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Hairdresser Is Sued For Refusing A Job To Woman In Headscarf

Lil Red

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Did it say in the job description that one had to show their hair while working in the salon?

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1590105' date='Jul 3 2008, 11:30 AM']Speaking of getting hot, please do not click on this link. My antivirus program, invisus, detected a couple viruses.[/quote]

Ouch! sorry!!!!

I guess I need to find a better antivirus program...

[b]Hey mods! can you delete that link??[/b]

Edited by tgoldson
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I think I would have been more concerned if she came in wearing a beehive on her head....

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I remember my mom doing a beehive hairdo on me for a pageant. I wanted to wear a stocking cap over it.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1590066' date='Jul 3 2008, 05:49 PM']You're still lying. Still putting words in my mouth. And fact that you're doing it in a public forum--that makes it slander.

"The truth is that the biggest enemy of Islam is the Muslims themselves, because they have relinquished all decency in dealing with others, as well as the courage to oppose oppression" ... [url="http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021615.php"]http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021615.php[/url]

Not that I expect you to have one iota of interest in the facts, but there it is.[/quote]

Jihadwatch seems to occupy the same status as a divinely revealed text with you. This is not the first time you've quoted it to me as a definitive source on Islam. The first time was after I introduced myself as a former Muslim who has spent the best part of her life in an Islamic country, and corrected a few mistakes that you'd made in a post. You replied, "I don't have to respond." Then you linked to jihadwatch.

You're right. You don't have to respond to anything. You also don't have to defend any of the examples of your conduct that I've cited as being worrying or even hateful.

You do, however, have to acknowledge that it is possible to demonstrate hateful behaviour towards a group of people without opening your mouth and explicitly stating, "I hate such-and-such."

You are free to behave as you see fit, but don't expect semantics (and links to jihadwatch) to cover your back if you are going to make some of the vituperative and vicious statements that you come out with on a regular basis.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1590068' date='Jul 3 2008, 05:51 PM']And your lies are getting worse. Now you've gone from falsely accusing me of not liking Muslims to falsely accusing me of hating them.

And because you lie and slander me in this forum I'm putting you on ignore effective now.[/quote]

You ignore me anyway - just as you ignore anybody who disagrees with you - so I don't see why the extra effort of clicking a button in your control panel is necessary. :mellow:

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[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1590247' date='Jul 3 2008, 12:32 PM']Then you linked to jihadwatch.[/quote]
I prefer [url="http://memritv.org/"]MemriTV[/url].

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1590269' date='Jul 3 2008, 08:49 PM']I prefer [url="http://memritv.org/"]MemriTV[/url].[/quote]

Do you know who founded MEMRI?

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Yes, I do. But what I like about MemriTV is that the information is taken from Islamic televsion.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1590283' date='Jul 3 2008, 09:01 PM']Yes, I do. But what I like about MemriTV is that the information is taken from Islamic televsion.[/quote]

Information is cherry-picked from a variety of Middle Eastern television channels (and other media outlets). The big newspapers with large circulations throughout the Middle East ([i]Al-Ahram[/i], for example - this is a top-selling paper throughout the region) are rarely if ever quoted, whereas obscure pamphlets with a tiny circulation are given huge and undue prominence. William Rugh, a former US Ambassador to the United Arab Emirates and Yemen, picked up on this, stating cautiously that MEMRI "does not present a balanced or complete picture of the Arab print media..." I think that he was making an understatement, although I suppose that a man in his position has to be very diplomatic in the way he phrases things.

As you know, the two founders of MEMRI (and the people who run it today) are Zionists of a particularly fiery streak. Today it is managed by people who are serving or have served in the Israeli Defence Forces, which perhaps explains that when Hebrew and Arabic-language media reported the Israeli politician's Effi Eitam's infamous description of Palestinian people as 'a cancer', MEMRI didn't pick up on the story at all - even though it was widely publicised and much discussed. Yet outrageous and racist remarks by obscure Muslim clerics - people with nowhere near such fame or prominence as Eitam - are invariably picked up and presented as though half the Middle East is listening to them over their breakfast cereal.

That organisation has a distinct political agenda to push. If you would like to keep your finger on the pulse of the Middle Eastern world (which isn't quite the same thing as the Islamic world, so I would avoid using terms like 'Islamic television'), order in a few of the English translations of the major Arab dailies and tune in to the major news channels via the Internet. Don't be content with cherry-picking.

