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Hairdresser Is Sued For Refusing A Job To Woman In Headscarf

Lil Red

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1589981' date='Jul 3 2008, 03:44 PM']You're a liar. And how dare you put words in my mouth.[/quote]

How dare you ascribe motives to people whom you don't even know, like this hairdresser?

You may never have explicitly said, "I don't like Muslims." But your posts have made that quite clear. The blanket statements, the whitewashing, the stereotyping. The fact that when Jimmy Mizen was shot dead, your only contribution to the thread marking his death was to ask why the press hadn't commented that his attacker was a TURKISH MUSLIM (your capitals), as if his race and religion explained why he had taken part in a knife killing. (As it happens, the killer was neither of those things.) The fact that when Fr Cappie posted a thread two days ago about the killing of a Catholic priest by a Hindu extremist in Nepal, you weren't there to comment, but when there is a thread about a Muslim hairdresser who sues a salon you offer this as 'proof' of Muslim unwillingness to coexist in peace. In fact, when there is any thread about Islam, I know that there will be multiple posts from you. You have a level of obsessiveness, sourness, and spite on this subject that speaks of something much stronger than dislike.

You've spoken of how much you like travelling. If you are sincere in wanting to understand Islam, I can give you the addresses of friends in Yemen and Qatar and Palestine and Egypt and Bahrain and Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. Any of them would welcome you as a guest. Perhaps, after living with Muslims for a while, you would come back as a kinder person than when you started out.

Edited by Cathoholic Anonymous
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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1589968' date='Jul 3 2008, 03:33 PM']I remember that case very well. That too was meant to be a standard-maker for Muslims and it failed. Before THAT it was the Muslim woman who tried to sue the DMV for not letting her keep her face covered for her ID card. Every sane person on this planet knows this is outrageous--the notion that anyone would be allowed to keep their face covered for an IDENTIFICATION photo. But again, this was supposed to be a standard-maker and it failed. Another one was the Muslim nurses who were required to wear short-sleeved scrub uniforms for obvious hygiene purposes. That one is still being sorted out. And there are the cases of Muslim women taking jobs that require them to wear a unifrom comprised of pants, with the Muslims stating how humiliating it is to wear pants, "for me it's the same as being naked". And of course there were the Muslim students who forced a university to remove a Cross and other non-Muslim religious symbols from a community chapel because it "offended them". And then there are the foot baths on campus and the prayer room in Tysons Corner mall, Virginia. This list can go on and on and on and on and...

Is this co-existing peacefully? Is "peace" only defined as the absence of violence? I don't think so--on both points. While it may not be "about religion" for these employers--because it's about basic common sense--it has everything to do with religion for Muslims. It is never assimilating or comprimising. It's about forcing the rest of us to change to suit their wants and needs.[/quote]

[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1589988' date='Jul 3 2008, 03:49 PM']Are you serious?? Can you be this thick?? It's not ME making an issue about the pants. I simply reported the argument that the Muslim woman gave. SHE did not want to wear the pants. SHE claimed it was like "being naked". SHE claimed it was humiliating.[/quote]

You didn't write about one Muslim woman. You wrote this: "And there are the cases of Muslim women taking jobs that require them to wear a unifrom comprised of pants, with the Muslims stating how humiliating it is to wear pants, "for me it's the same as being naked"."

'The Muslims'. Not one Muslim woman. 'The Muslims'.

[quote]You need to do a few things:

1: Stop twisting peoples' words.
2: Stop putting words in peoples' mouths.
3: Read and comprehend before you respond, instead of responding based on something the person never wrote in the first place.
4: Stop telling lies.
5: Stop accusing people of "blanket statements" when in fact a statement was only made about ONE person, not a group of persons.[/quote]

And you need to learn to be kinder, Madame Vengier, in both your words and your attitude. Maybe I am thick. But I would rather be thick than hate anybody.

That offer to find you a Muslim home to stay in for a few weeks still stands.

