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Iran's Ahmadinejad Requests Meeting With Pope

Lounge Daddy

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If we called for airstrikes within the scope of only suspected nuclear sites in Iran we risk the substantial effect of a retaliatory strike by them with Iranian missiles. Our soldiers in Iraq would be in severe jeopardy. If Iran would just sit there and take it then your scenario would be the most ideal, but it is a severe risk to take in allowing them the option of retaliation. If we were considering a strike on them I would be more of a propnent of something substantial that would cripple their entire air and missile defense systems.

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[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547090' date='May 28 2008, 08:02 PM']If we called for airstrikes within the scope of only suspected nuclear sites in Iran we risk the substantial effect of a retaliatory strike by them with Iranian missiles. Our soldiers in Iraq would be in severe jeopardy. If Iran would just sit there and take it then your scenario would be the most ideal, but it is a severe risk to take in allowing them the option of retaliation. If we were considering a strike on them I would be more of a propnent of something substantial that would cripple their entire air and missile defense systems.[/quote]

First off, the notion that Iran's military capabilities even approach ours, to the extent that they could retaliate against us is a little ridiculous. We could easily bypass their missile defense and their "retaliatory strike" would probably not be substantial enough to deter us from our mission. Finally, our soldiers in Iraq are already being shot at by bullets purchased with money from Iran, a fact that only motivates my desire to drop some lead on Tehran.

I don't think we need to take out their air and missile systems just yet. But, down the line, that could be necessary too. Overall, I think we need to get tough with these guys. They need to know that we are not going to tolerate this stuff anymore.

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[quote name='kujo' post='1547089' date='May 28 2008, 07:02 PM']St. Collete, I think we disagree. I find the notion that this guy would off himself and take the Pope with him to be just plain dumb. I'm sorry, but I do. I've dealt with this situation and apologized. I'm not quite sure why you're bring this up other than that you didn't read the whole thread. Again, I have apologized.[/quote]

I'm sorry if I missed your apology in this thread, but the last comment you made about prose and her comments was "I disagree, but whatever. I don't really care what her intentions were." Doesn't sound like an apology, but I could be mistaken. And for your info, I did read the entire thread, which is why I commented, because I did not notice any apology from you in any post. Unless it is a veiled apology in the sentence "I disagree, but whatever. I don't really care what her intentions were."

I didn't say that the gentleman would off himself and take the Pope with him, but it doesn't mean that he couldn't try to off the Pope and keep himself alive. People have tried killing the Holy Father before, ie John Paul II was almost assassinated.

Again if you apologized then so be it. But it's difficult to tell with comments like "I don't really care what her intentions were"

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Lounge Daddy

[quote name='kujo' post='1547082' date='May 28 2008, 06:48 PM']Why? This would not be a war, it would be air strikes at specific targets with the goal being to neutralize their nuclear power.[/quote]
Yes, I agree. There is a big difference. And I agree that we should hope that the Iranian people would overthrow their president. The will has been spreading. Some 70% of the population is now young people, and the general sentiment among the youth seems to pro-western and very much against the totalitarian regime.

[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547070' date='May 28 2008, 06:40 PM']It's amazing to me that so many people are supporters of ANOTHER preemptive attack/war of aggression. Why would any pope support a war of aggression if anything he would be against it. If Bush goes to war with Iran he is certifiably insane.[/quote]
To allow a man who has gone before the U.N. and told them that he plans to make way for The Mahdi, has promised repeatedly to wipe out Israel, followed by the U.S.... to allow that man and his regime to carry out his plans would be both illogical and irresponsible.

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[quote name='StColette' post='1547095' date='May 28 2008, 08:10 PM']I'm sorry if I missed your apology in this thread, but the last comment you made about prose and her comments was "I disagree, but whatever. I don't really care what her intentions were." Doesn't sound like an apology, but I could be mistaken. And for your info, I did read the entire thread, which is why I commented, because I did not notice any apology from you in any post. Unless it is a veiled apology in the sentence "I disagree, but whatever. I don't really care what her intentions were."

I didn't say that the gentleman would off himself and take the Pope with him, but it doesn't mean that he couldn't try to off the Pope and keep himself alive. People have tried killing the Holy Father before, ie John Paul II was almost assassinated.

Again if you apologized then so be it. But it's difficult to tell with comments like "I don't really care what her intentions were"[/quote]

I don't care what Prose thinks, but I did apologize:

[quote name='kujo' post='1546852' date='May 28 2008, 05:46 PM']Not to get into semantics, but I said your comments were racist, not you. And you're right...bigotted and ignorant would be more appropriate terms. Sorry for the misunderstanding.[/quote]

And I disagree on Ahmadinejad's intentions. He cannot afford to have the world come down on him right now. He'd be signing his own death certificate, something I believe his pride will not allow him to do.

