart of Jesus, sincerely interceding for one another.

I know many of you, like me, carry the people of VS in your prayers, especially when they request special prayer intentions. I know that others have gotten to know people and carry them especially in prayer. However, I've been thinking that maybe we should try to reestablish some of these more intimate prayer relationships, especially for those who have very little support in their discernment. Even if you already have one person or a few people (as I do) that you're praying for, join us if you'd like (you can never have too many people praying for you, right??) I know in the times I have really struggled, my greatest consolation was that there were always people praying for me, even when I couldn't pray for myself.

So! Here is the link to the [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=21697&hl=partner&st=0"]old thread[/url] but, as many of these members have gone, I though we should begin in this new thread. Before, it worked best just to assign randomly as people showed interest. So, if you are interested at all, sign up below. If you have a special request, clear it with that person and then post the partnership below.

Happy Prayers!

In the hearts of Jesus and Mary,

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Brother Ed

[quote name='Caramelonion' post='1593548' date='Jul 7 2008, 08:27 AM']I'm interested...I would love a Prayer Pal...[/quote]

I think that is wonderful!!!!! I would love to be invovled.....

Pax ex Bonum,
Bro. Ed

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I think this would be a great idea. I seventh this. :saint: Is there a nun or Sister emoticon, BTW? I didn't see one, but maybe my eyes just deceived me.

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