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George Bush Vs. Hitler


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[quote name='Autumn Dusk' post='1548305' date='May 29 2008, 01:39 PM']I question this as I just got done an American History class. American tends towards isolationism. However, if we hadn't been so isolationist after WWI we'd of never had WWII.

Their were tortured people, rapes and murders going on in Iraq without us noticing before the war. I have friends and family in Iraq. I know the fear, the sadness and the worry. However, each and every one of them wants to serve because they see the difference between life in America and life in a country such as Iraq.

There are places where conditions are even worse. But we picked Iraq. We need to be there. All and all, the death toll is no where near past wars. It dosn't make it right, it dosn't make it okay, but for heaven's sake things are getting better despite NBC's reports.

America DOES have a responsibility to the rest of the world since we hold the most wealth. And if that means time, people and money so be it.[/quote]

Wow. You took another class. I am happy for you. At least it has you questioning things. So, forget the history of WWI and WWII and focus on the here and now.

Hmm, some people were tortured, raped and killed in Iraq without us noticing. No, we noticed. Although, we were the ones who built up Sadaam in the first place so we really couldn't jump him right away, not until at least he turned on us.

So, there are places where conditions are even worse but, we picked Iraq and we need to be there. Time to grow up. I hate (don't hate, appreciate) to be the one to have to help you in that.
Have you heard of the DRC? The Congo? Between 1998 and 2004, 3.8 MILLION people died from starvation and disease due to the civil war there. Did you hear anyone mention us going in there and rescuing them? We knew about that.
How about Columbia? That civil war has been going on for 38 years. We only get our cocaine from them so, no reason to jump in there. Maybe only 114,000 killed. We have given them 1.3 billion dollars which does not seem to have done anything. We certainly know about them.
How about Darfur. Now, Bush himself has even referred to what is going on there as genocide but, hmmm, nope, didn't pick that country. Can't help but knowing about them. That country has had 200,000 killed because of who they are and 2.5 MILLION people are now refugees because they had to run or die. Genocide in action as we stand back and watch them die.

Now, can you give me a good reason why we "picked" Iraq. By the way. We did not have to pick anyplace to show our might. We do not start wars just "cuz." We actually had a valid reason to go into Afghanistan and we turned around and walked away. We had a valid reason to go into Saudi Arabia,as most of the terrorists were from there. We didn't. We had no VALID reason to attack Iraq. Note the use of the word valid.

We do not get involved in wars because of humanitarian reasons anymore. Please. We only do it if we can get something out of it. Now, what would Iraq have that the other much, much, much worse off countries don't have for us? The possibility of getting our hands on their oil and our military bases on their soil. You don't really think the U.S. is going to stop with Iraq do you?

Please explain to me what your history class taught you as to declaring war for no reason? For declaring war based on lies? To declaring war just because you want to?
We have a responsibility to the world. Yes we do. To be a country that can be admired for what it stands for. We threw that out the window when we went in to Iraq. Did you notice we didn't get a lot of help there and we still aren't.

Surely you took another class that will help you respond to my points?
I don't understand your reference to NBC because I do not watch televison. I prefer to get my news from sources not in the United States if possible. We have not had an unbiased or free press for a very long time.

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