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In-vitro Fertilization


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I found this article this morning and found it interesting. The lesbian couple are suing the doctors based on civil rights violation based on their sexual orientation. The Doctors said that they will not preform this in-vitro because of religious beliefs. The clinic does however provide in-vitro to patients. They do refuse to preform the in-vitro to single persons. They must be a couple, a heterosexual couple, from what i understand.
I think that in this case the women suing the clinic may be in the right, legally. I do not support in-vitro, or homosexual relationships. But from what this looks like the homosexual couple may be in the right on this one. The problem that I have with this is the precedent that it will set for future cases. I.E. Does the doctor have the right to refuse to preform and abortion because of their religious freedoms. Religious freedom vs. Civil Rights. California, where this is taking place has already made a big impact in society once this month. Will it happen again?

Im interested in hearing your thoughts.

In Christ,


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I'm always worried about the precedence set if they are forced to do this, then there is also forcing them to put two women down on the birth certificate. All of this stuff is such a slippery slope.

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They were looking for artificial insemination, which is not the same as in vitro fertilization. Both procedures go against Catholic moral standards; but artificial insemination does not create life outside of the womb.

IMHO, no physician should be "forced" to perform a procedure that they find to be morally questionable. However, to decide who gets a procedure and who doesn't brings up an entirely different question. As Catholics, we don't have this problem: artificial insemination and in vitro fertilization are wrong. This society has drawn a bunch of arbitrary lines in the sand that are continuously moving. As society becomes more permissive with birth control, abortion, divorce, cohabitation, promiscuity, pornography, etc., we will continue to slide down the slippery slope.

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Check the news in Great Britian: these kids grow up wanting to know who their "real" parents are. Then you've really got issues.

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Autumn Dusk

its sad when people want this desperately for children and so many children go homeless and hungry.

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