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Homeless People


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You know this may sound funny...but if someone who apprears to be homeless asks me for money and I have it, I give it to them. Most of the time we have bottled water and snacks in the car and I give them that too......

I remind myself of the story in the bible where Jesus is on the side of the road and several people pass him by...but one stops to help. In the back of my mind I feel that God is testing me to see what I would do.

I also think that....that person is someones son/daughter and I would only hope that one would be so kind as to do the same for my brother or sister....

Because in the end we are all Gods children and we are all brothers and sisters

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Just this morning I was stopped by a homeless man and asked if I had any spare change for a coffee. He was stood just outside the train station, where I was headed and so I told him I'd get him one and bring it back out. So after asking how he took it I went in and got him the biggest coffee I could find and took it out to him, we then spent about 10 minutes chatting and he was just an intelligent and friendly person. I hope I'll see him again to be able to do it again.
I'll often give something if I'm close to somewhere I'll often get them a sandwich or a drink etc. If someone asks me for money for a bus etc I'll give them it, if I have it. I know it could be funding a habit/addiction but not everyone is in that position and the odd pound here or there is of little loss to me. I'd rather give food etc, but sometimes money is easier.
I also once in a while go and help the CFR's at their soup kitchen in Bradford or London but unfortunately can't do this as often as I'd like as bradford is 3 hrs away and London 7. My Dad also donates clothes to them regularly, whenever he has a clear out of his wardrobe I ask him to bag stuff up and we give it to them when we see them. It's not much but hopefully it helps.

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i've served at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, befriended a homeless person or two, done volunteer and charity work, visited and am discerning Franciscan orders that serve the poor. i've given this much thought over the years, and this is what i have learned..

if you don't have the time to get to know the person, give them money instead. you can't assume they will spend it on drugs or misuse it. do your part, give on behalf of God, and let God do the rest. pray they use it wisely, if not, it is not your concern right now. after all, they are homeless for a reason, often because of mental instability. it would be easy for you or me to pick ourselves back up and get back on track, but for them, it is like a spiral down an endless pit. they simply are unable to do the simple and common-sense things we would do in their situation. what they need most is love.

if you don't have time to get to know the person, but don't want to give them money, buy them some food or even groceries which will last them longer. keep snacks in the car or in your backpack (or camelpak when you bicycle). keep info on shelters in the area. do.. something.

if you do have time to get to know the person, show them the spirit of God. you'll be surprised by the faith of some homeless people. you can even learn from them. you may have the best day you've had in a long time. often it's not even food they want, but someone to listen. God just wants you to try.

"why don't they just get a job?"
"what's the point?"
"they'll just spend it on drugs or cigarettes.."
"they probably make lots of money.."
"ew. ask someone else."

..these aren't trying.

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lanie & johnnydigit...your posts made my eyes teary.
im inspired.

Edited by rckllnknny
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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1560160' date='Jun 5 2008, 05:06 PM']When my daughter lived in Pgh she encountered many street people. The first time she handed them money, or gift cert for McDs. The second time she handed them the numbers for shelters and agencies. THe third time she handed out spplications for McDonalds, Wendys etc THat was the last time she gave them anything. She would listen to their stories, but no aid to their various habits.[/quote]
Do the applications work though? I mean, if they are homeless, they might not have an address or a phone number to be contacted at, to get the job, to get the clothing they need. I know that the Union Rescue Mission gives homeless people who stay there an address to put down, which supposedly helps them a lot.

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[quote name='Deb' post='1572671' date='Jun 16 2008, 09:20 AM']This is today's "Take five for faith" message. How timely.

[b][color="#008080"]Monday, June 16[/color][/b]
[b]Bottomless pockets[/b]

People often seek guidance about how to respond to the "spare change" people who camp out on city streets. They also want to know what to do with the mountains of solicitations they receive in the mail. Obviously, if we gave every single time we’re approached, some of us would be asking for spare change ourselves before long. But the secret truth we don’t like to acknowledge is that most of us could give far more than we do. The best advice I’ve received is: Give till it scares you. That’s the threshold where the faith walk begins. Today’s readings:[i] 1 Kings 21:1-16; Matthew 5:38-42[/i] [i]"Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you."[/i][/quote]
I think it is important to be able to care for our families when we know that they will be in need. I don't have a lot to give without giving things up (education, insurance, car, lack of ebay selling account for old junk), and my parents want me to have insurance for my inhalor and finish my degree.