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[quote name='tgoldson' post='1590206' date='Jul 3 2008, 01:54 PM']Ouch! sorry!!!!

I guess I need to find a better antivirus program...
[b]Hey mods! can you delete that link??[/b][/quote]

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[quote name='rizz_loves_jesus' post='1590176' date='Jul 3 2008, 01:34 PM']Did it say in the job description that one had to show their hair while working in the salon?[/quote]

A lot of job descriptions don't give full details of every duty or requirement of the job. Some places require uniforms and some don't. Those details are often not found in the job ad and are something addressed upon interview. I interviewed someone for a position once who had a ton of earrings (it was a guy) and I informed him that he would have to remove those each day he worked, because it's part of our guidelines. I mean if you go for a job say at a tattoo place and you are a tattoo artist most likely you will be required to show off the work on your body or any work you did on yourself or designed for yourself. I would say the same goes for a hairstylist or a clothing stylist. I know several clothing companies that if you work in their stores you wear only their clothes while you are at work. You are like a billboard for the company when you are at work. The same would go for a hairstylist. Hair is what your job is so you gotta show off your skills and the best way is show off your own hair. I mean I wouldn't let someone who cut huge bald spots in their own hair touch my hair rofl

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heh, as it seems that mme. vengier is blocking people faster than new people join, how long will it take before she can only debate herself? :)

heck, if employers dont have to hire you because you dont have something untangible like "the right attitude" or if you show up to the interview wearing innappropriately shabby clothes why cant they do what this shop did? however, they should have it as part of the job description to model new hairstyles.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='EstoVir_TheWay_4' post='1590086' date='Jul 3 2008, 11:13 AM']I understand that kujo is out of line, but you do seem to go out of your way to prove that Muslims cause trouble.

Do you have something against them?[/quote]

I have something against ISLAM. I don't have "something against" Muslims. I think they are pitifully deceived by the teachings of the leader of the moon cult, Mohammed. I don't appreciate someone putting words in my mouth. If I didn't like Muslims as a whole I would just say so. But for me to say "I don't" and then someone to sit there and repeatedly say "Oh, yes you do", that's something I won't tolerate.

And I didn't have to go out of my way to do anything. First of all, the topic of the thread is a Muslim woman suing over hurt feelings which we all agreed was absurd. I was not off-topic when I expressed my opinion that Muslims all over the world are pushing for the inculturation of their religious beliefs and way of life. The proof is already out there. I don't have to go out of my way to "prove" anything. All of you have access to TV, radio, newspapers, books and internet. All of these media sources are rife with news items about Muslims causing trouble.

I have never said anything about Muslims or Islam that wasn't true. You all may want to believe the best of everyone but sadly, the facts point to a different truth.

By the way, I don't know what Kujo said because I've had him on ignore for a very long time.

Edited by Madame Vengier
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Madame Vengier

[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1590140' date='Jul 3 2008, 12:11 PM']I think there's something to be said for the Muslim lady in question. Having your hair covered doesn't physically prevent you cutting someone else's hair (so long as it's kept well in place): for that you need your eyes and free movement of your arms and legs. It's not comparable to the lady who wanted to keep her face covered whilst teaching a language class; for the latter it's clearly necessary to see your teacher's face.

Is it necessary for a client to see his hairdresser's hair? I'm not sure. I don't go to the hairdresser's that often but when I do I tend to have a pretty good idea of what I want my hair to look like. In fact I'm not even sure I take much notice of his hairstyle.[/quote]

Normally, I would agree with this. Why can't she cut hair with her own hair covered? It really doesn't sound fair when taken at face value. But the fact is, hairstylists do represent the salon they work for. A previous poster pointed out that if you went for a manicure and the staff had gross nails, you would not want her to do YOUR nails. That's why the stylists represent their salons. There's nothing wrong with the way Muslim women look with the veil. Many of them wear hajibs that are quite ornate and fashionable and in that way they maintain the level of modesty they have chosen for themselves but they are still stylish in their own way. My issue is with this woman going from salon to salon to salon, knowing--she HAD to know--that her hair being covered was going to be an issue. Yet she persisted until she landed on a target she could sue. That's my issue. And that Muslims are doing this kind of thing all over the West.

What I would genuinely be interested in knowing is if there are beauty salons owned and operated by veiled Muslim women.

Edited by Madame Vengier
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