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Evil Things To Good People


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A friend @ work sent me this news link from something that happened this week in Dallas.


He is an aethiest who asked me how could God not interfere with an incident like this if he is all loving.

I know the concept of free will but can someone offer me something deeper to say? What a sad story :(

Edited by Krush2k2
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If God does not exist there is no evil nor is there love. Will try to give a better answer later...

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There is a difference between God's ultimate will, and his intermediate will. Sometimes his intermediate will is very hard to understand, so we have to focus on what we know his ultimate will is.

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Sorry just saw this thought it was interesting...


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Would it hurt anyone to describe what you're linking to? The first link goes to "page not found" and the second is just an empty box.

I guess it doesn't matter because the question is as old as humanity. God isn't Superman. He doesn't go around saving us from temporal pain and problems. The whole point to being a Christian is to die to this world and live for the next. Miracles exist to help us believe in God and all that is beyond our physical existence, not to make our physical existence happier and more pleasurable.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1573074' date='Jun 16 2008, 06:30 PM']If God does not exist there is no evil nor is there love.[/quote]

Careful with the wording of this. An Athiest may not be aware of how God factors into the existence of evil. It could lead them to think that God encompasses both good and evil.

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You think? At least some of us do understand, (unfortuneately not too many)

But this is an Athiest asking this question. It must be answered.

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I can't see the article but, the homily today talked about how we can see people who do evil and life seems to go great for them and vice versa. Fr. quoted from Matthew 5,
He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.

All can have joy and suffering in their life. Great good can come from suffering. Men have free will and they choose to do evil or their choices can lead to evil. God does things in his time. The person involved in the evil may go a long time as the Lord gives them the time and the resources to discover within themselves the path to good, to repent and come to him.
He said we sometimes wish others would get "theirs" right now but, when we are the one sinning, we are very glad for God's patience. We know not the time that judgement will come however.

Not sure if that pertains completely to whatever the story is about but, it really struck home with me. If I had died ten years ago, I would never have had the chance I had now to repent for my sins and become close to the Lord.

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RICHARDSON — Officers discovered the severed head of a young woman in a trash bag Saturday afternoon while investigating a disturbance in an upscale home on a quiet suburban street.

An officer "...located what he believed to be a severed human head with the skin of the face partially peeled off," according to court documents in the case.

The victim was identified as 20-year-old Ibonne Zamudio of Dallas.

On Saturday morning about 9:15 A.M., a 10-year-old boy called 911 "...claiming there were two males inside his house and a female that was being killed," the documents revealed.

The crime scene was in an upstairs bathroom. The head was in one of three black plastic trash bags.

James Matisi, the owner of the house in the 5700 block of Kensington Drive, was reportedly hiding in the master bedroom closet with his son, who called police.
Richardson PD
Timothy Jones, left, Eric Ziegler, center, and James Matisi are being held on $1,000,000 bond each.

Officers said Timothy Jones, a suspect in the murder, was nude and belligerent as police entered the home after kicking down the front door.

Eric Ziegler was asleep in one of the bedrooms, police said.

According to Richardson police interviews with the suspects, Jones and Ziegler brought Zamudio to Matisi’s home in the middle of the night so all three could smoke crack.

But the early morning hours would soon turn violent.

Jones stated for a Probable Cause Affidavit that at some point, “…he went to the bathroom and found Eric Ziegler standing in the bathroom, and Zamudio was nude, dead, and lying in the bathtub with her head cut off.”

Jones said he originally thought Ziegler and Zamudio were in the bathroom having sex.

“Jones said that Ziegler was wild-eyed and high on drugs and Ziegler had already cut Zamudio’s scalp from her head," the affidavit statement read.

"Jones said that he watched Ziegler pull the shower curtain rod down from the wall. Jones saw Ziegler thrust the curtain rod into Zamudio’s eyes, jamming the curtain rod into her skull. Jones said that he was scared by Ziegler’s actions and said that Ziegler was cursing the dead body as Ziegler cut on her body with a lock-blade knife, and he would rant and rave about her tattoos.”

The document went on to say: “[Zamudio’s] hands, feet, scalp, one arm, both legs and tattoos had been cut from her body. The legs were also cut in half at the knees. One arm was still attached to her torso.”

Investigators found the body parts in three black trash bags.

Richardson police said they are still interrogating the three suspects to try and determine what role each played in the brutal slaying.

All three have been charged with Zamudio’s murder and are being held in the Richardson City Jail on a $1 million bond.

The motive is still uncertain, investigators said.

Matisi’s 10-year-old son is in custody of Child Protective Services.

E-mail jwhitely@wfaa.com[/quote]

I am pretty sure this incident is what he was referring to.

So sad.

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So God is supposed to stop everything bad from happening? Or only the really bad things? Why didn't God just stop Eve from eating that darn fruit... we'd all be happy then, wouldn't we?

I'm sure a number of great Christian thinkers have written pages and pages on this question that are much more eloquent and thoughtful than what one could find on a message board. If your atheist friend wants an answer, he can go and find it. Of course, he may simply what your honest answer, in which case you may have to wrestle with the question yourself. :)

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