I like the gift card idea. I sometimes have microwavable food in my car that I've thought about giving to someone that I saw at a street corner once. I've heard that there are homeless people around school, so I guess they could use a microwave there. I try to give only a small amount of money, like a dollar or two if anything. It still makes me feel bad when I don't do anything. If I see someone on a hot day and it is near a little store, I ask if they would like some water or something.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' post='1577810' date='Jun 20 2008, 06:14 PM']I think it is important to be able to care for our families when we know that they will be in need. I don't have a lot to give without giving things up (education, insurance, car, lack of ebay selling account for old junk), and my parents want me to have insurance for my inhalor and finish my degree.

I like the gift card idea. I sometimes have microwavable food in my car that I've thought about giving to someone that I saw at a street corner once. I've heard that there are homeless people around school, so I guess they could use a microwave there. I try to give only a small amount of money, like a dollar or two if anything. It still makes me feel bad when I don't do anything. If I see someone on a hot day and it is near a little store, I ask if they would like some water or something.[/quote]

Thought I would add my 2 cents.

My thought is I give them money(cash) whenever I see them. I look at it this way, remeber what Jesus told the man who asked about getting into heaven. He basically told him to sell his possession, give all his money to the poor and follow him. The man was greatly saddened and Jesus said its easier for a camal to go through the eye of a neddle than it is for a rich man to enter heaven.

The gospal is all about preaching the word of God and doing good works. We are called to preach the gospal and help those who are less fortunate.

Look at it this way, what do you think Jesus would do if a homeless person asked him for money. Do you really think Jesus would say no. Or do you really think Jesus would hand the person a card where to get help from, such as a shelter. Or do you think Jesus if he had the money would gladly give it to the man. Seriously, what would Jesus do in this instance.

I personally think its horrible to give a homeless person a shelter's phone number instead of money. How hard is it really to part with your money. Its only money. Also the reasoning of, well he might use it on drugs or alcohol does not work because then you must never purchase anything from anyone since you do not know their intent. Do you really know the intent of the kid who is a chasier at Hyvee and how he will spend his money. You do not know his intent yet you are fine supporting his salary. Although when it comes to the homeless, they are less worthy in some people's eyes and what they spend their money on is more important than what the local cashier spends his money on. If you have employees who work for you do you pay them in gift cards so that way you can be certain what they spend on their money on? Why is ok to support someone else's salary when you don;t know where the money is going, yet not ok to do the same for a homeless person. They are people too.

One last thing to end on, what does Jesus say in the new testament:

When I was hungry you gave me food.
When I was thirsty you gave me drink.
When I was naked you gave me clothes.

Never once does Jesus say when I was hungry you gave me information on where to get help, but gave none yourself and instead kept your money to yourself.

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[quote name='havok579257' post='1582159' date='Jun 24 2008, 08:30 PM']your 2 cents...[/quote]

People didn't say they wouldn't help, they said they would be more likely to give them actual food and/or restaurant coupons.

Homeless ministries don't just take up collections and then hand out 50 bucks to every homeless person. They offer those people food, clothes, blankets, toiletries, and, when they can, shelter.

In my opinion, there is a very big difference between someone who tosses some coins at a homeless person as they walk down the street, and someone who says, "Can I buy you dinner?" to that person. One person is doing something that doesn't take much effort, the other is offering the gift of time. One person spends only seconds near the homeless individual, while the other actually spends time with them and shows them that someone sincerely cares.

How easy is it to write a check for something and then never think about it again? Like with New Orleans? Of course it was wonderful that people opened their checkbooks and donated to the hurricane victims, but some people literally left their jobs and went to New Orleans and gave the gift of time. THAT is amazing.

