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How Has The Prices Of Gas Impacted Your Life, If Any?

"Kyrie eleison"

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1575104' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:14 PM']Our monthly bus passes went up a $1. The buses are twice as crowded now. Our friends who drive, come to visit less often. I've been without a car for 2 1/2 years now, and only missed it when I was on crutches this winter and trapped in the house by icy sidewalks and an overprotective husband. We have a friend who takes us to the large grocery store, and we have tried to get twice as much to make only one trip a month. We live next door to a Safeway, but it is more expensive. Everytime we talk about getting a car, and start the cost/benefit on it, we realize that just the monthly insurance (which is going up 37% in this province this year) would pay for me to take a taxi to the store once a week (twice if I took the bus to the store and only used the taxi on the ride home).

We are blessed to live two blocks from the subway, and a block from 3 major and 1 minor bus route, and two blocks from church. Transit is far from perfect here, but at least it is in place. Where I've lived in the US, that wasn't the case. I saw a documentary a couple of weeks ago on suburbs, and they were predicting that suburbs are going to be the ghost towns of the future. They had a survey on the news the day before yesterday that the increase in gas prices were going to lead 37% of people to walk more to work, but only 9% would either move or find a job closer to their home. I think that is going to change if gas reaches $10/gallon.[/quote]


I am too a stay home mom and I love being with my kids, the pressure is on for me to go back to work, but we are weighing the pros and cons.

My husband said that tram prices are going up next month and it is getting more crowded. Times are really changing. I can only imagine what the state of the world we be going through when gas hits 10.00. Should we be scared? I am afraid for my children and my grand children.

I know that they are teaching more about global warming in the school and my son who is 16 has voiced his concern about the world when he is an adult. Things have to change.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1575115' date='Jun 18 2008, 01:22 PM']I ]Things have to change.[/quote]

Yes, but people have been calling for change for a very long time. Part of me is like, well, we knew this was coming, so it isn't a big surprise.

Edited by fides quarens intellectum
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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='fides quarens intellectum' post='1575119' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:26 PM']Yes, but people have been calling for change for a very long time. Part of me is like, well, we knew this was coming, so it isn't a big surprise.[/quote]


If I recall Pope JP II 3rd secret was kept mum because he wished for prayers and sacrifices to avert it. We are reaping what we have sown and the earth is crying out.

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yes things have to change, but it has to be done wisely.

there are people who wanted to drill ten years ago. which, to a degree would have postponed all this... but if it only postpones it till like a couple years away... and then we're back in this situation.... we have nothing to relieve us as we make a transition.

we'd have gotten gas for fifty cents a gallon instead of a dollar, ten eyars ago. that'd save us five dollars in a ten tank, instead of fifty at times of need.that wouldn't have been not wise, and those people who advocated drilling back ten years agp are absolutely wrong, and should concede the point as there's no reason that is sound iin hteir favor.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1575125' date='Jun 18 2008, 01:29 PM']Fides,

If I recall Pope JP II 3rd secret was kept mum because he wished for prayers and sacrifices to avert it. We are reaping what we have sown and the earth is crying out.[/quote]

That's one way to look at it. i think i would agree with you on the need for prayer, because ultimately, our welfare is in His hands.

i think about the kind of person i used to be, and i probably would have been a lot more upset about all of this just a few years ago (don't get me wrong - i am still learning to trust Him more). i am with you on the need for prayers and such. :)

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='CatherineM' post='1575104' date='Jun 18 2008, 07:14 PM']Our monthly bus passes went up a $1. The buses are twice as crowded now. Our friends who drive, come to visit less often. I've been without a car for 2 1/2 years now, and only missed it when I was on crutches this winter and trapped in the house by icy sidewalks and an overprotective husband. We have a friend who takes us to the large grocery store, and we have tried to get twice as much to make only one trip a month. We live next door to a Safeway, but it is more expensive. Everytime we talk about getting a car, and start the cost/benefit on it, we realize that just the monthly insurance (which is going up 37% in this province this year) would pay for me to take a taxi to the store once a week (twice if I took the bus to the store and only used the taxi on the ride home).[/quote]
We actually have our groceries delivered because the grocery closer to us is more expensive and doesn't have some of the things we get. But we only have it delivered once a month, and then I get fresh produce from the market as needed.

[quote name='"Kyrie eleison' post='1575115' date='Jun 18 2008, 07:22 PM']My husband said that tram prices are going up next month and it is getting more crowded. Times are really changing. I can only imagine what the state of the world we be going through when gas hits 10.00. Should we be scared? I am afraid for my children and my grand children.[/quote]
That is the price here.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1575128' date='Jun 18 2008, 01:30 PM']yes things have to change, but it has to be done wisely.

there are people who wanted to drill ten years ago. which, to a degree would have postponed all this... but if it only postpones it till like a couple years away... and then we're back in this situation.... we have nothing to relieve us as we make a transition.

we'd have gotten gas for fifty cents a gallon instead of a dollar, ten eyars ago. that'd save us five dollars in a ten tank, instead of fifty at times of need.that wouldn't have been not wise, and those people who advocated drilling back ten years agp are absolutely wrong, and should concede the point as there's no reason that is sound iin hteir favor.[/quote]

