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Subliminal Messaging


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I am very interested in Subliminal Messaging. I have learned in English Literature, Political Science and History classes, the extreme amount of time a person purposefully uses it. Almost on daily basis, to help influence and manipulate others. (It is very very simple, which makes it very scary) Sorta like Linguisitc Subterfuge, not just on those shady, political brain washings we keep hearing about. Writers use it in their writings, Professers, Priests use it too, the difference there being is that the Priest is being Honest that he is trying to convert you.

I am attempting to study and master this art in written and drawn form, so I can tell the story of my pet Project, Inquisitoria, in order to convert souls. My main reason for Starting Inquisitoria was to see how many people I could PO with the unapologeticly right wing and conservative sentiments of the comic, as it turns out, I could do that AND convince others via shock tactics. For example, The Main Character's two team members get engaged and marry, up to this point in the story, everything is light hearted with some action. Then on the Honeymoon, literally the next chapter, they get brutally murdered in quick Succession. The Main character, sets off on a path of Rage and revenge and the comic turns steadily dark, as he continues to kill anyone and everyone involved in the murder of his Fellow Inquisitors. (By Inquisitorial Mandate in this Story, he is authorise to kill those directly involved in the murder of an Inquisitor, but not hangers on and secondary accomplices-He ignores this), eventually he finds that a high ranking member fo the Inguisition, (who for the heck of it, is just a plain old evil -bleep-), then discovers he is targeted by the Secret Inquisition as a Renegade who is attempting to assasinate a High Ranking Inquisitorial Official. (Due to the evil dude's manipulation of events, the main character seems like the bad guy), and gets riddled with Bullets from Inquisitorial C.R.U. Troopers. He ends up in Hell. (trust me, you ain't seen wierd yet) And this is where I come done REALLY hard on the reader, intense graphic descriptions of Satan's Domain, and the tortured Souls that lie within there. This entire portion of the first Arc of the Storyline is directed to teaching that the Wages of Sin are Death. And I will hammer this to the reader when the Main Character reaches Hell, while all the while shamelessly laceing the storyline leading up to it with subliminal hints and suggestions of Christian Thought via what the characters talk about and how they react to certain things. All the while giving the impression its you typical, Dark, Psuedo Religious, Van helsing-esque storyline.

Now with this in mind, would there be moral quams in such Subliminal manipulation, when you consider, pretty much everyone does the same? I'm trying this method because if I become overt, chances are, I'll lose alot of the target Audience, which is Internet People.

Edited by Galloglasses
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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1586470' date='Jun 29 2008, 05:27 PM']Why do I suddenly want to give all my money to Gallo?[/quote]

Ditto. I want to see this come to fruition!!!

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1585855' date='Jun 28 2008, 08:37 PM']I am very interested in Subliminal Messaging. I have learned in English Literature, Political Science and History classes, the extreme amount of time a person purposefully uses it. Almost on daily basis, to help influence and manipulate others. (It is very very simple, which makes it very scary) Sorta like Linguisitc Subterfuge, not just on those shady, political brain washings we keep hearing about. Writers use it in their writings, Professers, Priests use it too, the difference there being is that the Priest is being Honest that he is trying to convert you.

I am attempting to study and master this art in written and drawn form, so I can tell the story of my pet Project, Inquisitoria, in order to convert souls. My main reason for Starting Inquisitoria was to see how many people I could PO with the unapologeticly right wing and conservative sentiments of the comic, as it turns out, I could do that AND convince others via shock tactics. For example, The Main Character's two team members get engaged and marry, up to this point in the story, everything is light hearted with some action. Then on the Honeymoon, literally the next chapter, they get brutally murdered in quick Succession. The Main character, sets off on a path of Rage and revenge and the comic turns steadily dark, as he continues to kill anyone and everyone involved in the murder of his Fellow Inquisitors. (By Inquisitorial Mandate in this Story, he is authorise to kill those directly involved in the murder of an Inquisitor, but not hangers on and secondary accomplices-He ignores this), eventually he finds that a high ranking member fo the Inguisition, (who for the heck of it, is just a plain old evil -bleep-), then discovers he is targeted by the Secret Inquisition as a Renegade who is attempting to assasinate a High Ranking Inquisitorial Official. (Due to the evil dude's manipulation of events, the main character seems like the bad guy), and gets riddled with Bullets from Inquisitorial C.R.U. Troopers. He ends up in Hell. (trust me, you ain't seen wierd yet) And this is where I come done REALLY hard on the reader, intense graphic descriptions of Satan's Domain, and the tortured Souls that lie within there. This entire portion of the first Arc of the Storyline is directed to teaching that the Wages of Sin are Death. And I will hammer this to the reader when the Main Character reaches Hell, while all the while shamelessly laceing the storyline leading up to it with subliminal hints and suggestions of Christian Thought via what the characters talk about and how they react to certain things. All the while giving the impression its you typical, Dark, Psuedo Religious, Van helsing-esque storyline.

Now with this in mind, would there be moral quams in such Subliminal manipulation, when you consider, pretty much everyone does the same? I'm trying this method because if I become overt, chances are, I'll lose alot of the target Audience, which is Internet People.[/quote]

Genius. Pure genius. Bring on the subliminal messages! As long as their Christian of course. Don't make me shave off my eyebrows in the middle of the night or something like that.

