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Has Any Heard About This?


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I pasted below an email I received recently. Thought some of you may be interested.

[center] "The Ladies of Cecilia"
Proclaiming the faith through the medium of beautiful music.[/center]

We are “The ladies of Cecilia”, a vocal ensemble of traditional, pro-life, Catholic young women who wish to use our musical talents and knowledge of the faith in the service of Our Lord and Our Lady. It is our hope that, through the music we perform and the example we give, we may lead others to a knowledge of Christ and his Church. We are looking for a few more talented young ladies to join our group.

Dear Friends in Christ:

My name is Jim Baltrinic, and I am the director of Saint Cecilia Classical Productions Inc.. We are the parent organization of a traditional Catholic female ensemble knows as: "The Ladies of Cecilia". We chose this name for our group in honor of St. Cecilia, the patroness of Church music and the patroness of our apostolate.

We are currently searching for several young ladies who have a strong backgrounds in either classical violin or guitar. In general, we prefer women who are 18 or over, but will consider a younger person who is exceptionally talented. We are especially interested in individuals who come from either a private traditional Catholic school background, were home-schooled or were raised in the Tridentine Mass tradition.

Attached to this message is an informational flyer about our apostolate. Could you please forward this information to others on your e-mail list. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your assistance. God bless.

Jim Baltrinic, Director

Saint Cecilia Classical Productions Inc.
P.O. Box 129
Green, Ohio 44232





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I thought it sounded excellent until I read about the preferment for home educated or privately schooled Catholic girls. Basically what they are asking for is well-off Catholic girls who haven't been sullied by their secular counterparts.

I could understand why they might request familiarity with the Tridentine Mass, however, as girls with that sort of background might be more attuned to a particular style of music.

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[quote name='Veritas' post='1583516' date='Jun 26 2008, 07:02 AM']+

Most home-schoolers aren't wealthy![/quote]

I put 'well off' (which isn't quite the same as being wealthy) because of the request for privately educated girls. A private education doesn't come cheaply, unless the student is clever enough to win a scholarship or some such thing. As for home educated children, their families must be sufficiently well off for one parent to stay at home and superintend their learning. I know plenty of families, Catholic and otherwise, where both parents have little choice but to work.

It does seem as though the Ladies of Cecelia are looking for singers who have grown up in an ivory tower. I don't like it. It's possible to be a faithful Catholic (and an extremely talented vocalist) and still be rubbing shoulders with the lumpen secular masses in a state school every day of the working week.

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CA, you come across as rather antagonistic.
I think economic situations may be such that homeschooling is more financially viable in the USA than in the UK (or much of Western Europe, for that matter).

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Maria Faustina

[quote name='Cathoholic Anonymous' post='1583873' date='Jun 26 2008, 02:50 PM']I put 'well off' (which isn't quite the same as being wealthy) because of the request for privately educated girls. A private education doesn't come cheaply, unless the student is clever enough to win a scholarship or some such thing. As for home educated children, their families must be sufficiently well off for one parent to stay at home and superintend their learning. I know plenty of families, Catholic and otherwise, where both parents have little choice but to work.

It does seem as though the Ladies of Cecelia are looking for singers who have grown up in an ivory tower. I don't like it. It's possible to be a faithful Catholic (and an extremely talented vocalist) and still be rubbing shoulders with the lumpen secular masses in a state school every day of the working week.[/quote]


Thank you.

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Saint Therese

Okay I HAVE to comment on this. I know this may be hijacking but I have to. My sister, who is not Catholic but who is a devout Christian, has homeschooled all three of her children on one income. They were able to do this by making MANY sacrifices and by embracing a more simple lifestyle than they would have had if their children had gone to governmnent school and if my sister had worked. They are NOT well off. AT ALL. I think some might be projecting a bias they have against homeschooling and/or privately educated people. I don't think all who attend private schools are well off either. Its possible even middle class or working class people could do this if they embrace a voluntary simplicity or even "poverty".

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I have been homeschooled all my life. We are far from rich, we have a hard time making ends meet year after year. We are almost entirely dependent upon the income we make from the farm. We sell everything we grow at our farm stand and only what we grow. The whole family pitches in. It's not fair to me ( and whoever is also in my position) to assume that homeschoolers are rich or have grown up in an ivory tower. Most that I know of are not. Homeschooling in the long run is cheaper than sending kids off to school and I know that both parents help with schooling the kids - both the one who works and the one who stays at home. The point I believe that Mr. Baltrinic is getting across is that he wants girls who are well catechized. I am sure, from other emails he sent me, that he is open to all girls who have been well catechized either through homeschool, private school or public school.

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Guest ambrose

Forgive me, CA, if I am jumping in here, but I think our friends are misinterpreting what you meant by "ivory tower".

I think when CA mentioned an "ivory tower", she wasn't referring to wealth. Rather, the term "ivory tower" describes a rarefied, insular environment where one has not had much contact with the outside world. It's an accusation often levelled at academics.

From [url="http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/ivory_tower"]wikitionary[/url]:

[quote]ivory tower: A sheltered, overly-academic existence or perspective, implying a disconnection or lack of awareness of reality or practical considerations.[/quote]

Sorry, I don't want to add fuel to any fires. Just wanted to clarify the term.

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Maria Faustina

Sorry my comment was about the people forming the group asking for a certain type of girl. I meant nothing towards homeschool students. I went to Private School myself so I definetly do not have anything against other students. it's just it seems like these people might possibly disclude someone with a better voice that has been in a public school and take someone not as good from homeschool or private school. I didn't not mean any harm from my comment. I'm sorry.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest stccp

Dear friends in Christ.

My name is Jim Baltrinic and I am the director of Saint Cecilia Classical Productions inc., and The Ladies of Cecilia.

First, I wish to thank all of you who have taken the time to express your views concerning our apostolate. While many of the views expressed were not correct, they do indicate that perhaps our advertisement needs to be re-worded somewhat to more clearly state our objectives.

As the young lady from Saint Maria’s Messenger correctly pointed out, we are open to all girls who have been well catechized, regardless of their schooling background.

We have three basic requirements for our apostolate: a strong music background; a sound knowledge of the orthodox Catholic faith; and a good understanding and appreciation of the Church’s teaching on modesty.

While a higher percentage of individuals who were home-schooled or raised in the Latin Mass or Byzantine tradition, do meet those requirements, coming from such a background is not a requirement in itself. As long as a young woman meets our basic requirements, she is eligible to apply.

Nor must a girl be “rich” or “well off as Cath. Anonymous seemed to imply. The suggested “Ivory Tower” idea is also out in left field.

I hope this helps. God bless

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