Edited by Alycin
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[quote name='Alycin' post='1582179' date='Jun 24 2008, 08:43 PM']People didn't say they wouldn't help, they said they would be more likely to give them actual food and/or restaurant coupons.

Homeless ministries don't just take up collections and then hand out 50 bucks to every homeless person. They offer those people food, clothes, blankets, toiletries, and, when they can, shelter.

In my opinion, there is a very big difference between someone who tosses some coins at a homeless person as they walk down the street, and someone who says, "Can I buy you dinner?" to that person. One person is doing something that doesn't take much effort, the other is offering the gift of time. One person spends only seconds near the homeless individual, while the other actually spends time with them and shows them that someone sincerely cares.

How easy is it to write a check for something and then never think about it again? Like with New Orleans? Of course it was wonderful that people opened their checkbooks and donated to the hurricane victims, but some people literally left their jobs and went to New Orleans and gave the gift of time. THAT is amazing.[/quote]

True your idea is better but I would never want my wife to do something like that and she never would because she would be to afraid. As sad as it is, some people in society do bad and evil things. Its very hard to trust someone you have never met. My wife would never be comfortable spending time with a stranger because of all the stuff she see's on tv and because of what she knows about my job and how some people are. I have no problem doing stuff like that and have done it before but that's because I could defend myself in a given situation, some people can not. Also not every instance can you stop and have a meal and conversation with someone. If you need to be somewhere and come across someone begging for money, should you not give him the money. Yes, sitting with them would be better but that is not always an option. So should we not do the most we can at the time.

New Orleans is exactly what I am talking about. Inside that Superdome there was a women who was cut to pieces, numerous women were raped and many other men and women were killed. Its very hard for people to trust strangers when stuff like this happens.

But some people in this topic are saying they don't give them money because it could go to drugs or alcohol. Or some say they give out shelter numbers but refuse to give money.

Why is it so hard for people that if someone asks for money, to just give them what they need. How many people on here, if a family member despretly needed money would tell them no? Would you not give them money if that's what they were in desperate need of? So why not homeless people who are is desperate need of money?

What's so hard about when someone asks for money you give them everything you can? If they need the money more, why not give it to them. Why do people feel the need to not give others help when they ask for it?

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Havoc, you can't have it both ways.

You can't say that you shouldn't spend time with and minister to the homeless because they might kill/harm you, and then turn around and condemn the people who don't give money to them because they might spend it on drugs or alcohol.

Sorry, but in both situations, the "better safe than sorry" route is being taken.

Edited by Alycin
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[quote name='Alycin' post='1582411' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:20 PM']Havoc, you can't have it both ways.

You can't say that you shouldn't spend time with and minister to the homeless because they might kill/harm you, and then turn around and condemn the people who don't give money to them because they might spend it on drugs or alcohol.


Its not both ways. I am saying ideally one should do that, minster to them and give them money. Although if someone does not feel safe ministering to them alone, or if they are worried about being alone with a stranger, then they should still give to the homeless but should not be looked at upon as bad for not ministering to them alone or not having enough time.

An example is your driving to work and as you come to a stop light there is a homeless person asking for money. Obviously you need to get to work or you will lose your job, so ministering to them right now is not an option, so in that instance give them whatever they ask for. If you happen to come upon a homeless person later in your day and your not needing to be anywhere then minister to them AND give them what they ask for.

The other example is let's say your driving home from work and its 11pm. You drive past a homeless person who is holding a sign asking for money. Now many women would not feel safe pulling over and ministering to a stranger all alone in the middle of the night. One should still give them whatever they ask for, but if they don't feel comfortable ministering to them at that moment because of the conditions, then that is ok.

Its like, soilders who serve in the army in Iraq should minister to the people in Iraq about Jesus Christ but at a time when they are not in fear for something happening to them. Like in the middle of gunfire you should not run across enemy lines and try to minister to the people shooting at you.

