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Great Commission Proves Catholicism


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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1569885' date='Jun 12 2008, 04:58 PM']#3 with a bit of #1.
Not #2

The point is that if we expect that Christ gave a command, expecting it to be carried out by HIS CHURCH and the CC was the one that went forth and introduced Christianity to all the countries of the world first, converting many people's tribes, and tounges, that to me is very strong evidence that the CC is Christ's Church. Catholicism as I understand it is active in every country in the world.[/quote]

Did the Catholic Church go first into Russia, or Ethiopia? What about places like Hawaii and Fiji? Many have worked, sacrificed and even died spreading the gospel. Don't dismiss them because they weren't all Catholic.

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another thing I think proves Catholicism true is the fact that there
are countless groups ,protestant, jewish, muslim, athiest all trying to strong arm us
and disprove us. Why else would so many people be attacking us? A mormon cousin of mine once said
oh everyone treats us mormons like non-christians. i told her how do you think I feel when i have protestants and gnostics calling my church the whore of babylon and my earthly leader the anti-christ?
We have history these groups do not have. Especially the protestants "johnny come lately's" who have done
a whole lot of history re-writing and countless deliberate misinterpretations in order to slam us.

Yes the great Commission does prove Catholicism true. So many other things do as well. Miracles, Saints, Wisdom Stability and love, History and spirituality. Notice that out of all the "christian" groups out there we are the only ones not famous for crazy and failed prophecies. It's very rare to hear Catholics telling you the end is coming tommorow, or Jesus is coming tommorow, or causing widespread panic, only to be disappointed and left devasted like the protestants, jewish and muslim communities have done. When Jesus said he was coming soon, he meant soon. When the earliest catholics came together for Mass, There Jesus was ready to be consumed and reign in the hearts of men.

It's unbelievable, the great injustice so many people have brought Catholicism. When history and proven facts are obvious.

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[quote name='thequeensindian' post='1574332' date='Jun 17 2008, 08:14 PM']Did the Catholic Church go first into Russia, or Ethiopia? What about places like Hawaii and Fiji? Many have worked, sacrificed and even died spreading the gospel. Don't dismiss them because they weren't all Catholic.[/quote]

The Jesuits brought the gospel to the ends of the earth before any other group started mass distributing the famous
6000 error containing king james bible. They are not spreading the gospel, they are trying to replace us.

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[quote name='Akalyte' post='1574367' date='Jun 17 2008, 07:32 PM']The Jesuits brought the gospel to the ends of the earth before any other group started mass distributing the famous
6000 error containing king james bible. They are not spreading the gospel, they are trying to replace us.[/quote]

The Jesuits' efforts in spreading the gospel in the wilderness were heroic. But they were not the first Christian missionaries in the places I mentioned, nor in many other places in Africa, Asia or the Pacific.

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[quote name='thequeensindian' post='1574332' date='Jun 17 2008, 08:14 PM']Did the Catholic Church go first into Russia, or Ethiopia? What about places like Hawaii and Fiji? Many have worked, sacrificed and even died spreading the gospel. Don't dismiss them because they weren't all Catholic.[/quote]

Russia, converts in 988... it was the Eastern Church, but still the Catholic Church at the time.

Ethiopia, according to tradition was part of the Church at the beginning. Just to be a bit historically picky.

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Before the 1800's, Christianity wasn't near as widespread as today. And today, some people are unevangelized.

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[quote name='Paddington' post='1574927' date='Jun 18 2008, 09:14 AM']Before the 1800's, Christianity wasn't near as widespread as today. And today, some people are unevangelized.[/quote]

Mexico, South America, the American Indians? Who evangelized them primarily? All of south america and mexico were Catholic countries until the protestants came in with their division. For various reasons (some related to slavery and anti-white man sentiments because of it) Africa has had some problems but there is currently a great conversion to Catholicism going on there. The seeds of Catholicism were planted in these areas way back in the 1600's and grew till Catholicism was widespread. Yes there are many today who are not evangelized. But as far as the great commission goes and bringing the Gospel to all nations, it was the Catholic Church primarily.

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"Primarily"? Not entirely? Does this mean that Catholicism is "primarily" true? Sorry, but if you're using the Great Commission to prove Catholicism, you're not making your point very well.

The thing I find disquieting about this thread is that some posters would discredit sacrifices made by non-Catholic missionaries, including not a few martyrs, because they weren't Catholic.

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[quote name='thequeensindian' post='1576642' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:41 AM']"Primarily"? Not entirely? Does this mean that Catholicism is "primarily" true? Sorry, but if you're using the Great Commission to prove Catholicism, you're not making your point very well.

The thing I find disquieting about this thread is that some posters would discredit sacrifices made by non-Catholic missionaries, including not a few martyrs, because they weren't Catholic.[/quote]
Actually, it has nothing at to do with discrediting the sacrifices of non-Catholic Christian missionaries. All it says is that because the Catholic Church was given the Great Commission Protestants had no right to go start their own.

As Catholics we believe our Church to be fullness of Divine Revelation. Other religions and Churches have some truth, but not it's fullness. You could make an argument that this belif discredits all other faiths, especially their martyrs. It doesn't.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1576660' date='Jun 19 2008, 08:01 PM']Actually, it has nothing at to do with discrediting the sacrifices of non-Catholic Christian missionaries. All it says is that because the Catholic Church was given the Great Commission Protestants had no right to go start their own.[/quote]

Well, I would certainly take issue with that. Even from your perspective, wouldn't it be better for a heathen to be converted to non-Catholic Christianity than to remain a heathen?

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1576956' date='Jun 19 2008, 10:56 PM']Sure, but that has nothing to do whether or not Protestantism had a right to exist in the first place.[/quote]

Doesn't the Catholic Church teach that we have the God-given right to freedom of religion, freedom of conscience? Or have their teachings changed over time, since the Reformation?

This thread has wandered pretty far off-topic, sorry about that.

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[quote name='thequeensindian' post='1577787' date='Jun 20 2008, 04:56 PM']Doesn't the Catholic Church teach that we have the God-given right to freedom of religion, freedom of conscience? Or have their teachings changed over time, since the Reformation?

This thread has wandered pretty far off-topic, sorry about that.[/quote]
No its not, this thread actually challenges the validity of Protestantism. You're sort of right to bring up these sort of questions.

You have the freedom of conscience and Religion. Doesn't mean you are right in your decision.

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1577901' date='Jun 21 2008, 08:54 AM']You have the freedom of conscience and Religion. Doesn't mean you are right in your decision.[/quote]
Exactly. You are free to believe whatever you want, but it doesn't change the truth that you are wrong.

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[quote name='Justin86' post='1578060' date='Jun 20 2008, 09:29 PM']Exactly. You are free to believe whatever you want, but it doesn't change the truth that you are wrong.[/quote]

And you're free to believe that, as long as you don't jam it down my throat. Thank you for reinforcing my stereotypes about Catholics.

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