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George Bush


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y would i think hitler was funny?? where could you possibly get that idea??? that is horrible to accuse of me by assuming i think his horrrendous acts were amusing.

however it is appalling to me to beieve bush is any different.
on point of most quotes almost everyone agreed that bush is killing (tens of thousands+ and counting) for NO REASON. the united states in powerdful and wealthy enough., there is nothing in iraq we need. us fighting them is like me beating a 5 year old for no reason. it is unnessacary, bush was in office when the twin towers were. hit. can you imagine how devastaing that mustve of been as president. he is over there going berzerk to ensure the security of defense in interest of this nation.
so in the aspect that he is looking out for our interest with the best of intentions...
...doesnt deny the fact that it is still unnessary and people ARE DYING.
i think we should give ouselves the credit of the doubt as a nation.
after all they are not over here killing us and thier countries are not big enough to conquer iowa.
but we should find better ways to resolve conflict other than war. i believe it is possible without war that is why it frustrates me.

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n abraham lincoln was the best president in the world. he is the only one who stood up for what he believed in even if it meant disagreeing with the rest of the world.

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the reason this was closed is because the original post was not a topic for debate, but for rant. thanks and God bless

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