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Does God Bless?


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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

And you may say well that's all physical stuff, lets see you live without food,clean water to drink and wash,clothing,and heating in the depths of winter. Don't get me started on spiritual blessings, if i didn't seek the truth daily and pray to the lord and participate in the sacrements the last three years multiple times i should have been locked up in the nutt house or even worse killed myself ,got murdered or locked up in jail.

God bless you all.
Jesus iz LORD!

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

and nunsense , don't accuse me of being drunk before i post, i'm rarely posting in the threads when drunk because i couldn't be bothered,sometimes in the chat room though, but you know not my story,i'm not an alcoholic thank god so it iz not a daily venture though i do know i need to address some issues in re-hab and re-establish my will to be in accordance with god, HEY ANOTHER 2 BLESSINGS FROM GOD. You hardly know me, please refrain from commenting on whom or what i represent.You wan't to get to know me lets start a nunsense and tab'le du'bah-rye have a knowing me knowing you thread. PEACE

God bless you all

JC "you will be measured with the rod you measure with"

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Aussies are very secular, do not tell that to Saint Mary of the Cross, Australia's first saint, co-founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart in 1866. Her name in secular life was Mary Mackillop. I am sure there have been many more who live saintly lives who have not yet or may never have been recognised by the Church. I am not attacking anybody here just saying its hard to convince me that Aussies are very secular, its like saying all germans are nazis.


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By the way, I am thrilled if I sneeze and someone says God bless you, that means they are wishing you good health, its better than them saying I hope the flu kills you.... :hehe2:


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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1317780450' post='2315495']
Un-Australian iz anti fair go for anyone, Race,color or creed... Your really way off the reality scales of my experience of australians, most(not all) i talk to about god or moralities in accordance with the scriptures are more than willing to chat,even at the bus interchanges? Which australia are you from? I have tea,milk,coffee,sugar,food and net and mobile credit most of the time and thats a great blessing coz i don't have much of anything else. And i always have clothing,hot and cold water,electricity,utensils for cooking,ameneties for cleaning myself and other stuff,and a roof over my head and a bed with a doona and pillows and JESUS. I am well blessed by this nation and God, most other nations i would be on the streets and worse if i was in one of the few remaining pagan nations i would be considered curse and one arm makes more money than two arms in a pagan nation. Can somone please hold me down while i cut off my arm you can have my <blip> first. No you must retract your comments about australia ! I know it's not a perfect nation but is so not pagan!

Advance australia fair go !

God bless you
[quote name='Ed Normile' timestamp='1317789006' post='2315557']
Aussies are very secular, do not tell that to Saint Mary of the Cross, Australia's first saint, co-founded the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart in 1866. Her name in secular life was Mary Mackillop. I am sure there have been many more who live saintly lives who have not yet or may never have been recognised by the Church. I am not attacking anybody here just saying its hard to convince me that Aussies are very secular, its like saying all germans are nazis.

Are you guys trying to pwn me or what? I explained quite clearly that most of what I wrote was from a homily by Fr. Robert McCulloch from Pakistan. The part about the Nigerian priests evangelising here was from an intro by our parish priest to two Nigerian priests to our parish. I've previously asked Fr. Robert for transcripts of what I think are rather brilliant homilies comparing life in Pakistan to Oz, but unfortunately he says he doesn't have anything written down. I'd refer you to him and our PP but I'm pretty sure they don't have time for such a nonsensical debate. I have said all I have to say on the thread subject and since this has gone rather pear shaped and off topic, I think I'll leave it there. Maybe you could pursue me on some other thread.

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