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My Apologies


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(i dont kno how long this will stay a thread but for the most part..)
i sincerely apologize to everyone i have caused frustrations on my own behalf. i will probably never change my opinions tho. and i think that should be okay. what i think and feel should find a better way to be expressed, especially to those who are willing to listen. and everyone, i feel, should have the right to their own opinion as well. that is more important, allowing people value their own morals. the fact that catholics uphold their belief system in the church before anything else is respectful and should be commended. and i prolly for the most part came here looking for a fight. the fact that i disagree should find, in its own assertiveness, within my own discretion in order to maintain peace and prosperity. i pray for a more effective way to communicate and express myself in its own place in time by a more creative and positive way. debates to me for the most part has become immature in every aspect of my own opinions and sometimes finds itself running around in circles saying the same meaning in different ways. some people would actually prefer the taste of steak while some may not. and most people cannont paint a picture the same way. my opinions are, after all, only my own opinions. that is what makes them so special and important to me. it makes me wonder how if i am, after all a catholic anymore, but i know for sure i will always be a Christian. thank you for your time and patience. God bless.

Edited by rckllnknny
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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1564900' date='Jun 9 2008, 12:55 PM'](i dont kno how long this will stay a thread but for the most part..)
i sincerely apologize to everyone i have caused frustrations on my own behalf. i will probably never change my opinions tho. and i think that should be okay. what i think and feel should find a better way to be expressed, especially to those who are willing to listen. and everyone, i feel, should have the right to their own opinion as well. that is more important, allowing people value their own morals. the fact that catholics uphold their belief system in the church before anything else is respectful and should be commended. and i prolly for the most part came here looking for a fight. the fact that i disagree should find, in its own assertiveness, within my own discretion in order to maintain peace and prosperity. i pray for a more effective way to communicate and express myself in its own place in time by a more creative and positive way. debates to me for the most part has become immature in every aspect of my own opinions and sometimes finds itself running around in circles saying the same meaning in different ways. some people would actually prefer the taste of steak while some may not. and most people cannont paint a picture the same way. my opinions are, after all, only my own opinions. that is what makes them so special and important to me. it makes me wonder how if i am, after all a catholic anymore, but i know for sure i will always be a Christian. thank you for your time and patience. God bless.[/quote]

We should all pray to speak more effectively and with greater charity. The greatest struggle for a Catholic is to maintain respect for other roads people are on while at the same time remaining steadfast in the truth of one's own journey. Peace Rick.

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"Kyrie eleison"

[quote]my opinions are, after all, only my own opinions. that is what makes them so special and important to me.[/quote]

Just for the record Jesus is not concerned with our opinions but has promised to UPHOLD the TRUTH , in accorcance with GOD.

"They came and said to him, "Teacher, we know that you are a truthful man and tha[b]t you are not concerned with anyone's opinion.[/b] You do not regard a person's status but [b]teach the way of GOD in accordance with the truth."[/b]
Mark 12:14, Matthew 22:16

In John 14:16-17, Jesus is speaking to his APOSTLES, [b]directly and specifically[/b] and stating that he will be with them [b]FOREVER[/b] as the [b]ADVOCATE; the SPIRIT of TRUTH.[/b]

"And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Advocate [b]to dwell with you forever, t[/b]he Spirit of Truth whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you shall know Him, because He will dwell with you, and be in you."

This is a PROMISE from Jesus that the HOLY SPIRIT would be with his APOSTLES--FOREVER--to this very day.

Those who say that Jesus could not uphold the truth through his apostles, forever, to this day, call Jesus a liar.


[quote]it makes me wonder how if i am, after all a catholic anymore, but i know for sure i will always be a Christian. thank you for your time and patience. God bless.[/quote]

Catholics are Christians in every sense of the word for we follow the words of Christ as written in the bible and follow the TRADITIONS that we are COMMANDED to HOLD FAST to as HANDED DOWN by APOSTOLIC TRADITION.

May you find and see the TRUTH according to Jesus and his words of PROMISE as given to his APOSTLES.

Edited by "Kyrie eleison"
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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1564900' date='Jun 9 2008, 12:55 PM']i will probably never change my opinions tho. and i think that should be okay.[/quote]
Change is a constant for humans. We should really pray that we change by God's grace to conform our lives closer to His truth every day so that we can obey and fulfill Jesus' command to "be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48)

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