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Would You Marry Someone Who Isn't A Virgin?


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I don't know if Norseman's stance is that non-virgins should only marry non-virgins or if that he personally feels it on his heart to only marry another virgin. (If you read this please clarify for me, NM)

However-- what I find interesting and a bit strange is that this has became somewhat mathematical in thinking. NV+NV=YES....

Where does love come into the equation? If someone who is not a virgin falls in love with someone who is, and vice versa, that has to count for something.

Also--it is completely and totally errant to make the jump that you, Norseman, did about someone not being a virgin to speaking about promiscuity. Someone can be without their virginity without having a history of sleeping around.

Edited by Alycin
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[quote name='Archaeology cat' post='1571926' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:13 PM']I do commend you for having high standards, I really do. And perhaps part of the problem here is how difficult it can be to gauge tone over the internet. That being said, I do take some of your posts on this matter to be looking down on others' past mistakes, as you [i]seem [/i] (from what I've read in this thread) unwilling to forgive what may have been a 1-time mistake. I think these things really need to be examined on a case-by-case basis, instead. There are just too many variables otherwise, TBH.[/quote]

Again, forgiveness does not mean that one need enter into or continue a relationship. And it does not necessarily make one compatible. And even if the other person i snot a virgin becasue she was a widow and onlt slept with the one she was married to, we still would not be compatible, since we do not have common background, so this is not about forgiveness of sin. It's about compatibility.

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[quote name='Era Might' post='1571928' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:14 PM']Maybe. I think there can be a common ground in this discussion. Your own expectations for your spouse should be respected. But you should also respect that not everyone has the same expectations, and it is not because they have lesser standards. You referred to compatibility, which I agree is important, but what determines compatibility will be different for each person. You have expectations for your spouse's past, which is fine for you. But others place the emphasis on the present, not the past. You both agree on the basic duty to forgive. But as you said, marriage is not only about forgiveness, but also about compatibility. There are some general guidelines for determining whether you are compatible with a potential spouse (e.g., will the spouse respect and support your faith). But there are also many personal factors that each individual must consider for themselves.[/quote]


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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571929' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:16 PM']As somneone posted previously, some sins are more grievous than others. And the bible cordons off fornication in a special class by itself (it is in one of Paul's epistles). The temporal effect of fornication is that I would no longer be giving 100% of myself to my future spouse if that future spouse is someone else, thus cheating her if she is a virgin and giving me 100% She has earned better.[/quote]
Love isn't something that is earned. Otherwise, we'd all be in Hell right now.

This is where people start to think that you are being judgmental as opposed to merely looking for compatibility. To say that past sins would render someone incapable of giving himself 100% to his future spouse is nothing less than a judgment on that person's soul.

You have standards and that's fine with me, but you present them as objective truths when in reality they are not.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571936' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:22 PM']Again, forgiveness does not mean that one need enter into or continue a relationship. And it does not necessarily make one compatible. And even if the other person i snot a virgin becasue she was a widow and onlt slept with the one she was married to, we still would not be compatible, since we do not have common background, so this is not about forgiveness of sin. It's about compatibility.[/quote]

I think perhaps the fork in the road, then, is how you and others view compatibility. You are making blanket statements that appear to be almost authoritative in the matter. I think that is what is troubling to some.

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Is virginity more important than the personhood?

You can't love an aspect more than a person or you are merely objectifying the person.

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[size=1]Yes, I would marry a man who was not a virgin.
But like what most everyone else has touched on, he would have to repent for it.
He would have to WANT to change his ways and understand what he did was wrong.

Jason Evret's wife was not a virgin by any means when they first met.
But she wanted to change and found the love she always needed in him.
Its a super cute story!

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1571931' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:19 PM']I don't know if Norseman's stance is that non-virgins should only marry non-virgins or if that he personally feels it on his heart to only marry another virgin. (If you read this please clarify for me, NM)

However-- what I find interesting and a bit strange is that this has became somewhat mathematical in thinking. NV+NV=YES....

Where does love come into the equation? If someone who is not a virgin falls in love with someone who is, and vice versa, that has to count for something.

Also--it is completely and totally errant to make the jump that you did about someone not being a virgin to speaking about promiscuity. Someone can be without their virginity without having a history of sleeping around.[/quote]

The feelings (FEELINGS! WO-OH-OAH FEEEEELINGS!) of the heart need to be tempered bythe logic of the brain - because you can find countless people who do stupid things out of "love" (like get involved with the wrong person, but hey, they were blinded by love - blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche into the rotor of the night, if I have the Mannfred Mann lyrics correct).

Edited by Norseman82
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Archaeology cat

[quote name='StColette' post='1571944' date='Jun 15 2008, 08:25 PM']Is virginity more important than the personhood?

You can't love an aspect more than a person or you are merely objectifying the person.[/quote]
Exactly! That's what I was trying (unsuccessfully) to get at. IMO, rejecting someone solely on the basis of their virginity (or lack thereof) is looking at someone in a purely sexual way, and not at the whole self. That's why I was saying it has to be a case-by-case evaluation, as well.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571946' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:28 PM']The feelings (FEELINGS! WO-OH-OAH FEEEEELINGS!) of the heart - because you can find countless people who do stupid things out of "love" (like get involved with the wrong person, but hey, they were blinded by love - blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche into the rotor of the night, if I have the Mannfred Mann lyrics correct).[/quote]

Wait, what? Did you leave off part of your sentence?

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[quote name='CrossCuT' post='1571945' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:28 PM']Jason Evret's wife was not a virgin by any means when they first met.
But she wanted to change and found the love she always needed in him.
Its a super cute story!

And I wonder what ever happened to all the virgins that Jason dated and ended up shafting in order to marry his wife?

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571946' date='Jun 15 2008, 08:28 PM']The feelings (FEELINGS! WO-OH-OAH FEEEEELINGS!) of the heart - because you can find countless people who do stupid things out of "love" (like get involved with the wrong person, but hey, they were blinded by love - blinded by the light, wrapped up like a douche into the rotor of the night, if I have the Mannfred Mann lyrics correct).[/quote]
It's "Blinded by the light,
revved up like a deuce,
another runner in the night"

[url="http://www.stlyrics.com/lyrics/blow/blindedbythelight.htm"]lyrics here[/url]

OK, end :hijack:

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571953' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:31 PM']And I wonder what ever happened to all the virgins that Jason dated and ended up shafting in order to marry his wife?[/quote]

Whaaaaaat?? You are SO not in the position to judge their marriage. Do you know anything about them at all?

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1571952' date='Jun 15 2008, 03:30 PM']Wait, what? Did you leave off part of your sentence?[/quote]

It has been corrected.

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