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Homeless People


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Autumn Dusk

[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1562592' date='Jun 7 2008, 02:30 PM']so i guess she sends in all of her replies by snail mail? which is delivered by the starving orphans she cares for because stamps are too expensive?[/quote]

lol, no, she begs and borrows her use children's computers...but so we should thank them. I love my mom but sharing a PC with her would just annoy me....unless I wasn't home...then I wouldn't care.

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[quote name='Madtown Sem.' post='1559778' date='Jun 5 2008, 02:18 PM']in an effort to make this topic a little less serious... one of the best cardboard signs I've ever seen went as follows:

"My wife ran away with my best friend....

need money for a thank you card."

and another just for fun.[/quote]
the pic was funny... I have the same yellow bowl.

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I am sorry but, I think it is very judgemental to assume that every person who is homeless or asks for money has a drug or alcohol addiction. So many of those on the street are mentally ill.
Maybe, next time someone asks you for money for food, stop what you are doing and offer to take them into the nearest restaurant and buy them lunch. Then join them so they don't get kicked out.
If they do have a problem, God is the only one who will deliver them from it and I would rather look at helping them with a few bucks and assume God will be guiding them after I walk away.
Maybe because I live in Minnesota and we don't have a severe panhandling problem, I find it easier to just part with my money. It is only money after all. I have been rich and I have been poor and I was very glad that people weren't assessing me when I was poor.

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In Edmonton 60% of the homeless population has a mental illness. Many of them are also drug users because they are self-medicating. That doesn't change the fact that there are places they can go for dignified help. No human should be living on the street especially in this very northern climate. Giving them money doesn't get them off the street. It doesn't get them medicated properly, all it does is allow them to avoid seeking proper help for another day.

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i know when there was a time i couldnt go to the shelter. it was during a record-breaking cold-spell i had to try and warm up in the hallways of apartment bulidings. i was interviewed and on the news for it.

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wow Rick.

All I have to say is no-one is a throwaway. There are many different ways to help them according to situation. I can usually tell who the drunks and druggies are. What kills me though is that some people I've been around in the past were bitter towards the homeless. They would make remarks like, "Get a job, this is America" and stuff like that. To me that is the myopic. Its never that simple. Life especially modern society can be devastating to peoples lives.

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[quote name='kafka' post='1569750' date='Jun 12 2008, 03:28 PM']wow Rick.

All I have to say is no-one is a throwaway. There are many different ways to help them according to situation. I can usually tell who the drunks and druggies are. What kills me though is that some people I've been around in the past were bitter towards the homeless. They would make remarks like, "Get a job, this is America" and stuff like that. To me that is the myopic. Its never that simple. Life especially modern society can be devastating to peoples lives.[/quote]

i concur.

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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1569834' date='Jun 12 2008, 04:10 PM']i concur.[/quote]

I thought you left?

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no just kinda retired from otherwise controversial debates. however in accordance with a futile and repitious attempts at humble resolutions may the sole purpose of my own spiritual reflection upon the meaningful devotion casually reside in of fashionable awe as so stroll on. (hope that helps answer your question)

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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1570618' date='Jun 13 2008, 01:49 PM']no just kinda retired from otherwise controversial debates. however in accordance with a futile and repitious attempts at humble resolutions may the sole purpose of my own spiritual reflection upon the meaningful devotion casually reside in of fashionable awe as so stroll on. (hope that helps answer your question)[/quote]

I need to step away from the computer...too much computer for one day.

Nicely put though :)

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This is today's "Take five for faith" message. How timely.

[b][color="#008080"]Monday, June 16[/color][/b]
[b]Bottomless pockets[/b]

People often seek guidance about how to respond to the "spare change" people who camp out on city streets. They also want to know what to do with the mountains of solicitations they receive in the mail. Obviously, if we gave every single time we’re approached, some of us would be asking for spare change ourselves before long. But the secret truth we don’t like to acknowledge is that most of us could give far more than we do. The best advice I’ve received is: Give till it scares you. That’s the threshold where the faith walk begins. Today’s readings:[i] 1 Kings 21:1-16; Matthew 5:38-42[/i] [i]"Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you."[/i]

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