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[quote name='Madame Vengier' post='1589953' date='Jul 3 2008, 09:10 AM']Islam...the religion of trickery, intimidation and fear.[/quote]

well that's not anti-Semitic by any measure <_<

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It seems like the owner of this shop should register her hair dressers as "models who cut hair" because, that way, she can make these demands and stuff. Otherwise, she leaves herself open to getting sued like this.

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Sometimes Madame V's reviews on Islam scare me. Her radicalism somewhat reminds me of the hatred and irrationality spewed out by al-Qaeda or Hamas.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1589991' date='Jul 3 2008, 08:54 AM']How dare you ascribe motives to people whom you don't even know, like this hairdresser?

You may never have explicitly said, "I don't like Muslims." But your posts have made that quite clear.[/quote]

You're still lying. Still putting words in my mouth. And fact that you're doing it in a public forum--that makes it slander.

"The truth is that the biggest enemy of Islam is the Muslims themselves, because they have relinquished all decency in dealing with others, as well as the courage to oppose oppression" ... [url="http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021615.php"]http://www.jihadwatch.org/archives/021615.php[/url]

Not that I expect you to have one iota of interest in the facts, but there it is.

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Madame Vengier

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1589994' date='Jul 3 2008, 08:56 AM']Maybe I am thick. But I would rather be thick than hate anybody.[/quote]

And your lies are getting worse. Now you've gone from falsely accusing me of not liking Muslims to falsely accusing me of hating them.

And because you lie and slander me in this forum I'm putting you on ignore effective now.

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I understand that kujo is out of line, but you do seem to go out of your way to prove that Muslims cause trouble.

Do you have something against them?

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I think that the owner of the salon is justified in not hiring this person. Part of the requirement of the job is to displayed different hairstyles, this woman is not able to do that because of her religious beliefs. She doesn't meet the requirements of the position. I mean I can't be a Radio City Music Hall Rockette because I don't meet the requirements. I also could not apply for a job as a doctor because I don't meet the requirements for that position. This lady was not hired because she could not meet the requirements of the position, there's nothing wrong for her not being hired because of that.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='StColette' post='1590093' date='Jul 3 2008, 05:22 PM']I think that the owner of the salon is justified in not hiring this person. Part of the requirement of the job is to displayed different hairstyles, this woman is not able to do that because of her religious beliefs. She doesn't meet the requirements of the position. I mean I can't be a Radio City Music Hall Rockette because I don't meet the requirements. I also could not apply for a job as a doctor because I don't meet the requirements for that position. This lady was not hired because she could not meet the requirements of the position, there's nothing wrong for her not being hired because of that.[/quote]
Well said.

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[quote name='tgoldson' post='1589740' date='Jul 2 2008, 11:19 PM'][url="http://www.power-of-attorneys.com/stupid_lawsuit_detail.asp?stupid_ID=18"]Hooters[/url].[/quote]
Speaking of getting hot, please do not click on this link. My antivirus program, invisus, detected a couple viruses.

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I think there's something to be said for the Muslim lady in question. Having your hair covered doesn't physically prevent you cutting someone else's hair (so long as it's kept well in place): for that you need your eyes and free movement of your arms and legs. It's not comparable to the lady who wanted to keep her face covered whilst teaching a language class; for the latter it's clearly necessary to see your teacher's face.

Is it necessary for a client to see his hairdresser's hair? I'm not sure. I don't go to the hairdresser's that often but when I do I tend to have a pretty good idea of what I want my hair to look like. In fact I'm not even sure I take much notice of his hairstyle.

If a "funky" salon demands their employees have similarly "funky" hairstyles which are then duly paraded before clients, I have to ask why. Is it to somehow influence their clientele? If so then that suggests - to me at least - that they're simply buying in to a superficial mindset of fashion trends and willy-nilly decisions.

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The infused supernatural virtue by which a person loves God above all things for his own sake, and [b]loves others for God's sake.[/b]
Let us be charitable in our attitudes here please. :) Remember that behind each screenname is a creation of God, beloved by Him, not just a faceless, nameless entity. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

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