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An Old School Catholic Message Board

Level Of Catholic Identity At A Catholic University


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What do you think the role of Catholic Identity at a Catholic University should be? How should it be expressed? Should the school teach only that which is in line with the Magisterium? Should there be a goal for percentage of Catholic students? Catholic professors? Should groups that support ideas opposed to the Catholic Church be allowed to form on campus? What about the relationship between academic exploration and staying in line with the Church? Should speakers who express differing views be allowed on campus? What is the role of free-speech for students? For professors and other staff?


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I think if you have Catholic teachers first, the students will come. I read that Notre Dame is down to around only 50% of its teachers as Catholic. How did that happen? You can have all the Catholic identity in the world, but if you don't have Catholic teachers, how can it infuse the learning? As an example, my Ag law professor was Catholic. Where another teacher might just have talked about the new farm bill, he also talked about the effect that the farm bill would have on family farmers, on trickle down to other farming communities in the third world, or on stewardship of resources. It makes a difference to me.

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[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' post='1545930' date='May 28 2008, 01:08 AM']What do you think the role of Catholic Identity at a Catholic University should be? How should it be expressed?[/quote]

It should mold the students both in their studies and in their spirituality.

[quote]Should the school teach only that which is in line with the Magisterium?[/quote]

Yes! If not I don't think it can be considered a Catholic University or College.

[quote]Should there be a goal for percentage of Catholic students?[/quote]

Meaning should the students all be Catholic? No. But this should not hender the school from teaching what the Church teaches.

[quote]Catholic professors?[/quote]

In matters of Theology or Catechesis, most definitely.

[quote]Should groups that support ideas opposed to the Catholic Church be allowed to form on campus?[/quote]


[quote]What about the relationship between academic exploration and staying in line with the Church?[/quote]

I took a class on Comp. Religion. But we always upheld that the Catholic Church was the true Church of Christ, but we didn't go around condemning people. You can explore, debate, whatever but you have to uphold what the Church teaches.

[quote]Should speakers who express differing views be allowed on campus?[/quote]

Depends on what the differing view is, and I would say only in the form of a debate dialogue if it's something against Church teaching.

[quote]What is the role of free-speech for students? For professors and other staff?[/quote]

Can't speak out against teachings of the Church or slander members of the clergy, etc. Students, Profs, and other staff usually sign a contract when they come to the University as an oath.

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Lisieux Flower

[quote name='TeresaBenedicta' post='1545930' date='May 28 2008, 12:08 AM']What do you think the role of Catholic Identity at a Catholic University should be? How should it be expressed? Should the school teach only that which is in line with the Magisterium? Should there be a goal for percentage of Catholic students? Catholic professors? Should groups that support ideas opposed to the Catholic Church be allowed to form on campus? What about the relationship between academic exploration and staying in line with the Church? Should speakers who express differing views be allowed on campus? What is the role of free-speech for students? For professors and other staff?


This is a good discussion! At my university, the school newspaper wrote an angry editorial during my Students for Life "Life Week" saying that it's not fair that there's a pro-life group on campus and there can't be a pro-choice group because we're Catholic. I'm all about free speech, and I agree that students should be educated about both sides. But again it is a Catholic University so abortion should definitely[i] not[/i] be advocated... I think with main issues like abortion, the Catholic identity needs to stand strong. But I think while the university remains strong in its Catholic identity it still needs to accommodate other faiths. My university has really strong Muslim, Jewish, and Protestant organizations which is pretty sweet.

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