Dairy, don't you wish Goldenchild were around? :)

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The Bus Station

[quote name='zabbazooey' post='1575049' date='Jun 18 2008, 12:04 PM']I drive my car to the bus station[/quote]


I didn't realize I was so popular.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1575128' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:30 PM']yes things have to change, but it has to be done wisely.

there are people who wanted to drill ten years ago. which, to a degree would have postponed all this... but if it only postpones it till like a couple years away... and then we're back in this situation.... we have nothing to relieve us as we make a transition.

we'd have gotten gas for fifty cents a gallon instead of a dollar, ten eyars ago. that'd save us five dollars in a ten tank, instead of fifty at times of need.that wouldn't have been not wise, and those people who advocated drilling back ten years agp are absolutely wrong, and should concede the point as there's no reason that is sound iin hteir favor.[/quote]


So, IYO it it a lose, lose situation. When we become dependent on other nations we are at their mercy.

In my son's class they have given them the worst case scenario of the effects of global warming and he is very frightened. The young have to know the truth for they are the future.

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Gas prices are horrendous. I work part-time teaching religion at a private high school, and if I didn't live close to the school (about 5 miles away) I would be in major trouble.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1575146' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:41 PM']Gas prices are horrendous. I work part-time teaching religion at a private high school, and if I didn't live close to the school (about 5 miles away) I would be in major trouble.[/quote]


Many who work pay check to pay check are in major trouble already. We who are accostumed to the luxury of owning and driving a car and driving it in a instant, will our lives begin to change as the prices of gas and the economy begin to get worse and worse.

Just to let you know I got my cable and internet phone bill lowered by 20.00 a month. I told them I was going to switch and what could they offer me to stay.

I am planning on working on getting our APR's on our credit cards down too.

I also use my ziplock bags over. I just re-wash them and foil, if they are not too oily. It is good for the environment and it has saved me money.

I haven't had to buy foil and baggies for over a month now that I have started to do this.

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Never lose hope! I am unemployed every summer, and only get paid for four instructional hours a week during the school year, but somehow my mom and I make ends meet on a very small budget.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='Apotheoun' post='1575195' date='Jun 18 2008, 03:06 PM']Never lose hope! I am unemployed every summer, and only get paid for four instructional hours a week during the school year, but somehow my mom and I make ends meet on a very small budget.[/quote]

I won't. I pray everyday for God to provide for us and for those who are really struggling and are hungry homeless and feel there is no hope in sight. In these trying times we must have the faith of Job.

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I came home from Ohio to California after completing my MA in Theology in order to take care of my elderly mother, but last year I contracted viral encephalitis and nearly died, and now I suffer from tremors on the left side of my body (my face, hand, and leg); but I have been blessed by God, because my right side is fine, and I am alive. Things can always be worse, but God gives every person the strength he needs in order to persevere, that is, if he will only put his trust in the Lord.

So although my plan was to come home and take care of my mother during her time of need (she has emphysema), in the end those plans were changed, and now we take care of each other, and – of course – I have no doubt that God watches over us both.

I pray for you and your family, so that everything works out according to God's design.

"O give thanks to the Lord for He is good; for His love endures for ever."

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' post='1575106' date='Jun 18 2008, 02:15 PM']it really depends on a lot.

there's so much stuff, with offshore drilling etc.... that most of it should be drilled.

a significant amount, like a year's worth, should not be drilled. not bc of enviro concerns but bc of the idea that..... a gallon of gas when gas is worth 10 dollars, which it will eventually or at least approach that ie be worse than now.... is much more valuable than a gallon when gas is only 5 dollars.
eg. a ten tank at ten is 100, but at four is 40. five gallons off is a savings of fifty dollars instead of twenty.

we're going to get worse than we are now, that's why we save.

we should only drill that final bit, when times are super bad, or we see that a new technology has better infiltrated society. at that point... it's going to take time to finalize infiltration, and then we're going to be hurting in the mean time. pretty much the situation we are in now... except there are no longer any other places to drill.

i'd say, just save ANWR for that final moment but drill everything else. doens't have to be ANWR though, whatever is saved as long as somehting is for later.

there's no techincolgies that are too prevanlent right now. and there won't be until we hurt more, and then it will take time. that's why we dont go all for it right now.

we don't count on thigs like coal, and electicity etc.... at least at this point... bc it's not infiltrated society enotugh. we only look at teh fact taht so much is out there to drill right now.

also... things like correl reefs... i mean if there's ways to get to the oil without hurint it.. then by all means take it. if htere's no way to get it without hurting... then we have to weight the costs, ie, correls are good for medicine etc i think like rain forests.... and thei nherent value of them.... and then balance that with things like that idea that we're going to have to switch eventually to somehting else, and maybe we shouldn't be getting rid of good things for the sake of short term finanical gains, shortsighedtly.
it depends on the numbers.[/quote]

You bring up many good points. Technology is our best bet, as I see it. Drilling will take a couple or more years if it doesn't do more harm than good especially to the environment and polluting and harming the ocean, which will cause more global warming.

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