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10% Of All Americans Are Ex-catholics!


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[quote]Why are you a baptist Budge?[/quote]

I'm a Christian.

Most Baptists are joined with you guys. {National Baptist Convention, SBCs praying Lectio Divina, Rick Warren etc} Indpt fundie Baptists who stick to God's Word are more and more the exception.

Find a good Bible believing church after you are born again in Jesus Christ.

That is what I preach the gospel, repent and be born again.

Church membership and where you go on Sunday doesnt save you.

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[quote]Catholics practice a living faith. Someone made an excellent point - we don't use "Jesus and I are in a personal relationship" as an excuse to not attend Mass. It's because we're in a personal relationship (yes, Catholics are!) that we go to Church every week, some of us every day - why? [b]Because you don't get much more personal than the Eucharist. ([/b]And yes, the Eucharist is Biblical. If Protestants are so literal with Revelation, then why can't they be literal with the words that came directly out of Jesus's mouth in regards to the Eucharist?) We don't "save" our own souls by saying a 30 second prayer, nor do we assume that this prayer will assure us a seat in Heaven. That's too easy - being a Christian isn't supposed to be easy. No, Jesus has ALREADY saved us, it's just a matter of accepting Him, loving Him, and living out our faith.[/quote]

No offense but how can you get "personal" with a wafer you EAT?

Sinner's prayers arent formulas, say this prayer and then you will be saved, unless you mean it and are sincere, forget it. It is about what happens inside.

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[quote]2008 (estimates)

51% Protestant
24% Catholic[/quote]

The fruits of the Mexican invasion.

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[quote]25% of christisns in teh US are catholics. the other christians are wide and varying. as a percentage, i bet lutherans for example have just as much turnover, as prots are known for church skipping, it's just that 20% of a million luterhans or whatever, is a lot less than 10% of a fourth of christianity in the US. just as an example.[/quote]

Sure there are people flooding out of dead lukewarm Prot/daughter Prot churches as well.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1564386' date='Jun 9 2008, 06:44 AM']Find a good Bible believing church after you are born again in Jesus Christ.[/quote]

Well that's convenient for us that the Catholic Church was the first Bible-believing Church. That's right, history shows that the Catholic Church through her episcopate is who decided on the table of contents which makes our Bible so useful and cross-referencable.

[quote name='Budge' post='1564386' date='Jun 9 2008, 06:44 AM']Church membership and where you go on Sunday doesnt save you.[/quote]

You are right. There is no concern in the epistles with people leaving the universal church and following after false teachers. Oh wait, yeah there is. And what did Paul call the Church? Oh yeah, "the pillar and foundation of truth." And what did Christ commission the apostles to do immediately preceding his ascension to the right hand of God the Father? Oh yeah, he said "Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, [i]teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you[/i]." See now when I read this I don't read anything about, "handing out bibles." I read instead about apostolic teaching authority (which fortunately is inclusive of the bible since it was the apostolic church that decided which books to include). And Paul actually exhorts the Thessalonians to follow his Apostolic tradition and not simple the letter of his epistles when he says, "Therefore, brothers, stand fast, and hold the traditions that you were taught, either by an oral statement or by a letter of ours." Clearly Paul's words echo Christ's from the conclusion of the Gospel of Matthew: "teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you" And where would we get these authoritative non-scriptural oral statements if not in the universal apostolic Church?

In truth, I'm not sure where in the bible it actually [i]says [/i]we should "find a good Bible believing Church." I'd appreciate it if you could quote that scripture passage for me...


Edited by Veridicus
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But no one leaves the hot churches?


Anyway, isn't is called the "Remnant?" Doesn't that indicate small? If we are growing smaller, it just means we're approaching the end times. Getting smaller would be an argument for our truthfulness, not our falsity. Don't you read the Bible? Maybe the whole remnant thing is in one of the books you're missing.

I win.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1564388' date='Jun 9 2008, 07:47 AM']The fruits of the Mexican invasion.[/quote]
How very Christian.

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This article is about AMERICA...where the gospel is freely heard.

Elsewhere in the world: {while millions are being led out to the gospel, many of false religiosn even are coming under the Catholic Church umbrella.

[quote]Anyway, isn't is called the "Remnant?" Doesn't that indicate small? If we are growing smaller, it just means we're approaching the end times. Getting smaller would be an argument for our truthfulness, not our falsity. Don't you read the Bible? Maybe the whole remnant thing is in one of the books you're missing.[/quote]

your church claims 1 BILLION members.

Narrow way or broad way, when you are claiming 1/6th of the human population?

We could even state that the Muslims {another near billion} are part of that equation, since Rome teaches that they already "know God".

Same for other religions UNITY IN DIVERSITY.

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fides quarens intellectum

[quote name='Budge' post='1564386' date='Jun 9 2008, 06:44 AM']Find a good Bible believing church after you are born again in Jesus Christ.[/quote]

cool! i already did! So did most of the people on Phatmass.

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[quote name='Budge' post='1564515' date='Jun 9 2008, 09:42 AM']Same for other religions UNITY IN DIVERSITY.[/quote]
There goes the claim of Ctholicism being intolerent of other faiths then.

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Actually, in all honesty, I do know one ex American Catholic. He was a friend of mine, (and still is a friend of mine), from that Flash Group we belong to.

For the record, he's athiest and hates Religion and Religious belief in general. But he's a nice guy when you get to know him. I hope he converts one day. I also know a Bi friend from the aforementioned Flash Group who lives in Alaska, he's currently on the fence about his Catholicity and Religion in General. Still working on him.

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[quote name='Galloglasses' post='1564579' date='Jun 9 2008, 10:20 AM']There goes the claim of Ctholicism being intolerent of other faiths then.[/quote]

It's brilliant criticism isn't it? "You're too ecumenical; you're too extra ecclesiam nulla salus" "You are too mysogynistic; You worship Mary" etc. etc. etc. Dude they come at us from every side and every angle and its all conflicting nonsense. :annoyed:

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