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Would You Marry Someone Who Isn't A Virgin?


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I wouldn't hold past mistakes against them. I don't think I need to repeat anything else that others here have already covered. :lol:

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No, because we wouldn't be equals in that part of our lives.

Edited by Norseman82
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Farsight one

[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571582' date='Jun 15 2008, 12:55 AM']No, because we wouldn't be equals in that part of our lives.[/quote]She can have kids and you can't (or if you're female, flip it) You're not equal in that part of your lives and there's no way to become so.

I'm just trying to understand your logic here...

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Will you love a demolish woman? Will you trust an irresponsible lady who does not know how to hold a relationship? Will you cherish a girl who has been a playgirl and girlfriend of all your friends? Will I marry her? Ah Yes, I will, if I love her. But, I am not stupid and I prefer to marry a woman who loves me as her first and last and nobody in between. Nevertheless, in this world, it is just a dream – therefore, be my girlfriend and do not ask me about marriage.

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[quote name='reyb' post='1571618' date='Jun 15 2008, 12:01 AM']Will you love a demolish woman? Will you trust an irresponsible lady who does not know how to hold a relationship? Will you cherish a girl who has been a playgirl and girlfriend of all your friends? Will I marry her? Ah Yes, I will, if I love her. But, I am not stupid and I prefer to marry a woman who loves me as her first and last and nobody in between. Nevertheless, in this world, it is just a dream – therefore, be my girlfriend and do not ask me about marriage.[/quote]

seriously, what?

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[quote name='Farsight one' post='1571616' date='Jun 15 2008, 01:43 AM']She can have kids and you can't (or if you're female, flip it) You're not equal in that part of your lives and there's no way to become so.[/quote]

Apples and oranges. We're supposed to be different in that respect, otherwise there is something wrong.

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[quote name='sdenko' post='1571389' date='Jun 14 2008, 08:22 PM']That reminds me of the prophet who God called to marry a prostitute (albeit, that would be a wee bit different since she was still cheating on him).

Haggai and Gomer?

Or Hosea and Gomer...

Can't remember.


As I recall, that story is an allegory to God's relationship with Israel, not a command for us to marry hookers.

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[quote name='Faith 1st' post='1571427' date='Jun 14 2008, 08:48 PM']If you are (a virgin) that is great. But I do not think that you will find many people who are.[/quote]

I think they're out there, but people need to get a renewed sense of "looking out for one's own", so to speak.

Which is another reason I voted no - there might be a female virgin out there that may have been counting on me, and I would be letting her down.

Additionally, it's sad to think that we've given up and accepted promiscuity as as the norm for our culture and are lowering our standards and will not back up those who will not lower their standards. We have awesome discretionary power at our disposal, and if we don't use it to start demanding "equal yoking" I seriously question whether or not we will turn around this promiscous society or at least create a haven of comfort for those who are not.

Edited by Norseman82
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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571582' date='Jun 15 2008, 12:55 AM']No, because we wouldn't be equals in that part of our lives.[/quote]
You are right. You would be on different levels. But can you honestly deny marrying a woman who might have made a mistake in her past life? What if she deeply regrets that decision and decided that she would be celibate until marriage from that point on? I just do not think that it is right throw the baby out with the bath water. I think you need to judge on a base by base case. If a guy asked me out and he "did" every one of his girlfriends and I was just another target than dating wouldn't even be an option. However, if he made a mistake in the past, then has been celibate ever since and remains celibate during our relationship, and if God has forgiven him his sin, who I am to say no?

[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571781' date='Jun 15 2008, 12:45 PM']I think they're out there, but people need to get a renewed sense of "looking out for one's own", so to speak.

Which is another reason I voted no - there might be a female virgin out there that may have been counting on me, and I would be letting her down.

