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Parents And Drinking

Lil Red

Drinking and Parenting  

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[quote name='Budge' post='1562282' date='Jun 7 2008, 10:34 AM']Responsible drinker?

Does that mean you just get TIPSY and NOT out and out DRUNK?

Having booze in the house can be a stumbling block to a teen who is predestined to problems with alcohol, it is something that is NOT necessary.[/quote]
haha, predestined. Funny choice of wording.


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[quote name='Budge' post='1562282' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:34 AM']Responsible drinker?

Does that mean you just get TIPSY and NOT out and out DRUNK?

Having booze in the house can be a stumbling block to a teen who is predestined to problems with alcohol, it is something that is NOT necessary.[/quote]
If it is "predestined" then what's the point of trying to avoid it? Something that is predestined will happen regardless...

[quote name='Winchester' post='1562392' date='Jun 7 2008, 10:14 AM']I didn't say you did, did I?

I didn't adopt the definition out of the blue. It's the proper usage. That doesn't touch upon whether getting slobbering drunk can be sinful. I'd wager that it's rather mitigated by the fact that you must progress through pleasantly inebriated, which lowers your judgement.

There are several approved moral theology books out there. They are more suited than the CCC to making your argument. Does the Bible say that everyone at the Wedding of Cana was drunk? I can't remember and I'm going potty, so I don't have access to any of my Bibles.[/quote]
I think the assumption that they're drunk is based on the comment about how usually they keep the bad wine for when everyone is drunk, but instead they have even better wine.

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I think that it is appropriate for parents to drink responsibly around their children. Moderation in all things. By drinking responsibly they are setting an example for their children on how alcohol should be used. In the same way that they eat to moderation and participate in all other behaviors that could be potentially sinful if taken to the extreme.

I've had the "underage drinking" talk with my s/d after I foolishly went out, drank with my friends, and got drunk. Not passing out, slobbering mad drunk. But drunk enough to not have full control over my actions. Obviously he said such behavior was not good and quite sinful. He's preached about it during the university Mass, trying to reach the students. But, he also said that all underage drinking is not bad or sinful. Drinking a glass of wine at dinner or social drinking is acceptable.

My parents rarely drank-- the didn't really care for alcohol. There was the occasional beer or mixed drink. But not a lot. Now my uncles... whew, when it came to Christmas parties, they drank and they drank until even I, at age 12, could win all their money in the family poker game. I don't think that's very good behavior around kids.

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Autumn Dusk

Situations led me to have my first drink around 7 or 8....not like christmas wine, mind you, but beer and shnapps. I continued to drink and by age 15 was a pretty decent drinker. I knew how much I could have before I was drunk.

Long story short, alcohol was always show to me in an irresponsible way.

My roomate, on the other hand, comes from a long line of dry people. She waited until she was 21 to drink but you've never met someone who's more obnoxious when tipsy. And you can't tell her otherwise because she's an adult.

Other friends I have can get tipsy, handle themselves, and know limits. Some people prefer to stay dry....but I think that a kid has to be taught that alcohol is not inherently evil, or else when they do try it they'll be amazed and get into something that they have noone to turn to with.

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Roamin Catholic

[quote name='Lil Red' post='1562206' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:02 AM']+J.M.J.+

as a parent, i always thought it was my responsibility to model appropriate alcoholic consumption, but this article has me thinking. what are your thoughts?[/quote]

I think a lot of it falls on the parents. But its not only their responsibility to model appropiate consumption, but also responsibly drinking. Now many people have different ideas of responsible drinking is. Some may say that it's not drinking, or not getting drunk.

Others might say that it's taking every precaution against doing something stupid such as driving drunk.

I think it's important to set an example for what you feel is right, and hope that your kids follow you.

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Sometimes my Mom will have a simple glass of wine at dinner, but she usually will have a glass if we go out to the restaurant (which we really only do for celebrations). My Dad doesn't drink at all.

I think that it's acceptable for a parent to have a glass of wine at dinner, but not acceptable for there to be 20 beer bottles lying around during a sports game.

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[color="#FF0000"][b]Why do people take it so freaking personally when someone else disagrees with them? It's really pathetic. Geesh. This is the debate board, you should be able to handle a disagreement without attempting to rip someone a new...belly button.[/b][/color]

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[quote name='XIX' post='1562934' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:23 PM'][color="#ff0000"][b]Why do people take it so freaking personally when someone else disagrees with them? It's really pathetic. Geesh. This is the debate board, you should be able to handle a disagreement without attempting to rip someone a new...belly button.[/b][/color][/quote]

I could use one....I don't got no belly button :P

The article fails to mention peer pressure. No matter how great of an example the parents set, teens are still affected by peer pressure.

By not drinking and by sheltering their children from it, parents are actually causing a problem. If parents expose their children and teens and not only set an example of responsible drinking but DISCUSS responsible drinking then children will be more apt to say no. Furthermore, I would rather a child learn about alcohol from a parent than with their peers.

Furthermore, parents need to be responsible for their children. A few years back a handful of kids died in a drunk driving accident. The media played it up as a tragedy. Yes, it is stinkin' sad that 5 teenagers lost their lives so young because of something so stupid. However, where were the parents and where were their questions when their "princess" was out until 2 am? Where was phone call on the cell phone (because i KNOW that almost every teen in America owns one) when the clock struck 12 am? How about 1 am? Where was the showing up at the door when the phone call was ignored? There was none of that. There are now 5 crosses at the side of the road with teddy bears and balloons. We totally missed the boat here...teens are not adults. They are children. (Sorry to all the teens) They still need guidance and discipline.

Consistency in THIS will help prevent teen drinking.

God Bless,

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1562392' date='Jun 7 2008, 10:14 AM']Does the Bible say that everyone at the Wedding of Cana was drunk?[/quote]


John 2:10 Douay-Rheims

"And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now."

John 2:10 New American

"and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now."

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1562947' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:46 PM']Maybe...

John 2:10 Douay-Rheims

"And saith to him: Every man at first setteth forth good wine, and when men have well drunk, then that which is worse. But thou hast kept the good wine until now."

John 2:10 New American

"and said to him, "Everyone serves good wine first, and then when people have drunk freely, an inferior one; but you have kept the good wine until now."[/quote]

the purpose of saving the bad wine for last is because then no one could tell the difference. You can tell a bad alcohol if you are sober. But, can you tell a bad alcohol when you are tipsy or drunk? Probably. But that doesn't mean that the bible is saying that it is ok to get drunk. In fact, I think that what the bible verse is trying to say is that everything Jesus gives us is good. Just when we think that we have gotten everything good, Jesus gives us more.

[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1562955' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:49 PM']what about drinking while doing yoga?[/quote]

You really know how to stab...lol

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[quote name='MIkolbe' post='1562955' date='Jun 7 2008, 08:49 PM']what about drinking while doing yoga?[/quote]

De duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum. Ergo bibamus.

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[quote name='picchick' post='1562996' date='Jun 7 2008, 09:37 PM']You really know how to stab...lol[/quote]

Sentio aliquos yogatos contra me conspirare!

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I wish you would not do that...I do not know what you are saying. I do not speak Latin.

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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1563048' date='Jun 7 2008, 11:07 PM']De duobus malis, minus est semper eligendum. Ergo bibamus.[/quote]
*SOmething SOmething* bad *something* is always *something*. *Something* bible.

[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1563063' date='Jun 7 2008, 11:16 PM']Sentio aliquos yogatos contra me conspirare![/quote]
Sorry *something* yoga against my conscience?

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