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Bill Gates is atheist. Nope, all the money in the world can't buy him salvation... 9_9

Edited by nikkan_hanil
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Your right there nikkan_hanil, did you see in teh recent rich people's thingy mabobby, there is another guy, almost beating him in welath.

Come on do some almsgiving!

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It used to be that rich people would give away their money. Gate does have a fund for schools and things like that. Andrew Carangie started the paratice of get all the money you can and than give it way (Go look for a plaque in your nearest libary system that was started between 1870 and 1900). Gates may be an athesit but he still has contact to charitable funds.

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2/29 - First Sunday of Lent

Andrew Carnegie may have gotten a lot of money and given much of it away, but that does not permit us to call him a good or even a decent man - Carnegie had no regard for the lives of his employees. He constantly cut safety corners in his factories and also broke unions more than a few times; he made the lives of his employees a living hell. One cannot perform the good through evil activity. Bill Gates may be giving away lots of money to schools and educational foundations, but when he helps fund Planned Parenthood and UNICEF, he cannot be excused.

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The best nerds of all time!!!


I thought it ingenious the way you could just slide the thing over for the flavors...

But, how did some of one flavor always sneak over into the other side???

Edited by frozencell
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Charity is not a measure of how much you give, but how m,uch you have left.

Bill Gates is worth $46 billion.

He could wipe out the national debt of a small third world country.

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Rebirth flame

  God Conquers said:
Charity is not a measure of how much you give, but how m,uch you have left.

Bill Gates is worth $46 billion.

He could wipe out the national debt of a small third world country.

but unfortunately, keeping all that money to himself that he's never gonna use is more important to him...

and i don't mean to sound like we should never have money on us because it's evil, or that he doesn't deserve his money, but having alllllll that money and just hoarding it or indulging yourself with it isn't quite right. i believe the Bible passage about the poor Widow who gives to the temple all the money she has is appropriate here...

can anyone help me out with the verse #??? :wacko:

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Rebirth flame

wait, i found it!!!

Mark 12:42

Luke 21:2

there's alot to learn from that passage... for myself and for others...

:D :P

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I agree with Rebirth. There's nothing wrong with making a baotload of money every day for the rest of your life. I wish I was. But, remember, the love of money is the root of evil. If you're not in love with money you find it easy to give to those who need it, especially if you're sitting on a mountain of it the size of Tibet.

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