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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

Hello all, I've been gone for a long time now... things and people have come and gone. Anyways, I just wanted to share some reflections since graduating from college a few weeks ago. Now that everything is done, I think college was not the best thing for me spiritually. To top it off, I did not go to a school with a strong Catholic community on campus.

The past 4 years have been very difficult for me and the past two have been very hard and I found myself falling into sin more often and falling away from Our Lord and more doubts than usual would float to the forefront of my mind. I never seriously doubted at any time knowing that it was only Christ's True Church that would make me happy and satisfied. I just found myself being extremely lazy (sloth, for sure!) and quite selfish, and on many occasions snobby and childish.

I've also gone through learning of my high school friends' (who are Catholics and some very involved with my parish's youth ministry) promiscuousness this past year. I am not naive, but I find knowledge of these things disturbing. I've known many of them since junior high and it really bugs me.

I've really been thinking about all of this and the non-spiritual pros about going away don't seem to help the situation. I know have lots of fun debt, health insurance running out at the end of the summer, and no job still. Things have been better since I've had a chance to relax some and have some fun. I've been starting to revamp my faith life and start from scratch again. I feel like the past several years I've been going downhill from where I was.

I still feel that I have a calling to the religious life, although the past few years have really set my discernment back. I am unsure again as to what God wants, but I still feel that He is still calling me, but I feel that He wanted me to enter 2 years ago. I haven't written the dear Sisters (the Poor Clares I've been discerning with for years and felt very called to for the past several) in sometime due to my last semester being terribly busy and just plain awful.

Anyways, I just would like to ask for prayers that the Holy Spirit will guide me and that I can become close to the Lord again. I know I need Him, but I keep falling where I never had before. I keep making choices that do not please the Lord. It's been very hard for me and I just need support and prayers. Thanks for reading some of my reflections. I know I am verbose and jumpy, but thanks anyways. I appreciate it. :) God bless you all abundantly!

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You will certainly be in my prayers daily. Just know that Jesus loves you regardless of any failing you might have...and that the Lord always forgives.

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Welcome back! Just popped in after a long absence myself.

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' post='1586726' date='Jun 29 2008, 10:45 PM']I've also gone through learning of my high school friends' (who are Catholics and some very involved with my parish's youth ministry) promiscuousness this past year. I am not naive, but I find knowledge of these things disturbing. I've known many of them since junior high and it really bugs me.[/quote]
I feel your pain on this one. I have watched so many old school friends fall into poor lifestyle choices, and then stop going to Mass. All i can do is entrust them to the Blessed Mother, and hope for a chance to gently bring them back.

[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' post='1586726' date='Jun 29 2008, 10:45 PM']I still feel that I have a calling to the religious life, although the past few years have really set my discernment back. I am unsure again as to what God wants, but I still feel that He is still calling me, but I feel that He wanted me to enter 2 years ago.[/quote]
That may be, but never feel that you've missed the boat. Jesus will hold the flight on the runway until you're ready to get on board. Just pick up right where you left off. Our Lord is a patient waiter. He let me run loose for ten years before i would listen to Him.

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Piccoli Fiori JMJ

[quote name='Sister Rose Therese' post='1587026' date='Jun 30 2008, 08:47 AM']I know how you feel. Prayers.
Have you aver read "The Hound of Heaven"[/quote]
No, I haven't, but I think I've heard it mentioned many times before. Can you explain what it's about? It might jog my memory. Thanks for the prayers! God Bless!

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[quote name='FutureNunJMJ' post='1587211' date='Jun 30 2008, 08:07 PM']No, I haven't, but I think I've heard it mentioned many times before. Can you explain what it's about? It might jog my memory. Thanks for the prayers! God Bless![/quote]

It's a poem, and can be read [url="http://www.cs.drexel.edu/~gbrandal/Illum_html/hound.html"]here,[/url] among many other places on line.

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Totus Tuus

Welcome back, we missed you. I have often wondered how you were doing. I'll be praying for you. And I second the recommendation to read the Hound of Heaven. It's a poem- so there's no time commitment like reading a book.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

I'll be praying for you! And remember that God always loves you and with His help you can find a way back to where you were before, and beyond.

May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors, especially your discernment!

Your Brother in Christ,


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Hey Sister in Christ,

God bless you.

i. Graduating is really hard on most everybody! Your day-to-day life changes, debt becomes a reality, you're searching for a new job -if you are feeling a little overwhelmed and even a little deflated, this is TOTALLY normal. It WILL get better! Hang in there!

ii. God will make good happen out of these last years of college -even if it was in a secular school and not lived perfectly. Offer it up to him, and ask him to take it and use it for good! Nothing is a waste!

iii. It is SO hard to realize people, who should "know better" are living a disappointing Catholic life. I've been experiencing this a bit lately, too. BUT, this is a huge opportunity to help us refocus on Christ -HE is the only perfect one and it is ultimately HE that we need to be looking at. Your friends will come around, just stay close to the Lord.

iv. We love you and we're praying for you!

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Hi Angela!! Wow, I can relate to soo much you wrote there ... Congratulations on graduating and on getting through it. I'm sure God has many graces awaiting you. I'll seriously be keeping you in prayer, that the Lord will open the right doors so you can pay off your debt and be free to answer His call. God bless!

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