Basically I am saying, ideally give them whatever they need and minister to them. Although if you can not miniter to them at the moment out of having to be somewhere or not feeling safe in the current enviornment, the least we can do is give them whatever they ask for. Not giving anything at all or refusing to give money because what they might do with their money is just plain wrong.

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[quote name='havok579257' post='1582424' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:30 PM']It is not both ways.[/quote]

It is just as dangerous to roll down your window at 11 o clock at night. You could have your car hijacked!

This is why your argument doesn't work.

My parents always say, "DON'T stop and help someone on the side of the road, it is DANGEROUS!" I always feel like I should, but really, what could I do? I can't even change my own tires. However, it *is* good to dial the number for roadside assistance and make sure that someone is on the way to help them.

In rehab lots of people talk about how their families enabled them, and counselors will tell addicts' families that in enabling them, you are helping to kill them. When someone gives someone money, they may very well be enabling an addiction, and therefore not helping them at all. It is better to be involved in a ministry actually helping the homeless, in my opinion, than to just give them money that they MIGHT spend on drugs or alcohol. Now, in your opinion, I am being judgmental for thinking they MIGHT use the money on drugs or alcohol. But, if that is the case, then you are also being judgmental in thinking that they MIGHT harm/kill someone. If you can get close enough to them to give them money, it's close enough for them to hurt you.

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[quote name='Alycin' post='1582441' date='Jun 24 2008, 11:39 PM']It is just as dangerous to roll down your window at 11 o clock at night. You could have your car hijacked!

This is why your argument doesn't work.

My parents always say, "DON'T stop and help someone on the side of the road, it is DANGEROUS!" I always feel like I should, but really, what could I do? I can't even change my own tires. However, it *is* good to dial the number for roadside assistance and make sure that someone is on the way to help them.

In rehab lots of people talk about how their families enabled them, and counselors will tell addicts' families that in enabling them, you are helping to kill them. When someone gives someone money, they may very well be enabling an addiction, and therefore not helping them at all. It is better to be involved in a ministry actually helping the homeless, in my opinion, than to just give them money that they MIGHT spend on drugs or alcohol. Now, in your opinion, I am being judgmental for thinking they MIGHT use the money on drugs or alcohol. But, if that is the case, then you are also being judgmental in thinking that they MIGHT harm/kill someone. If you can get close enough to them to give them money, it's close enough for them to hurt you.[/quote]

Calling roadside assitance without asking them if they have not already called is not something I advise. here is why, I work as a paramedic and always during car accidents numerous people drive past an accident and call 911 about the accident. They don't stop to see if someone just called, they just drive past and call. The problem lies in when like 5 different people call and dispatch recieves five different calls. We are then forced to dispatch 5 ambulances for the one car accident. Which then leaves other parts of the city un-covered by ambulance crews, thus delaying care to someone else who needs our help, cause we are busy sending 5 ambulances to that same area. If you are going to call, then at least stop and ask the person if they have already called. By just driving by and calling your actually causing more problems for the city as we have numerous duplicate calls since when driving past an accident on the highway there is no street names so its hard to determine until we are on scene if the calls are duplicates or not. Not to mention its no help to dispatch if someone says there is an accident at so and so place but I have no idea if anyone even needs an ambualnce.

What's dangerous to one person is not dangerous to others. I have drove homeless people to get something to eat with me and I was not scared. Like I said, it depends on what the person considers safe.

I never said people were judgemental for not giving them money, I said they were 100% wrong for not doing it as there are NUMEROUS stories in the bible about us supposed to be giving to the homeless. Never once does it say only give to shelters. Jesus calls us to give to the poor, give our money, sell our possessions.

Now your twisting words to try and make your point. I said as long as one feels SAFE, then they should do whatever we are called to do by Jesus and God. If one does not feel safe, then that is a different matter entirerly. Although not giving money just because you think the money might end up supporting a habit is no reason not to help. Like I said earlier, do you ask Hyvee about how all their employees spend their money before you use their services? You could very well be supporting a habit a cashier has. Or is it only the homeless who have habit problems?

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