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Dear Phamily,

This is totally Corny But true!

Last night, as I was working with my Spiritual Director helping her to email a large document, I got my sign.
Off the Cuff, she asked me to take a pen and write my name on it with the initials of the order following it without thinking about it....I wrote fast...

What did I write...??

OSB :shock:

Then I got that feeling of a "Light Bulb Moment"..But I knew right then and there it was the right decision, I felt that Peace descend. I wanted to be certain that was where God wanted me. I feel this is where my Soul wants me to be, and the Spirit and the Lord.

So, Praying 4 Carmel is now going to begin the process with the Benedictines. Can you believe that?? I am going down July 17th with my Dad and SD. Please pray now that I can remove my debt, and meet my goals.

This discernment process just proves that we are so blessed to learn more about ourselves. If it was not for the intervention of the Spirit, and my wonderful Dominican Spiritual Director I never would have pursued The Benedictines on my Own. I was just "Determined for Carmel.."

I am totally Humbled and awed...I will always be a Carmelite in many ways, and am grateful I will be close to Eldredge Carmel. But Christ has other plans, and it is my Joy to follow them.

With Love and thanks for prayers,

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(inside I'm cheering because of my complete bias!)

congratulations! I pray SS Benedict and Scholastica will keep you in their prayers before Our Lord as you continue :D

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[quote name='praying4carmel' post='1587094' date='Jun 30 2008, 11:14 AM']Dear Phamily,

This is totally Corny But true!

Last night, as I was working with my Spiritual Director helping her to email a large document, I got my sign.
Off the Cuff, she asked me to take a pen and write my name on it with the initials of the order following it without thinking about it....I wrote fast...

What did I write...??

OSB :shock:

Then I got that feeling of a "Light Bulb Moment"..But I knew right then and there it was the right decision, I felt that Peace descend. I wanted to be certain that was where God wanted me. I feel this is where my Soul wants me to be, and the Spirit and the Lord.

So, Praying 4 Carmel is now going to begin the process with the Benedictines. Can you believe that?? I am going down July 17th with my Dad and SD. Please pray now that I can remove my debt, and meet my goals.

This discernment process just proves that we are so blessed to learn more about ourselves. If it was not for the intervention of the Spirit, and my wonderful Dominican Spiritual Director I never would have pursued The Benedictines on my Own. I was just "Determined for Carmel.."

I am totally Humbled and awed...I will always be a Carmelite in many ways, and am grateful I will be close to Eldredge Carmel. But Christ has other plans, and it is my Joy to follow them.

With Love and thanks for prayers,

Oh Nancy, That's wonderful! Wow, I'm so happy for you! finally your discernment is over and you know where you're supposed to be!

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1587122' date='Jun 30 2008, 11:41 AM'](inside I'm cheering because of my complete bias!)

congratulations! I pray SS Benedict and Scholastica will keep you in their prayers before Our Lord as you continue :D[/quote]

me too, that's brilliant,i hope i can soon welcome you to the family, have a great time on the 17th,
lots of prayers, - by the way, that was a great thing your SD did, tapping into your unconcious like
that, Pax sr marie terese - novice osb.

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The Lord does work in mysterious ways sometimes...and this is a case in point!

Congratulations...I can only imagine your joy!

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Nancy, when I read your post I got goose bumps raised on my arms (they're still there as I type this) - always, always, this happens to me when the Holy Spirit is affirming or validating something.

I am so glad that you have made this decision and that you have within you this peace and great joy. You sounded "luminous" and actually "in love" when you came back from visiting the Benedictines - your joy was palpable! I will pray for you, and for your dad (does he like this "fit" for you?) and family, and also that your debt relief comes quickly, as it did for Blessed Imelda Pray for Us once she was accepted to the Dominicans.

I pray for all the phatmassers in discernment. It's so good to see a "click"! :-)

Edited by DameAgnes
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[quote name='DameAgnes' post='1587213' date='Jun 30 2008, 04:08 PM']Nancy, when I read your post I got goose bumps raised on my arms (they're still there as I type this) - always, always, this happens to me when the Holy Spirit is affirming or validating something.

I am so glad that you have made this decision and that you have within you this peace and great joy. You sounded "luminous" and actually "in love" when you came back from visiting the Benedictines - your joy was palpable! I will pray for you, and for your dad (does he like this "fit" for you?) and family, and also that your debt relief comes quickly, as it did for Blessed Imelda Pray for Us once she was accepted to the Dominicans.

I pray for all the phatmassers in discernment. It's so good to see a "click"! :-)

Thank you DameAgnes! Yes, Dad is quite happy with this, I will only be 2 hours away and he will get once a month Visits during my Canononical year, as well as I will get 10 days Off so to speak. The Sisters Have looked forward to meeting Him and he Just loves Sr. Bobbi the Vocation director who came up to meet Him a Month ago.

So I am very Blessed!!

I did manage to sell a House so I will have a small amount of Money coming in the next month or so.

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Praise God! I'm absolutely delighted for you. Prayers for debt relief and arrangements as you apply.

Grace & pecae-

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[quote name='puellapaschalis' post='1587122' date='Jun 30 2008, 12:41 PM'](inside I'm cheering because of my complete bias!)

congratulations! I pray SS Benedict and Scholastica will keep you in their prayers before Our Lord as you continue :D[/quote]

Oh yes! I have the same bias, didn't want to say anything to unduly influence you, but I am so happy to see you go down this path! Godspeed your entrance!

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Deus te Amat

I'm so happy for you sister! Thank you for sharing your story with me. You will continue to be in my prayers. :)

Pray for me,
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Fr. Antony Maria OSB
:clap::yahoo: Congrats, Nancy! This is awesome news and I am sooooo glad that you were able to come to this decision through the grace of God! Continued prayers for you as you enter!

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your continued discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,

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