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George Bush Vs. Hitler


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Please don't take personal offense at what I'm going to say, but this is a pretty sensitive subject to me and I feel I need speak frankly.

I absolutely have no idea how people can so easily make comparison between Adolf Hitler and George Bush or Hilary Clinton or any other spoof that people do to "make a point." I'm sorry, but what Hitler did in Nazi Germany has absolutely NO COMPARISON whatsoever to any of these spoofs, much less George Bush. I don't care whether or not you agree with the war in Iraq or any of his other policies. It doesn't matter. It is nothing to the torture and murder of over 6 million PEOPLE. Do you think it funny or amusing or something to be taken lightly? It's one of the worst evils that this world has ever seen. And yet, people think so little of it that they are willing to compare that horrific time in history to now? I can't even begin to express how much that angers me. Have we already forgotten how horrible Hitler's reign was? Are we truly that naive? To make such a comparison is disrespectful, rude, insensitive, and in my opinion just plain out-landish.

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White Knight

Ya know Bush may not be the best president we've had, but surely its taking it too far to call him the same as Adolf Hitler, sorry that just doesn't seem logical, Ya Bush isn't the best, but hes done many things right during his 8 years.

I think its outrageous and apalling to address George W. Bush and Adolf Hitler as the same person, even if its joking, just some things you dont joke about, sorry but thats the truth.

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Are you joking about this?

Bush is nothing like Hitler. Hitler had a cruel intention on killing innocent people just because he hated them. Period. No questions asked. He just killed them. One story that I read on a concentration camp was that they lured the Jews in and convinced them that they had great work for those who had the specialties for the work: doctors, nurses, dentists, house maids. Adults and Children were told to leave everything behind and strip naked so that they could go to the delousing showers. They raced to the gas chambers for a chance to be the first one chosen to work. They sealed them in and killed them all...heard them screaming and everything and LAUGHED. Hitler did not acknowledge the Jews, Poles, Gypsies et. al. as humans. They were like cattle. The wives of the concentration camp guards would be able to go among the prisoners and choose tattoos that they liked. The person was then killed for their skin. Inhumane, gross, unthinkable experiments were carried out on them.

And you trying to compare and contrast Bush with Hitler?

War is a horrible thing. This war is killing thousands of innocent people. But it is not like Bush is directing a sort of hatred towards the troops and towards the people of the Middle East.

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[quote name='Winchester' post='1547171' date='May 28 2008, 08:33 PM'][img]http://i25.photobucket.com/albums/c88/EasyPrey/DontFeedTheTroll.jpg[/img][/quote]

:lol: you posted this before I was able to see it. That is a gross troll...

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[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547198' date='May 28 2008, 08:46 PM']Who then can we compare George Bush to?

George Washington, lol.[/quote]
compare him to me.

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[quote name='picchick' post='1547202' date='May 28 2008, 08:48 PM']compare him to me.[/quote]


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[quote name='rckllnknny' post='1547138' date='May 28 2008, 07:08 PM']?[/quote]

not even close. I'm tempted to compare Obama to Hitler (or at least one Hitler's officials) but not Bush, despite what happened in Iraq.

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