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Autumn Dusk,

When I was an atheist I was a poor one. I still believed in right and wrong, good and bad. My heart ached for the sufferings of others and I could not imagine world of Nietzsche. In bed at night my thoughts would drift towards death. The endless black of death. Perhaps, it was merely cowardice, but something inside me trembled at that blackness.

As an atheist all the material and physical wants of my whims could be attainable. But ultimately those wants and pleasures are immaterial. The world will end, the universe will succumb to the great expansion, the last black hole will evaporate, and all will be eternally black. This is fate. This is the evolution of the universe. All that has ever been done, all that has ever been written, will be lost. Whether you were the greatest leader the world has ever known or the greatest failure, all will be equal.

Atheist philosophers often "preach" of heaven on Earth, if you merely listen to them. Their heaven is an unattainable dream, you cannot rewrite the laws of physics you cannot fight fate.

However, as I progressed in my education of my atheist self in the fitting field of science, I was astounded. Science led me to God. If you would like discuss this issue further I would be glad to.



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Autumn the great bustin' bodacious air dUStin is just playing the big bad angry atheist for her own attention getting. She spends so much time here that I would hazard a guess that she has very little of joy in her life and is hoping to find it on an internet site.

When one is that angry and combative, it is usually an indication of a persons own personal woundedness. I pray that God will heal whatever is harming her spiritually.
Trying to incite others is not indictative of being an atheist or anything else. It is just a personality problem.
Why anyone who does not believe in religion would want to spend their time on a religious site is beyond me.

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I recently came across a post from Autumn Dusk, and in the post she talked about wearing the Scapular (the thread was, needless to say, about scapulars). This post was from early June. So, I'm confused. She's suddenly athiest now?

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It sounds like my brother. He tries to push everyone away, because if we hate him, he can more easily hate himself. He became atheist, too, because that eliminates the problem of God loving him. He said he couldn't be Catholic, because while it was the only religion he would be if he believed in God, he didn't believe in God.

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Here's a question.

Is it that Athiests don't believe in God?

Or do they just want there to be no God [i]to[/i] believe in?

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I think it's some of both.
I think, on a purely intellectual level, they don't believe, as belief isn't a purely intelletcual thing. I also think that it makes life easier for them if they don't need to believe in God.

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But then why do they majority of Athiests seem obsessed with attacking religion or constantly questioning the religious?

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='peach_cube' post='1574376' date='Jun 17 2008, 09:39 PM']Autumn Dusk,

When I was an atheist I was a poor one. I still believed in right and wrong, good and bad. My heart ached for the sufferings of others and I could not imagine world of Nietzsche. In bed at night my thoughts would drift towards death. The endless black of death. Perhaps, it was merely cowardice, but something inside me trembled at that blackness.

As an atheist all the material and physical wants of my whims could be attainable. But ultimately those wants and pleasures are immaterial. The world will end, the universe will succumb to the great expansion, the last black hole will evaporate, and all will be eternally black. This is fate. This is the evolution of the universe. All that has ever been done, all that has ever been written, will be lost. Whether you were the greatest leader the world has ever known or the greatest failure, all will be equal.

Atheist philosophers often "preach" of heaven on Earth, if you merely listen to them. Their heaven is an unattainable dream, you cannot rewrite the laws of physics you cannot fight fate.

However, as I progressed in my education of my atheist self in the fitting field of science, I was astounded. Science led me to God. If you would like discuss this issue further I would be glad to.



Don't try to convert me. I've made my decision

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Deb' post='1577502' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:11 PM']Autumn the great bustin' bodacious air dUStin is just playing the big bad angry atheist for her own attention getting. She spends so much time here that I would hazard a guess that she has very little of joy in her life and is hoping to find it on an internet site.

When one is that angry and combative, it is usually an indication of a persons own personal woundedness. I pray that God will heal whatever is harming her spiritually.
Trying to incite others is not indictative of being an atheist or anything else. It is just a personality problem.
Why anyone who does not believe in religion would want to spend their time on a religious site is beyond me.[/quote]

First off, Deb, you're as much of an attention seeker as the next person.
You don't know anything about my life so stop guessing.

And don't pray for me....its slightly offensive that christians think its their duty to convert. I get the whole thing where you think I'm going to hell, and its sweet for a kid to want to save someone from that but adults? C'mon. We're both adults here and I can make my own choices.

And, I was once Catholic...a struggling Catholic. I've been on this board longer than you, longer than most people, in fact. I think around late 2001. I came here- and other places- some long defunct--for the sole purpose of trying to figure out God...and be a better catholic. So...as long as that is...I've tried to be Catholic. And I realized that it didn't work...dosn't work...for me.

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='HisChildForever' post='1577569' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:54 PM']I recently came across a post from Autumn Dusk, and in the post she talked about wearing the Scapular (the thread was, needless to say, about scapulars). This post was from early June. So, I'm confused. She's suddenly athiest now?[/quote]

I made the decision shortly after a first friday mass and adoration that I went to. It was well done and by a very holy priest with an amazing Catholic artist...

later that week I realized I didn't believe any of it...and never would. So I became athiest.

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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='MissScripture' post='1577572' date='Jun 20 2008, 01:58 PM']It sounds like my brother. He tries to push everyone away, because if we hate him, he can more easily hate himself. He became atheist, too, because that eliminates the problem of God loving him. He said he couldn't be Catholic, because while it was the only religion he would be if he believed in God, he didn't believe in God.[/quote]

He sounds like a fine boy. You need to butt out of his business.

[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1577632' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:24 PM']Here's a question.

Is it that Athiests don't believe in God?

Or do they just want there to be no God [i]to[/i] believe in?[/quote]

I don't believe in God. he's just not there.

[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1577713' date='Jun 20 2008, 05:30 PM']But then why do they majority of Athiests seem obsessed with attacking religion or constantly questioning the religious?[/quote]

I've done neither...so stop generalizing.

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Can I ask why you don't believe in God or what you do believe in?

Edited by Light and Truth
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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Light and Truth' post='1577773' date='Jun 20 2008, 06:34 PM']Can I ask why you don't believe in God or what you do believe in?[/quote]

I've stated many times...and in this tread why I don't. I've tried to be catholic for many, many, years. I've recieved my sacraments, gone to Mass, gone to confession twice a year if not every other month. I've gone to adoration and on retreats. I've talked to some of the most holy people about God. Yet, after last week I realize it made no difference to me, and that I never really did believe.

What do I believe in? As always I still think that the Catholic church had decent rules that probably should be followed by most people. That its work in humanitarian development and work is second to none. Like my other athiest friends I believe that life can be scientifically proven to start at conception, therefore, it should not be ended prematurely.

Basically what you believe in. Just without God.

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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' post='1577732' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:51 PM']He sounds like a fine boy. You need to butt out of his business.[/quote]
Yes, hating yourself is a great condition for someone's life to be in. :rolleyes: And since you know nothing about his life, why don't you stop guessing, as you so kindly told others about your life?

[quote name='Autumn Dusk' post='1577732' date='Jun 20 2008, 03:51 PM']I've done neither...so stop generalizing.[/quote]
He said a majority. That does not mean EVERYONE. Did he say you? Was he even responding to you?

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