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Discerners For Military Chaplaincy


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Here's a great priest I've met from the Archdioese of Chicago, Fr. Matt Foley, who discerned a call to become a military chaplain, [url="http://romancatholicvocations.blogspot.com/2008_03_01_archive.html"]Priest heeds call to Iraq[/url]

Just a side note, I knew this before, but he went to college with Chris Farely. Maybe some of you have heard of his "motivational speaker" character, Matt Foley .. ^_^
[quote]Up through college, Foley was a troublemaker, a partyer. As a political science major at Marquette University, he played rugby with fellow student and soon-to-be-famous comedian Chris Farley, known for his life of excess. Farley, who died in 1997, named one of his most revered ‘‘Saturday Night Live’’ characters, a bumbling motivational speaker, after Foley.[/quote]

But anyway, back to becoming a military chaplain, I find this story really inspiring. My brother in the seminary is also discerning this call.

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I just realized, I posted the wrong link. This one goes straight to the article, [url="http://romancatholicvocations.blogspot.com/2008/03/priest-heeds-call-to-iraq.html"]Priest heeds call to Iraq [/url]

Also, the YouTube video at the end of the article, [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDICmcxrIEM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDICmcxrIEM[/url]

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[quote name='Margaret Clare' post='1597280' date='Jul 10 2008, 06:50 PM']Just a side note, I knew this before, but he went to college with Chris Farely. Maybe some of you have heard of his "motivational speaker" character, Matt Foley .. ^_^[/quote]
Also, another side note, but I don't mean to recommend SNL or anything. It's definitely a terrible show these days with very very low morals the vast majority of the time, it wasn't always like that in the past .. Chris Farely was pretty funny though. I'm sure Fr. Foley always kept him in his prayers. May he rest in peace :sign:

another [url="http://www.nbc5.com/news/15426556/detail.html"][b]article[/b][/url] and [url="http://video.nbc5.com/player/?id=223473"][b]video[/b][/url] on Fr. Foley. God bless him! :pray:

Edited by Margaret Clare
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