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How Do You Receive The Eucharist?

Maria Faustina

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[quote name='Deb' post='1580849' date='Jun 23 2008, 07:02 PM']I agree. If it was up to me, we would all be prostrate. I won't accept it in my hand. I will never consider myself on the same level as the servant of Christ who is ordained and who consecrates the host. I may be stricter than the church but, that is how I was taught when I was young. It was the normup until recently. I do not receive the precious body from anyone other than a Priest.
I think it is about time we restore to the office of the Priest what was given to him by Christ. Yes. I am hardcore about this. We are talking about the body of our beloved Christ here. I see the awe and power and mystery of this. This isn't romper room and no, everyone does not get a turn to handle and give out the snacks.[/quote]

yep. nowadays i want to kneel, but i consider it a sacrifice to "conform" to the assembly. maybe when i have enough courage, i'll always kneel and not juggle the conflict between having a uniform assembly and testifying.. especially when i'm up there as EMHC.

Cardinal Arinze, "leave them in peace, not in pieces!"

[quote name='Dave' post='1581151' date='Jun 23 2008, 10:27 PM']Nowadays it seems most people are basically taught that receiving in the hand is the ONLY way. That, to me, is a tragedy.[/quote]

smells of elderberries.. Fr. Groeschel wrote that when people reach a certain point in their spiritual journey, there are only two viable options for them - to teach or lead others spiritually. i see many possible candidates here at PM. hopefully those like B16 and Cardinal Arinze will inspire us to infiltrate for the better. :pray:

Edited by johnnydigit
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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1580766' date='Jun 23 2008, 08:10 PM']i do a back-flip afterwards.[/quote]

Where exactly do you receive the Eucharist if you aren't Catholic?

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I receive it on my tongue, that is the way I was taught.....my boys receive it by hand as well as Knightec

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age the magnificent

[quote name='Deb' post='1580144' date='Jun 23 2008, 11:50 AM']There are several threads on this already, I think.
I receive on the tongue and usually with tears in my eyes because I should also be on my knees.[/quote]

You can still get on your knees. I`ve seen people in my church get on their knees in front of the priest. holds up the line some, but no one complains. If they do, that`s just plain stupid.

Onto the topic,

When I do receive, it`s in the hands, but I still do it wrong. We were taught dominant hand on bottom, and I`m *le gasp* a lefty.

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Deo Iuvente

Always on the tongue and kneeling, whether there's a rail or not. Can't see why I should be allowed to touch the blessed sacrament.

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Because our bishops have taught that it is okay.

For the record, your tongue is touching Him.

Look, I understand that many feel the need to receive on the tongue. Many want or do kneel. That is fine, but I resent the opinion that somehow those of us that do not are somehow less respectful or less Catholic.

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[quote name='prose' post='1581666' date='Jun 24 2008, 02:34 PM']Because our bishops have taught that it is okay.

For the record, your tongue is touching Him.[/quote]

Yes, but even though one's tongue touches the Sacrament, Particles aren't lost as they are when one receives in the hand.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='prose' post='1581666' date='Jun 24 2008, 09:34 PM']Because our bishops have taught that it is okay.

For the record, your tongue is touching Him.

Look, I understand that many feel the need to receive on the tongue. Many want or do kneel. That is fine, but I resent the opinion that somehow those of us that do not are somehow less respectful or less Catholic.[/quote]
I know what you mean. I personally receive on the tongue, and my husband receives in the hand. We're both very respectful, and our bishop allows either way.

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