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[quote name='Lounge Daddy' post='1547097' date='May 28 2008, 08:13 PM']Yes, I agree. There is a big difference. And I agree that we should hope that the Iranian people would overthrow their president. The will has been spreading. Some 70% of the population is now young people, and the general sentiment among the youth seems to pro-western and very much against the totalitarian regime.
To allow a man who has gone before the U.N. and told them that he plans to make way for The Mahdi, has promised repeatedly to wipe out Israel, followed by the U.S.... to allow that man and his regime to carry out his plans would be both illogical and irresponsible.[/quote]

Completely agreed, LD.

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I'm not saying that they are even close to us militarily. They can however respond if we allow them to. Why risk them lobbing missiles at our soldiers in Iraq or elsewhere in the region? If we strike we should take it all out in one swoop. We have the capability to take out virtually everything they have in probably less than 24 hours and I'm not referring to a nuclear option just the conventional stuff.

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I'll be the first to admit that I am not exactly the expert on politicians or politics, but I still stand by what I said.

The guy would not be "off'ing" himself for nothing. He is an extreme man, and, from what I have seen, he would go to extremes to prove a point. Like I said, I am not an expert on politics, but people like him are unpredictable and, I believe, have evil intent in most of their actions. Maybe he wouldn't kill himself to kill the Pope, but you just don't know what crazy people would do. That is why they are crazy.

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[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547101' date='May 28 2008, 08:17 PM']I'm not saying that they are even close to us militarily. They can however respond if we allow them to. Why risk them lobbing missiles at our soldiers in Iraq or elsewhere in the region? If we strike we should take it all out in one swoop. We have the capability to take out virtually everything they have in probably less than 24 hours and I'm not referring to a nuclear option just the conventional stuff.[/quote]

How would their response be any different to what they've been doing in Iraq for 5 years now?

[quote name='prose' post='1547102' date='May 28 2008, 08:17 PM']I'll be the first to admit that I am not exactly the expert on politicians or politics, but I still stand by what I said.

The guy would not be "off'ing" himself for nothing. He is an extreme man, and, from what I have seen, he would go to extremes to prove a point. Like I said, I am not an expert on politics, but people like him are unpredictable and, I believe, have evil intent in most of their actions. Maybe he wouldn't kill himself to kill the Pope, but you just don't know what crazy people would do. That is why they are crazy.[/quote]

I believe that his pride and thirst for power will prevent him from doning the martyr flag anytime soon. He's the President of a HUGE Islamic country, in a region that is literally a powder-keg waiting to blow. Killing himself now would be illogical, for he is not desperate and powerless.

Just my .02...

P.S.- I'm sorry for seemingly-calling you a racist. :grouphug:

Edited by kujo
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I don't think he or anyone would be able to get close to the Pope with any sort of weapon or explosive device.

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[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547105' date='May 28 2008, 08:21 PM']I don't think he or anyone would be able to get close to the Pope with any sort of weapon or explosive device.[/quote]


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[quote name='geauxsaints26' post='1547105' date='May 28 2008, 07:21 PM']I don't think he or anyone would be able to get close to the Pope with any sort of weapon or explosive device.[/quote]

You don't need weapons or explosives to kill someone.

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[quote name='StColette' post='1547108' date='May 28 2008, 07:24 PM']You don't need weapons or explosives to kill someone.[/quote]

This sounds kinda scary coming from me lol Don't be afraid. My family is mostly military so I know what they are trained to do if they need to do it lol

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Ahmadinejad's pride probably would not allow him to murder the Pope along with himself but it is also not out of the realm of possibility given all the things Ahmadinejad has stated.

Honestly the first thought that came to my mind when hearing of this news was that He and his men would attempt to take the Pope hostage. Probably wouldn't happen but still a fear because it is not completely out of the realm of possibility.

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[quote]"Iran is the No. 1 world sponsor of terrorism," said Richard Clarke, ABC consultant and former national security official.

"Iran has a host of instruments they could throw at us, and they are much better organized and well-equipped than al Qaeda. And in the event of a U.S. attack on Iran, you could expect attacks on the U.S." .... Iran also has control over Shiite militias in Iraq and has its own special forces called the Qods Force. These three organizations make al Qaeda look like a kindergarten, Clarke said. [url="http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Story?id=1798825&page=2"]ABCNews[/url][/quote]

There is no doubt in my mind that they will respond if attacked and it will be much worse than the current situation

Edited by geauxsaints26
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