Additionally, it's sad to think that we've given up and accepted promiscuity as as the norm for our culture and are lowering our standards and will not back up those who will not lower their standards. We have awesome discretionary power at our disposal, and if we don't use it to start demanding "equal yoking" I seriously question whether or not we will turn around this promiscous society or at least create a haven of comfort for those who are not.[/quote]

They are out there. I don't think that we have accepted promiscuity as a norm. I do not think I am lowering my standards. The man I date/marry must remain celibate. Every one of us has committed sins. Some more grevious than others. My future husband is going to someday face the sins that I have committed even though I have repented of them. He is going to have to forgive me as a person before he is able to accept everything of me. People make mistakes. I reject promiscuity. I accept repentance and recommitance to chastity

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i think people fall in the mindset that there's a soulmate, or "if i find the one then i could/would overlook that one thing".... but for the most part, you could find anyone to meet your qualifications, and choose who to fall in love with etc, as unromatntic as that sounds. so, i don't think it's necessarily true that you couldn't use stricter criteria.

then... some people can't be picky.... plus, sometimes that one who isn't a virgin is so much better than one could hpe to find otherwise statistically, hard to find... so, that in those situations could be the exceptions to what i just said.

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i thin an interesting idea is... would you marry a former murderer? what if former mass murderer?
then discuss how this would be the same or not as marrying a former virgin.

both are mortal sins, so serious.
one is more serious than the other of course.
i suppose if you really look at it as serous as it deserves as a mortal sin... i could see an argument sayig same thing, or an argument either way.

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[quote name='Norseman82' post='1571778' date='Jun 15 2008, 12:42 PM']As I recall, that story is an allegory to God's relationship with Israel, not a command for us to marry hookers.[/quote]

Correct Biblical exegesis would tell you that there is a historical as well as spiritual sense to this part of Hosea. Spiritually, yes that story speaks of the relationship between God and Israel, but historically it speaks of the marriage of Hosea to a prostitute wife.

I think Christ makes it very clear in the New Testament on how to view those who once led sexual lives without being married. We are to look past their previous sins, especially if they have repented.

Already being married lol I can't really marry someone else. But even before Micah and I started dating, I never had any prejudice against falling in love and marrying someone who wasn't a virgin. We've all made some pretty big mistakes, some larger than others but that doesn't give me the right to hold them against someone. If they have sought forgiveness from God. Then God has erased those sins, they are forgotten. If God has forgotten them then I have no right to judge someone for them or hold those past sins against them, because those sins are no longer there, they don't exist.

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[quote name='StColette' post='1571811' date='Jun 15 2008, 01:28 PM']Correct Biblical exegesis would tell you that there is a historical as well as spiritual sense to this part of Hosea. Spiritually, yes that story speaks of the relationship between God and Israel, but historically it speaks of the marriage of Hosea to a prostitute wife.[/quote]

And even if it did historically happen, it could have just been commanded to Hosea and not ot us. The main point remains is that it is an allegory to God's relatiuonship to Israel.

[quote name='StColette' post='1571811' date='Jun 15 2008, 01:28 PM']I think Christ makes it very clear in the New Testament on how to view those who once led sexual lives without being married.[/quote]

Where did Christ command virgins to marry non-virgins in order to prove forgiveness?

[quote name='StColette' post='1571811' date='Jun 15 2008, 01:28 PM']We are to look past their previous sins, especially if they have repented.
Already being married lol I can't really marry someone else. But even before Micah and I started dating, I never had any prejudice against falling in love and marrying someone who wasn't a virgin. We've all made some pretty big mistakes, some larger than others but that doesn't give me the right to hold them against someone. If they have sought forgiveness from God. Then God has erased those sins, they are forgotten. If God has forgotten them then I have no right to judge someone for them or hold those past sins against them, because those sins are no longer there, they don't exist.[/quote]

Forgiveness of sins does not erase the temporal consequences of those sins. Confession does not erase STDs, or undo a pregnancy, or reassemble an aborted baby that is in a million pieces in a dumpster in the alley in back of an abortion clinic and bring him/her back to life. Similarly, it does not go back in time and undo the romp in the hay and give the person back his/her virginity; that 100% is gone forever. He/she will not be giving the same 100% back to any virgin who marries him/her.

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