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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1558089' date='Jun 4 2008, 06:41 PM']i have a question as in i am curious as in the responses or in opinions of anyones.

if i believed in minsitry was ordained by God. and if i believed in Chrisitanity. and i believed in all denominations were created and meant to be brought together. and if i believed in God. and i believed in working for a better purpose. and i decided or perhaps (even chosen) to preach at different churches or denominations would it seem out of place or unusual to also preach at a Catholic church with the same message and intentions?? and would you agree with it. would it be something you would highly disagree with or something you would even support??[/quote]

It depends on the topic. The sermon would have to be pre-screened, and you would have to agree with not giving an alter call at the end.

If such a thing were possible.


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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1560972' date='Jun 6 2008, 09:39 AM']but the really sad thing is. when i wake up in the morning i get to be me. no matter what. nobody else does either. they can hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) and look stupid by reinforcing what they say is upheld by the teachings of catholicism but they only speak in half truths because they hold back from themselves. i kno thas rude to say. but it is obvous to speak out of ignorance. everyone does it. i do it too. but beside the nitty gritty i wouldnt change a thing about myself. and i dont feel a need to either. and i happy where i am at today before the throne of God. and i would much rather be who i am. with my thoughts and my ideas.
i never just not listened to what anyone had to say. what makes me upset WAS to listen to what everyone had to say. and the reason i brought up job in a topic was bcuz he disagreed with God and cursed him. and his friends sat around telling him he was wrong that he needed to forsake his feeling and emotions and worship God regardless of what he thought. in the end God made them apologize to job. im not gonna spend the rest of my life built on everyone elses opinions. thats what catholicism has become surrendering the ideas of your own regardless of whether you agree with them or not to the church your parents went to bcuz john became a pope.and the word castholicism was never in the bible.
and i dont hate (don't hate, appreciate) (don't hate (don't hate, appreciate), appreciate) Catholicism. im a christian. but i feel i have something to offer this world. and whether or not anyone will ever admit it. we all know in our hearts, as well as God, what the truth is.[/quote]

Rick - you obviously have a big heart and want to embrace everything as equal. I understand that because I was an agnostic and tried so hard to be open to almost anything that anyone believed. Absolute truths are always hard to take because they make one feel as if they are not being "open minded" and "fair" to other points of view. To quote Bishop Fulton Sheen however...
[i]"Right is right if nobody is right, and wrong is wrong if everybody is wrong. "
Life Is Worth Living Show #19 [/i]

which just means that there are absolute truths whether we want to believe in them or not. How do we know what those absolute truths are? Well, that's the tricky part because faith is a gift. We can be like the Apostle Thomas and demand proof, but there is no guarantee that we will get it. Jesus did show Thomas His wounds and told him he was blessed for believing after having seen, but He also said that more blessed were those who believed without having seen! That is faith.

Many posters here have mentioned to you that the Catholic Church is the only one with the Eucharist but you haven't replied to this statement. It could be that you don't really believe that the Eucharist is the Body and Blood of Jesus? If so, I can understand why this statement means nothing to you. But if you do understand what is being said by this - then how can you possibly consider that any other religion has all of the Truth? Yes, they do have parts of the truth if they believe that Jesus is their Lord and Savior, but without the Eucharist, they cannot do as Jesus says...
(John 6:53)

If you want to call yourself a Catholic, then you need to re-evaluate some of the things that you profess to be true. Otherwise you are what is commonly known as a "cafeteria Catholic" - taking only those things that appeal to you or that you can shape to your own point of view. Protestants have so many splinter groups and denominations precisely because they pick and choose what they want to believe by re-interpreting the gospels to suit their own preferences. And while this may seem like a more "liberal" point of view", in fact it is really a type of spiritual pride. The Catholic Church has the authority of the Magesterium to protect the faith from being splintered in this way.

No one is going to be able to convince you that you are in error because you are seeing yourself as being the only one here who really knows what truth is. As Fulton Sheen also said... "[i]Almost everybody today believes that he has a halo, if it doesn't come from virtue than it comes from shampoo!" [/i]

I will keep you in my prayers and ask the Holy Spirit to bless you with the gift of faith. :pray: God bless you.

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Being guided to the truth, being shown the truth and understanding the truth are all incredible gifts from God. They are gifts however and one may think they know the truth but, unless they were brought to it by the Holy Spirit, they only know what they themselves have discerned to be the truth. Not what is.


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