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How Do You Receive The Eucharist?

Maria Faustina

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Maria Faustina

I was wondering about this. Is there anything that states that Catholics should not receive the Eucharist in their hands? Thanks.

In Christ,
Maria Faustina

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Lounge Daddy

I receive on the tongue. Nothing that says that I must, that I know of. But I prefer to receive that way.

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For at least 1000 years, in the Roman Rite, only a priest could touch the sacred species with his hands, and then only when celebrating Mass or distributing Holy Communion. During the Mass, after the consecration, the priest would hold his thumb and index finger (the only fingers with which he was allowed to touch the Blessed Sacrament) together when he did not have the Host in his hands to prevent any particles of the Host from being lost. During the ablutions, wine and water would be poured over his fingers to wash away any of the sacred particles, which he would then drink.

This is because the Church teaches that even under the smallest particle of what has the species of bread or the smallest drop of what has the species of wine, the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity are really, truly and substantially contained.

"Praesentia eucharistica Christi a momento incipit consecrationis et perdurat dum species subsistunt eucharisticae. Christus est totus integer sub unaquaque specierum et totus integer in earum partibus, ita ut panis fractio Christum non dividat." (Catechismus Ecclesiae Catholicae 1377)

"The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ." (The Catechism of the Catholic Church 1377)

This paragraph from the CCC cites "Concilium Tridentinum, Sess. 13a, Decretum de ss. Eucharistia, c. 3 (i.e. The Council of Trent, Session 13a, Decree on the Most Holy Eucharist, canon 3) which is (in English only since I don't feel like transcribing the Latin)

"If anyone denies that the whole Christ is contained in the venerable sacrament of the Eucharist under each species and under every part of each species, when the separation has been made: let him be anathema"

Edited by StThomasMore
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On the tongue. For plenty of reasons.

Both ways are accepted by the Church. It has been said by some that on the tongue is preferred. There are reasons to support that.

Receiving in the hand is not a practice that is innately bad or wrong. I think most would agree that what is of absolute importance is inward disposition.

But also remember that our outward sign reflect our inward disposition....

That said, I will never receive in the hand and neither will I ever serve as a EMHC, unless grave circumstances or obedience asks it of me.

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There are several threads on this already, I think.
I receive on the tongue and usually with tears in my eyes because I should also be on my knees.

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[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1580008' date='Jun 23 2008, 02:21 AM']I receive the Eucharist on a golden spoon.[/quote]
That an Byzantine Rite Custom?

For the record, I've received on the tounge this past while, but I was always thaught to receive on the hands since I was little. So I don't think there's anything against it.

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[quote name='Maria Faustina' post='1579993' date='Jun 23 2008, 12:12 AM']I was wondering about this. Is there anything that states that Catholics should not receive the Eucharist in their hands? Thanks.

In Christ,
Maria Faustina[/quote]+J.M.J.+
like, officially, in canon law? pretty sure there isn't. both ways are valid and allowed by the Church. as my favorite priest says "Don't be stricter than the Church." :)

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[quote name='Maria Faustina' post='1579993' date='Jun 23 2008, 02:12 AM']I was wondering about this. Is there anything that states that Catholics should not receive the Eucharist in their hands? Thanks.

In Christ,
Maria Faustina[/quote]

There's nothing that says a Catholic should not receive in the hands, in fact there are documents saying that you may either receive in the hands or on the tongue.

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1580151' date='Jun 23 2008, 11:18 AM']That an Byzantine Rite Custom?[/quote]

Yes, it's an Eastern Rite custom. I'm guessing it's because of intinction, where the Eucharist is dipped in the Precious Blood before it is given to the communicant.

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I place it on my tongue myself. This is a personal moment that I share with Jesus. I am capable of doing it myself and do not want the priest to touch my mouth...plain out.

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I receive on the tongue. Sometimes I'm a little scared to do so though because many EMHC's aren't trained or used to people receiving that way. It's almost caused Jesus to be dropped a few times because they aren't aware of the fact that you can either receive on the tongue or in the hands. I try to go to a priest or deacon for that reason because they are more accustomed to both of the norms for receiving. If I do receive from a EMHC I have my hands ready to catch Jesus just in case they aren't used to the norm or paying attention to the fact that I don't have my hands out and I'm receiving on the tongue.

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[quote name='StColette' post='1580282' date='Jun 23 2008, 02:55 PM']I receive on the tongue. Sometimes I'm a little scared to do so though because many EMHC's aren't trained or used to people receiving that way. It's almost caused Jesus to be dropped a few times because they aren't aware of the fact that you can either receive on the tongue or in the hands. I try to go to a priest or deacon for that reason because they are more accustomed to both of the norms for receiving. If I do receive from a EMHC I have my hands ready to catch Jesus just in case they aren't used to the norm or paying attention to the fact that I don't have my hands out and I'm receiving on the tongue.[/quote]

I second this whole-heartidly.

And I have, actually, had to catch Jesus once. The priest I was receiving from had gotten distracted because a young boy in the Communion line next to him was confusing the EMHC and was about to receive Communion when he was certainly not yet old enough... anyways, the priest had already said "The Body of Christ" to me, was looking over there as he tried to place the host on my tongue... Well, Jesus fell and luckily I had quick enough hands to catch Him.

I joke about it as the only time I have ever "received in the hand".

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