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Mission Of Divine Mercy

Saint Therese

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Saint Therese

This is a new community.
Here is their site: [url="http://www.missionofdivinemercy.org/"]Mission of Divine Mercy[/url]
What do you think?
I've written for more information. I'll update as soon as I know more.

Edited by Saint Therese
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Saint Therese

I was actualy wondering this as well. i ASSUME they are, but of course, these days, assuming is not wise.
I think I'll email them and ask.

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[quote name='Saint Therese' post='1572230' date='Jun 15 2008, 06:50 PM']I think I'll email them and ask.[/quote]

Before you do that, you might want to read in full, a few of their bulletins, regarding their ordinations etc.

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Saint Therese

[quote name='EWIE' post='1572254' date='Jun 15 2008, 08:26 PM']Before you do that, you might want to read in full, a few of their bulletins, regarding their ordinations etc.[/quote]
I tried to open their "newsletters" link but for some reason it wouldn't work.

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Fr. Antony Maria OSB

I know for a fact that the Marians of the Immaculate Conception are the ones who spread the Divine Mercy Message around the world, with the center being the Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. I haven't read much of the site on the Mission of Divine Mercy, but that is something that I am questioning because the Marians were the ones who have spread the Divine Mercy Message since 1941.


May God bless and protect you always in all of your endeavors!

Your Brother in Christ,


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I have never heard of them before, but - from their newsletters -, they appear to be under Archbishop Gómez in the Archdiocese of San Antonio. It shows him ordaining the priests. If one reads more about their Queen of Peace Prayer Group for high school and college age young women one sees that they, with in the group, seek to "deepen union with Jesus through prayer and adoration, under the guidance and intercession of Our Blessed Mother. [i]In the words of Pope John Paul, to be a small 'school of prayer.'"[/i] They also, in their December 07 newsletter refer to Pope John Paul as "their" great John Paul.

Also, on the Archdiocese's website if you do a search for "Mission of Divine Mercy" the first link is a Word Document one can download that lists all of the women religious with in the archdiocese. At the very bottom, under "Private Association of the Faithful" they are listed. They seem to be in union with the archdiocese, and thus I assume with Rome.

They look like a great community! And what a beautiful habit! Their retreats look pretty neat too. Too bad they haven't updated for this year when it comes to info on retreats. :(

oooo and look at the pretty designs for the grounds: [url="http://www.stroikarchitect.com/portfolio/divinemercy.php"]http://www.stroikarchitect.com/portfolio/divinemercy.php[/url]

Edited by TotusTuusMaria
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I certainly hope they're in communion with Rome; they look awesome! It's always wonderful to hear of communities of the Divine Mercy. I second that, TotusTuusMaria, their habits are beautiful. I love the Sacred Heart and the cross on the front, and their veils. By the pictures they seem to have Our Lady of Guadalupe as their patroness! The Divine Mercy, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and Our Lady of Guadalupe.. wow. San Antonio and Austin are great cities, if anyone's interested! (I used to live there. Texas in general is awesome. :) It must be; it even has its own icon on here, did you know? :texas: ).
Thanks for planning to update us when you receive information back... I hope you get it soon!

God bless,
Maria Faustina

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Saint Therese

They are not far from San Antonio, and there's a possibliity I could visit when I go to SA on vacay! I think visiting communities is good because it helps you to discern better what is "normal" and what is unhealthy in a community.

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Guys...I became very emotional when I saw this post! And let me tell you why...

I was a member of the Dominicans Sisters in Ann Arbor MI as a novice. I never took vows. My mother became extremely ill and I came home to care for her. The day I came home, my dad told me I had received a newsletter addressed to me in the mail. It was from the Mission of Divine Mercy. I live an hour away from this place. (It is extremely beautiful here in this part of Texas.) They live on 130 acres of wilderness and hills overlooking the beautiful Canyon Lake. With all that was happening to my mother, and leaving the convent, I decided to check them out.

I couldn't believe how very beautiful they were...it was like a dream come true! I soon befriended them, and the group of families and individuals who attend all their activities and Masses soon became my strength throughout the time I was suffering. I left them for about 10 months, my mother's illness became more terminal. And after my mother passed away, I found myself going to this holy place more frequently...