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Gallo...I dunno if I'm cool with self-conscious use of subliminal messages...even by clergy for the sake of 'good.' I think any true conversion must be born of a conscious and rational exercise of reason and the human will....subliminal messages by their very nature attempt to subvert our rational faculties and 'force the will' by instilling an unrecognized compulsion. While I always love to read about your ideas for comics...I just dunno...I'll think more about it...

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In all seriousness, I don't think there's anything wrong or morally problematic with Gallo's concept.

When I think of "subliminal messaging," I think of things like prayers to Satan backwards in rock songs (something I think is total bs, btw) or the old (since outlawed, I believe) advertising trick of flashing advertising messages ("Buy Coca-Cola") faster than the brain can consciously register.

I think what Gallo is talking about is more properly called subtle messages. There is nothing wrong at all with putting subtly Christian messages in fiction. In fact, most literature and art subtly is subtly infused with the author's worldview. This is not in itself immoral, especially if the work promotes positive Christian messages.
I think getting across a Christian message subtly is generally going to be more effective than a blatant in-your-face approach (in which case the work will likely be disregarded and ignored as cheap propaganda, or read only by the specifically "Christian" market, and thus merely "preach to the choir," while not getting the message to those who really need to hear it.

Literature or art is best when "subtle" and influences the mind and heart on a deeper level, rather than simply promoting an obvious "message." There is no deception or immoral coercion of the will involved - it's more the art of gentle persuasion. Many Christian writers and artists deal with subtle messages, rather than being blatant.
For instance, the movie [i]Bella[/i] was made to promote a pro-life message, yet was not promoted to the general public as a "pro-life movie" or "Christian movie," in order that it might reach more people and influence them.

Tolkien's fictional works have a profoundly Christian/Catholic worldview, yet are not explicitly "Christian."

I think Gallo's project can be worthwhile, if well-executed (no pun intended).
If the work subtly influences readers toward a more Christian worldview, great! If not, the reader simply enjoys an entertaining story. Nothing is lost - no harm done.

Edited by Socrates
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Socrates: Thank you for thinking that through for me. I guess I was just hung up on my cliches about "subliminal messages." I think the some of the most beautiful apologetic works are subtle as you say. There is true beauty in subtlety.

I guess what I was struggling with was that if an individual KNEW they were using 'subliminal' messages in the sense that they were trying to subvert the human will...this means would be immoral regardless of the ends. But you are right, this is not really the approach gallo is going for.

Edited by Veridicus
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But, Soc, I bet you had Husker Du as a kid... dincha?

(they used the supposedly subliminal message "Get it" in their tv ads)

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I bought a dress from D.E.B. :)

:idontknow: I really don't know why....they just said, "I want it. I need it. I got it at D.E.B." And then I was like, "Yeah, I really really want that dress." I tried it on, "I really need this dress."

And suddenly I am sitting at home with this dress...hanging on my closet door and I realized I had a fancy dress...


I like your idea though Gallo. :)

Edited by picchick
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  • 2 weeks later...

k, PC nuked, so I'm off for a while. Thanks for the response guys. One of the main things I will be 'subliminaling' is the Christian values and worldveiw. And I want to break into the webcomic market with this. (Remember, this project is my brainchild, and i've been working on the story for three years now, at least, I have NO intention of starting this until my art talents are up to it. I simply refuse to belemish it) There will be alot of blood in this story. (for example, daemons manifest physically, and all hell breaks loose. Literally and figuratively), so there is plenty of action and intrigue to prevent the Christian messages from being too overt. I'm actually wortking on a method of 'breadcrumbing', where I leave only the absolute subtlest of hints through the story to entice the reader to chase after them and connect the dots. Make of that what you will. So there is plenty of action to attract the target audience, (internet folk), and the dark, gritty theme will attract alot of myspac ers. (beleive me, if that works, I will be bloody surprised)

In times when I am pressing my right wing/conservative veiwpopints, I won't take a stance, purely for the audience's sake, but I aim to P-O the politically astute readers, not by promoting things, but by demeaning popular political ideas. (Liberalism, Democracy, Socialism, Anarchism) JUST for the pure pleasure I will gain from annoying people by attacking popular political concepts. (If there's one thing i've learned in Piolitical Science, its that alot of our political ideas are almost hereditory, passed from elders to the young, which normally goes without saying, but if I point this out i'm bound to annoy someone) But I will not putforward my own political ideas, that would be unfair on the reader and be a real killjoy. (For example, in Atlantis, it is ruled by a monarchy, in modern times, a sort-of planned anarachic revolution occurs and the king is killed, the prince flees, and the country's parliament takes over in the 60-day provisional government which occurs between monarchies. If no monarch is found, the monarchy falls and the country become democratic. The thing here is, the anarchy was planned and funded by the provisional government, and the government itself is controlled by the illuminati, the Inquisition's enemy. Here i will just slap most people in the face =]) Better explanation laters.

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I like the idea. I love it. Go for it.

It doesn't work on me however, I fried out that part of my brain years ago.

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