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Sister Mary Emily, O.p.

Maria Faustina

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Maria Faustina

Ok, I know a few of you have met or have spoken with Sister Mary Emily OP of the Nashville Dominicans since she is the vocation director. She helped me with something that took a really long time, and so I wanted to thank her. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could send in the mail to the Motherhouse for her? Books? Food? Something religious? Help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

In Christ,
Maria Faustina

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[quote name='Maria Faustina' post='1585189' date='Jun 27 2008, 07:57 PM']Ok, I know a few of you have met or have spoken with Sister Mary Emily OP of the Nashville Dominicans since she is the vocation director. She helped me with something that took a really long time, and so I wanted to thank her. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could send in the mail to the Motherhouse for her? Books? Food? Something religious? Help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

In Christ,
Maria Faustina[/quote]

Something kind of like this was posted a week or so ago [url="http://www.phatmass.com/phorum/index.php?showtopic=81081&st=0&p=1556787&#entry1556787"]here[/url]. It may offer you some ideas.

I say, something very special would be, a spiritual bouquet and include a Mass intention card. Have a Mass or a couple Masses said for her. That would be the best gift - prayers. Perhaps send a thank you card with these two things in it.

She probably has lots of books available to her. And food can sometimes be difficult to send and then deciding on the quantity to send is another decision to make. She would really appreciate the prayers. It would help her a lot, as the Mass is the most powerful prayer we can offer for someone. :)

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Maria Faustina

Thanks so much Totus Tuus Maria, but I already told her in my email that I would offer Mass for her. Thanks for the idea. I was kind of looking for something material to send her because I am already planning to send a letter to one of the sisters up there as well.

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If you know of something she likes yet can share with the community, that is always appreciated. Like if she likes flavored coffee, you might send her a couple pounds. Or is she is a candy hound, manybe a box. Prayers are always appreciated and needed.

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how 'bout something VERY practical? a gift card to Home Depot or Lowe's. Everyone could use some home improvement (or convent improvement) stuff

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[quote name='Maria Faustina' post='1585189' date='Jun 27 2008, 06:57 PM']Ok, I know a few of you have met or have spoken with Sister Mary Emily OP of the Nashville Dominicans since she is the vocation director. She helped me with something that took a really long time, and so I wanted to thank her. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could send in the mail to the Motherhouse for her? Books? Food? Something religious? Help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

In Christ,
Maria Faustina[/quote]

We live near a Carmelite monastery, and people are incessantly giving them food, and sometimes just dropping them off without telling them. They have so much food they don't know what to do with it!
So maybe that happens with all sisters, I don't know. The Dominicans may be having the same problem. I advice no food. :detective:

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Well, I can say for sure that the c h e e s e was a Hit in Cleveland, they loved it..However,
Maria Faustina has a point.

I do Know that Gift cards are appreciated, alot.

Edited by praying4carmel
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[quote name='Maria Faustina' post='1585189' date='Jun 27 2008, 07:57 PM']Ok, I know a few of you have met or have spoken with Sister Mary Emily OP of the Nashville Dominicans since she is the vocation director. She helped me with something that took a really long time, and so I wanted to thank her. Does anyone have any suggestions for things I could send in the mail to the Motherhouse for her? Books? Food? Something religious? Help would be appreciated. Thanks guys!

In Christ,
Maria Faustina[/quote]

I don't know her but if it was me, I would make something for her...journal, bookmark, paper star rosary, rosary case, or collections of all OP holy men & women quotes (in a journal with your writing--this will take lots of your times) etc...along with spiritual bouquets.

Good luck & blessed the Year of Saint Paul :).

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How about book vouchers - there might be something she would really like to read, she could then suggest it, read it first and put it into the library, that way everyone benefits, and i have to say that chocolates always go down well here especially if they are a bit different. pax sr marie therese.

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