I became their organist. I would get there at 6 a.m. in the morning on Saturdays and stay there until the Sun went down. The community is very loving. They have many friends, and they are deeply in love with God. They have a great love and reverence for the Holy Eucharist. And they now say the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, with the priest facing the Altar.

But something happened between us this October. AS we are all humans, things get in the way when people are getting closer and closer to God. I do not wish to start any rumours about this wonderful community. What I experienced was for me to experience. I don't feel like I should have to share it with anyone else. I just ask that you all pray for this little community. I love them with all my heart. But I no longer go there. They are being directed by Archbishop Gomez. I am happy they are listening to his direction for he is a very faithful bishop. Pray that Satan doesn't tear them to shreds. I know that the beast is trying to do everything he can to stop the great work they are doing out there. They are changing lives in this part of Texas. It's the new springtime, and you can't believe how exciting it is! Girls, they can not accept new vocations just yet, because there is no convent. They just barely began accepting young men. Very soon, I hope, God will bless them with the housing they are looking to get. It should be very very beautiful, and glorious for God.

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There is nothing like a visit to really be able to size up a community. Email/phone calls are nice, but you have to spend time with them to get the best idea of what a group is really all about. I know I have read about a community and exchanged wonderful letters with them, yet when I visited, I was so dissapointed that they did not live up to their letters. Would be interested in hearing more about this group, especially if you get the chance to visit.

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[quote name='dominicansoul' post='1573207' date='Jun 16 2008, 07:29 PM']Guys...I became very emotional when I saw this post! And let me tell you why...

I was a member of the Dominicans Sisters in Ann Arbor MI as a novice. I never took vows. My mother became extremely ill and I came home to care for her. The day I came home, my dad told me I had received a newsletter addressed to me in the mail. It was from the Mission of Divine Mercy. I live an hour away from this place. (It is extremely beautiful here in this part of Texas.) They live on 130 acres of wilderness and hills overlooking the beautiful Canyon Lake. With all that was happening to my mother, and leaving the convent, I decided to check them out.

I couldn't believe how very beautiful they were...it was like a dream come true! I soon befriended them, and the group of families and individuals who attend all their activities and Masses soon became my strength throughout the time I was suffering. I left them for about 10 months, my mother's illness became more terminal. And after my mother passed away, I found myself going to this holy place more frequently...

I became their organist. I would get there at 6 a.m. in the morning on Saturdays and stay there until the Sun went down. The community is very loving. They have many friends, and they are deeply in love with God. They have a great love and reverence for the Holy Eucharist. And they now say the Novus Ordo Mass in Latin, with the priest facing the Altar.

But something happened between us this October. AS we are all humans, things get in the way when people are getting closer and closer to God. I do not wish to start any rumours about this wonderful community. What I experienced was for me to experience. I don't feel like I should have to share it with anyone else. I just ask that you all pray for this little community. I love them with all my heart. But I no longer go there. They are being directed by Archbishop Gomez. I am happy they are listening to his direction for he is a very faithful bishop. Pray that Satan doesn't tear them to shreds. I know that the beast is trying to do everything he can to stop the great work they are doing out there. They are changing lives in this part of Texas. It's the new springtime, and you can't believe how exciting it is! Girls, they can not accept new vocations just yet, because there is no convent. They just barely began accepting young men. Very soon, I hope, God will bless them with the housing they are looking to get. It should be very very beautiful, and glorious for God.[/quote]

What happened to your vocation to the DMME's in Ann Arbor? Can you/do you want to go back?

Edited by jkaands
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I left because I had to come home and care for my sick mother. She had no one else who could give her the kind of care she needed. I was the only one in the family who could give her that 24/7 care. It was powerful to witness her strong faith through all her intense suffering. I feel it was a gift to be with her those last months. God took my mother home in July of 2006.

I am discerning with another Dominican community. This is why I am not returning to the DSMME. God leads me, and I follow. It's as simple as that.

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Saint Therese
:huh: One of the things I was suprised to see on Phatmass was that I was not the only one who seemed to have detours and pauses on the way to realizing their vocation. And it was a good thing for me to see that.
"The Lord writes straight with crooked lines."
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